VaEf Airship project "alternative Lotte": Project Report (August 2000 – July 2006)

Development of a Flight Control System for a airship for measuring wind data


Based on student research works of

Samir Mourad, Sven Forstmann, Jamal E., Muhammad Subhan, Rabih al-Farkh, Nasih Abdelhaqq, Yaser Mikou, Abdelfattah Ammar

Project Manager: Samir Mourad, Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Inform. (MS Sc. Computer Science, MS Sc. Electrical Engineering)



Mourad et. al.:

Karlsruhe, July 20



Veröffentlicht von:

Verein für alternative Energieforschung e.V.




Content in short

Abstract 2

1....... Introduction. 4

2....... Project Management 5

3....... Flight Control System of an airship. 6

4....... Optimization of the Flight Control System architecture. 38

5....... Development of the Ereignisdienstes for the middleware OSA+. 55

6....... Inertial Measurement Unit 104

Table of Contents. 105

List of figures: 108

List of Tables. 112

List of Tables. 112

Literature. 39

7....... Actuator Board. 41

Table of Contents. ii

List of figures: vi

Literature. 59

Appendix A.. 61

ANNEX B.. 67

8....... Communication and User Interface. 76

Figure 6.6:  STD-402 Transceiver – CIRCUIT DESIGN.. 103

Ack Auto Response Setting. 120

Features. 123

Ø...... Registration of ID.. 142

9....... Annex D.. 150

Or the board used to equips the STD-402 is the MB-STD-RS232, so the  this mode (Auto Mode Operation Guide for CPU Interface) is used like mode of the STD-402 transceiver. 150

10..... Some repairs on the sensor card and first step integration. 40

11..... Integration. 73

12..... Integration code in C.. 3



Abstract 2

1....... Introduction. 4

1.1.... The LOTTE project and the “alternative Lotte”. 4

2....... Project Management 5

2.1.... Costs. 5

3....... Flight Control System of an airship. 6

3.1.... Block diagram of the Control Loops. 37

4....... Optimization of the Flight Control System architecture. 38

4.1.... The architecture of the Flight Control System and its simulation on the middleware OSA+ running on the operating system Windows. 38

4.2.... Results. 39 System Architecture of Airship Flight Control System.. 47 Simulation Code (in programming language C) 47 Simulation results. 47

5....... Development of the Ereignisdienstes for the middleware OSA+. 55

5.1.... Abridged Version. 58

5.2.... The nature of the task. 58

5.3.... The OSA+ architecture. 58

5.3.1    Introduction. 59

5.3.2    The components of OSA+. 60 The Platform.. 60 Generic Services. 61

5.4.... Components of the OSA Eventing service. 62

5.4.1    The time functions. 62 The handling of the time. 62 Initialization. 63 Functions for time management 65

5.4.2    The event service. 66 General Information. 66 The initialization of the Event Service. 68 Features of the Ereignisdienstes. 68

5.5.... Short Overview.. 70

5.5.1    Time functions/variables. 70

5.5.2    Features of the Event Service (Ereignisdienst) 70

5.6.... Configuration. 70

5.7.... Theory of Operation. 72

5.7.1    Osagettime() 72

5.7.2    Osasettime(int,int) 72

5.7.3    Osaaddtime(int,int) 74

5.7.4    Char * osaPrintTime( int, int ) 74

5.7.5    Osainitevents() 75

5.7.6    Int osaAddEvent(uint,uint, uint, uint,uint, uint,uint, uint, function) 75

5.7.7    Int osaDelEvent(uint,uint,uint,UINT) 77

5.7.8    OSA_Error osaGetEventResult(uint,UINT) 77

5.7.9    Internal functions of the Ereignisdienstes. 78

5.8.... Programming examples. 78

5.8.1    For example: Changing the Time. 78

5.8.2    Example: Add an Event 79 Start a function at a specified time. 79 Repeated start a function. 81

5.8.3    Queries of results. 82

5.8.4    Delete a Events. 82

5.9.... Test Runs. 83

5.9.1    Deliver-Test 85

5.9.2    Test run of a cyclical events with open. 86

5.9.3    Test the maximum temporal resolution on different systems. 89 System 1. 89 System 2. 92 System 3. 94

5.9.4    Stability tests. 97 Exceeding the maximum acceptable number of Events. 97 Exceeding the maximum acceptable number of events per unit time  98 Overrun of the events per unit time through Zeituberschneidung. 99

5.10.. Results and Outlook. 102

5.11.. ANNEX.. 103

5.11.1  List of all Windows specific functions. 103

5.12.. Literature. 103

6....... Inertial Measurement Unit 104

Table of Contents. 105

List of figures: 108

List of Tables. 112

List of Tables. 112

6.1.... Introduction. 1

6.1.1    Task. 1

6.1.2    Overview.. 2

6.2.... Basics. 3

6.2.1    Coordinate System.. 4

6.2.2    Calculation of the current position. 5

6.2.3    Compass. 6

6.3.... Architecture design of the IMU.. 7

6.3.1    Measurement Data Collection (Meßdatenaufnahme) 7

6.3.2    Measurement Data Processing (Meßdatenaufbereitung) 7

6.4.... Development environment 9

6.4.1    Hardware-Entwicklungsumgebung. 9

6.4.2    Software Development Environment 10

6.5.... Realization of the IMU.. 11

6.5.1    Meßdatenaufnahme. 11 Circuit Design for the Meßdatenaufnahme. 11 Reference Voltage. 18

6.5.2    Board layout design for the Meßdatenaufnahme (Measurement data collection) 19

6.5.3    Meßdatenaufbereitung. 21 Circuit Design for the Meßdatenaufbereitung. 22

6.5.4    Board layout design for the Meßdatenaufbereitung. 24 The software for the Meßdatenaufbereitung. 26 User Interface. 29

