- Hits: 1301
003: Aspirin Production System Test (Water test)
Step |
Step Description |
Results |
Precondition |
System is OFF |
TURNING ON the system |
Turn ON the control panel
The system is ON |
Switch on the mixer 1 (tank 1 : Reactor) |
Turn on the mixer 1 from the control panel (Reactor--->Mixer ON) |
Mixer 1 is ON and start Mixing the Water (Reactor) |
Open the valve V1 (tank1 : Reactor) |
Open the valve V1 to transfer the mixture from tank 1 (reactor) to tank 2 (cooler) (Reactor---->Reactor valve V1) |
The Water is transferred to Cooler (tank 2) |
Open the valve 6 (tank 3 : HOT WATER) |
Open the valve V6 to add water from HOT WATER TANK (tank 3) to the cooler (tank 2) (HOt WATER TANK---->HOT WATER TANK valve V6) |
The water is in the cooler (tank 2) PS: -leak in pipes from tank 3 (Hot water) to tank 2 (Cooler) -the flow sensor not working |
Open the valve V2 (tank 2: Cooler) |
Turn ON the pump 1 Open the valve V2 to transfer the Water from cooler (tank 2) to crystallizer (tank 4) (cooler---->cooler pump 1) (cooler---->cooler valve V2) |
The Water are transferred to the crystallizer (tank 4) PS: pump 1 stopped pumping |
Switch on the mixer 2 (tank 4 : Crystallizer) |
Turn on the mixer from the control panel (Crystallizer--->Mixer ON) |
Mixer 2 is ON and start Mixing the Water Crystallizer (tank 4) |
Open the valve V3 (tank 4: Crystallizer) |
Open the valve V3 to transfer the Water from crystallizer (tank 4) to the filter (tank 5) (crystallizer---->crystallizer valve V3) |
The Water transferred to the filter (tank 5) |
Open the valve V7 (TANK 3: HOT WATER) |
Open the valve V7 to add water from HOT WATER TANK (tank 3) to filter tank(tank 5) (HOT WATER TANK---->HOT WATER Valve V7) |
The Water transferred to filter tank (tank 5) |
Open the valve V5 (tank 5: Filter) |
Turn ON the pump 2 Open the valve V5 The Water is pumped from tank 5 to tank 4 for the second crystallization (filter---->filter Valve V5) |
Water transferred to the crystallizer (tank 4) PS: pump 2 stopped pumping |
switching OFF the system |
switch OFF the system |
the system is OFF |
Postcondition |
system is OFF |
Overall Review: In this test we've noticed some leaks in some pipes, pumps stopping from pumping and 1 Temperature sensor need to reprogrammed
in the next test we will fix all those problems and try another test with water only.
Video003 (1): Testing Valves and mixers (water test 1) 28/11/2023
Video003 (2): Testing Valves and mixers and sensors (water test 2) 28/11/2023
1. Overview of control panel system for Aspirin pilot plant
2. Turn ON the mixer by switching manually to mix the solution (PS: in this test we used water only)
3. Turn ON manually valve 1 to transfer the solution to the Cooler (tank 3)
4. Turn ON manually valve 7 to transfer distilled water from Hot water tank (tank 2) to filter (tank 5)
5. Turn ON manually valve 6 to transfer distilled water from Hot water tank (tank 2) to Cooler (tank 3) (PS: there's a flow sensor to determine the quantity needed of distilled water)
6. Turn ON manually the heater to warm up distilled water needed (PS: there's a temperature sensor to determine the temperature of DW required)
7. Turn ON manually valve 2 to transfer the mixture (Water) from the cooler (tank 3) to crystallizer (tank 4)
8. Turn ON manually pump 1 to transfer the mixture (Water) from the cooler (tank 3) to crystallizer (tank 4)
9. Turn ON munally the "Mixer" and valve 3 to mixing and transfer the mixture from the Crystallizer (tank 4) to the Filter ( tank 5)
10. Turn ON the valve 4 to transfer the mixture (water) from the Filter (tank 5) to Waste tank ( tank 6)
11. Turn ON valve 5 and pump 2 to transfer the mixture (water) from Filter (tank 5) to crystallizer (tank 4) to recrystallization (PURIFICATION STEP)