- Hits: 1270
LINAC SYSTEM Test 28-01-23
00002: power supply
Step | Step description | Expected result | Result |
Precondition | System is Off | ||
Switch On the system | turn on the power supply (P1) | Get continuous power (6 V) | positive |
Switch Off the system | turn Off the power supply (P1) | Continuous power stops | positive |
Postcondition | System is Off |
00003: Get electrons
Step | Step description | Expected Result | Result |
Precondition | System is Off | ||
Switch On the pump | turn On the pump | 95% vacuum | positive |
Switch on the system | Turn on the power supply | Get continuous power (6 V) | positive |
Burning the Tungsten | Burn the Tungsten by supplying it with 6 V power |
Get electrons around the Tungsten( the lamp will light) |
negative |
Switch Off the power supply | turn Off the power supply |
the lamp will turn Off |
positive |
Switch Off the pump | turn Off the pump |
the pump stops pulling out the air |
positive |
Postcondition | System is Off |
Analysis of the test results:
In this test, we used an ordinary lamp, but we replaced its tungsten with another thicker tungsten, that has the ability to withstand high voltage.
But when we supplied the lamp with 6 V, it quickly burned out, because the used tungsten consumes more amperage than expected,
which led to the melting of the tungsten lamp sticks.
So, we didn't get electrons, and of course we didn't speed up because there were no electrons.
There are the filaments that could not withstand the current and melted:
This is our tungsten (the tungsten from the lamp was removed and replaced with this):
What we have to do:
Another lamp must be used, as its filaments are of high thickness(~ 2 mm) to withstand the amperage.