- Hits: 2420
Flue Gas Analysis with Mass Spectrometry
Detector of mass spectrometer:
The electron multiplier is the most common detector. The signal is amplified by the formation of secondary electrons using lead-doped glass tubes (dynode). It has good sensitivity, with strong amplification but it is less precise than the Faraday cylinder. It also has a limited lifespan.
We have a many types of electrons multiplier detectors; the best one to use in our case is R4146-10.
Mass spectrometer detector(poster) (last update:30.11.2022)
Mass spectrometer (poster) (last update:16.9.2022)
Magnetic sector mass spectrometry (poster) ( last update:23.8.2022)
Concept of INT-MassSpectrometer for Municipal Waste Incineration Flue Gas (docx)
Concept of INT-MassSpectrometer for Municipal Waste Incineration Flue Gas (pdf)
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