
NLAP-IPP (Mechanical Realization)

Links to documents

NLAP-IPP Comissioning at Masjid as-Salam/Tripoli Sep 2021 - May 2022 (docx)

NLAP-IPP Comissioning at Masjid as-Salam/Tripoli Sep 2021 - May 2022 (pdf)

Cyclone inner square duct modification to a vortex shape(21.06.22):

تعديل و تطويل داخل الcyclone من الشكل المربع للشكل الدائري vortex shape

Old Design 

New Design


Mechanical Realization since May 2022:  

- تركيب ال turbine valves الكهربائي 


- تحسين المحرقة من الداخل

- تركيب مرشات مياه  لإستخدامها ك  chemical filtre

- تعديل الEelectrofilter 

هنا قمنا بعزل ال phases وال neutres  عبر وضع الرخام بينهم

توصيلي phases الإلكترو فتر على ال transformateur

توصيل ال neutres على الtansformateurs


Testing without Electro-filter for temperature Calculation 

 first of all, the powerplant checked for the electric parts


 4 water sprinklers added to the scrubber 





13-waste bags installed in the furnace for the test


fire started in the furnace 



 the powerplant started working and data collected of the teperature


 the fire started choking due to water over flow in the scrubber 


 the ball valve of the cyclone opened to release the excess amount of water chocking the flow of the smoke







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