- Hits: 1295
IAP XRAY system requirements
System requirements:
- The electrons accelerator shall be able to give electrons and accelerate them .
- The Helmholtz coil shall be able to deflect the path of the electrons.
- The target ( copper) shall be able to emit X-Rays after the electrons collide with it.
- The detector shall be able to detect the X-rays.
Mechanical requirements:
- The cathode shall be able to withstand the thermal and electrical Stress.
- The cathode shall be made of tungsten.
- The anode shall be made of stainless steel.
- The tube shall be made of stainless steel.
- The vacuum pump shall be able to create a vacuum in the stainless steel tube .
The electrons accelerator shall be manufactured according to the mechanical design .
- The Helmholtz coil shall be made of two pieces of plastic ,on which copper tape is wound (Each piece is wrapped with 267 rolls) .
The Helmholtz coil shall be manufactured according to the mechanical design .
- The target which emit X-Rays when the electrons collide with it, shall be made of copper.
- The window shall be made of glass for x-rays passing.
- A camera shall be placed inside the tube so that we can see the path of the electrons.
- The detector shall be placed outside the window to capture the x-rays and give a signal to the computer.
The Lead box shall be manufactured according to the mechanical design .
Electrical requirements:
- The power supply (P1) shall be able to supply 9 V to the tungsten.
- The Tungsten shall be able to generate enough electrons to generate X-Rays .
- the power supply (P2) shall be able to supply a 10 kv voltage.
- the power supply (P3) shall be able to supply a voltage of 21.7 V and a current of 3.61 A to the Helmholtz coil.
Magnetic requirements :
- The Helmholtz coil shall be able to generate the magnetic field for the deflection of the electrons.
- The Helmholtz coil shall be able to generate a magnetic field of 0.01T.
Safety requirements:
Electrical safety
- The anode, which is made of stainless steel, shall be isolated from the tube, in order to prevent the voltage from extending and crossing the tube.
- All the electric connection shall be coated by the right isolated according to the current and the voltage passing through the connections.
- The cables and connections of 9V shall be isolated with...
- The cables and connections of 10 Kv shall be isolated with...
- The cables and connections of 21.7 V shall be isolated with...
Radiational safety
- For protection against X-Rays, a metal box with a lead plate inside shall be placed at the point of X-Rays emission.
Chemical safety
- Lead shall be completely enclosed to ensure that no toxic gases are emitted from it.