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Step Description



System is OFF


open/close the valves   

open all valves from the control panel and reclosed them after few minutes

Release the air from the system  

Switch on the heater

 Turn on the heater from the control panel

THE SYSTEM IS heating the water till reach 134°C

Sterilization of the fermenter

Open the autoclave valve (autolave--->Autoclave valve)

The steam is filling the fermenter

Sterilization of the whole system

Open the fermenter valve to sterilize last 2 tanks (autolave--->fermenter--->fermenter valve)

Pressure should reach 2 atm (20000 Pa) and temperature 134 °C

Open the manual discharge valve

Open the discharge valve manually

Pressure should decrease and the steam vent off the system

CLose the valves

 close ALL the valves from the control panel and the discharge valve manually

 ALL the valves are closed

switching OFF the system

switch off the system

the system is OFF


system is OFF


1. Turning on the systeme through the Control panel till reaching the expected temperature and pressure.

2. Opening the Valves (fermenter and purification tanks) to complete the sterilization test.

3. Opening the manual valve to insure the steam is exist. 


video autoclave test part 1

Video autoclave test part 2