A+ A A-

NLAP-IPP (Mechanical Design (CAD))


Turbine Room drawings : 


Incineration Room Drawings: 


Incineration bed with Hydraulic ashes removal:



Total Plant with Waste Inlet: 

Filter System :


NLAP-IPP Ver. 21.10.23 (FreeCAD Pictures)


NLAP-IPP (last Ver. on 21.10.23 (FreeCAD Files))



NLAP-IPP (last Ver. on 02.07.24 (Free-CAD Files))





Total Plant

FreeCAD Model of NLAP-IPP Ras Maska Oct 23 (version: 21.10.23) by Amro Zawit


FreeCAD Model of NLAP-IPP at Masjid as-Salam (FCStd file) (version: 13.04.2022)

Total Plant with Waste Inlet

FreeCAD Model of NLAP-IPP Total Plant With Waste Inlet (FCStd file) (Last version: 9.8.2022)
Turbine Room 

 FreeCAD Model of NLAP-IPP Turbine Room (FCStd file) (Last version: 22.07.2022)

Incineration Chamber

  FreeCAD Model of NLAP-IPP Incineration Room (FCStd file) (Last version: 5.5.2022)

Incineration bed with Hydraulic ashes removal

FreeCAD Model of NLAP-IPP Incineration bed with ashes removal (FCStd file) (Last version: 29.7.2022)

Filter System 

FreeCAD Model of NLAP-IPP Filtration System (FCStd file) (Last version: 19.10.2023)

FreeCAD Model of NLAP-IPP Filtration System (FCStd file) (version: 3.8.2022)

Control Room Container  
Materials Container   


Related Sites/Items:

System Specification

 NLAP-WEDC at Central Mina (System Specification) (aecenar.com)

Mechanical Design

 NLAP-IPP (Mechanical Design (CAD)) (aecenar.com)

Process Control System Spec./Design

 NLAP-IPP PCS (aecenar.com)

Mechanical Realization

 NLAP-IPP (Mechanical Realization) (aecenar.com)

Process Control System Realization (PLC+GUI)


System Test Specification

 NLAP-WEDC at Central Mina (System Test Cases) (aecenar.com)

System Testing