6.6.... Test Results. 33

6.6.1    Hardware-Test 33

6.7.... Test of the overall system with the microcontroller (C167) 34

6.7.1    Gesamtsystem-Test 1. 34

6.7.2    Gesamtsystem-Test 2. 36

6.7.3    Gesamtsystem-Test 3. 36

6.8.... Summary and outlook. 38

Literature. 39

7....... Actuator Board. 41

Table of Contents. ii

List of figures: vi

7.1.... Introduction. 1

7.1.1    The Solarluftschiff Lotte. 1

7.1.2    Task. 2

7.1.3    Overview.. 2

7.2.... Basics. 3

7.2.1    Real-time systems. 3

7.2.2    Hardware. 3 Components and classifications. 3 The microcontroller family C166. 4 The C167 microcontroller family. 5 The memory organization of the C167) 6 The interrupt system of the C167) 8 The Timereinheiten. 10 Capture Compare Unit (Capcom) 11 The PWM Pulsweiten-Einheit 13 Analog Digital Converter (ADC) 14

7.2.3    Control of servo motors. 15

7.3.... Architecture design of the Aktorik-Ansteuerungseinheit (engl, Actuator Control Unit (ACU) 17

7.3.1    Voltage regulation. 17

7.3.2    Betriebsspannungsuberwachung. 18

7.3.3    Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung. 18

7.3.4    Steuersignal-Erzeugung. 18

7.3.5    Notsteuerungsbaugruppe. 19

7.3.6    Operating conditions of the ACU.. 20

7.3.7    Modularity of the ACU.. 20

7.4.... Development environment 23

7.4.1    Hardware-Entwicklungsumgebung. 23

7.4.2    Software Development Environment 24

7.5.... Realization of the ACU.. 25

7.5.1    Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung. 25 Circuit Design for the Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung. 26

7.5.2    Betriebsspannungsuberwachung. 28

7.5.3    Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung. 29 Circuit Design for the Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung. 32

7.5.4    Steuersignal-Erzeugung. 33 The hardware of the Steuersignal-Erzeugung. 36 The monitoring and the forwarding of the PWM-signals from the remote control (normal operation (B) 36 Level 1 Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung. 41

7.5.5    Notsteuerungsbaugruppe. 44 Circuit Design for the monitoring of the control signals on the output of the ACU and the channel5-output of the Fernsteuerempfangers. 44 Circuit Design for the Notsteuerungsbaugruppe. 45 Circuit Design for the forwarding of the PWM-signals from Fernsteuerungsempfanger ( Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation) 46

7.5.6    Layout design of board 1 ( "Voltage regulation", " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " and " Notsteuerungs-Baugruppe ") 46

7.5.7    The circuit boards of the ACU.. 47

7.6.... Experimental results. 49

7.6.1    Structure of the Testplatzes. 49

7.6.2    Experiments and test sequence. 50

7.6.3    The series of tests. 50 Test 1. 51 Test 2. 52 TEST3. 53 Test 4. 54 Test 5. 55

7.7.... Summary and outlook. 57

Literature. 59

Appendix A.. 61

ANNEX B.. 67

8....... Communication and User Interface. 76

8.1.... Introduction. 76

8.1.1    The LOTTE project and the “alternative Lotte”. 76

8.1.2    Development method. 77

8.1.3    Working task and realization approach. 77

8.1.4    Overview.. 77

8.2.... Basics. 78

8.2.1    The V-Model 78

8.2.2    Structured Analysis (SA) / Structured Design (SD) 79

8.2.3    Transceivers. 81

8.3.... Requirements Specification. 81

8.3.1    The Graphical User Interface (GUI) 81 Software Requirements Specification. 82

8.3.2    Specifications for the transceiver. 86

8.3.3    Communication Protocol for User Data. 86

8.3.4    Handshaking. 88

8.4.... Architecture Design. 88

8.5.... Development Environments. 90

8.6.... Design and Implementation. 90

8.6.1    SA / SD and Implementation for the base station program.. 90 SA (Structured Analysis) 90 SD (Structured Design) 94 Implementation. 97

8.6.2    Communication part on the board system on the airship. 100 The tranceiver. 100 The communication software on the embedded board computer. 105

8.7.... Component Tests. 106

8.7.1    Transceiver test 106

8.7.2    User interface laboratory test with two PCs. 109

8.7.3    Test of the user interface on the target system.. 111

8.8.... Annex A.. 112

8.9.... Annex B. 122

8.9.1    Block diagram of the STD-402 transceiver in Direct Mode. 136

8.10.. Annex C.. 137

¨          STD-402TR [Auto Mode Operation Guide] 137

8.10.1  General 137

8.10.2  Features. 138

8.10.3  Application Examples. 138

8.10.4  Configuration. 138

Ø...... Registration of ID.. 142

8.10.5  diagram of the STD-402 transceiver in Auto Mode. 148

9....... Annex D.. 150

9.1. 154

9.2.... STD-402 Data Format 154

9.2.1    Transmitter : Initial setting flow chart 156

9.2.2    Receiver: Flow chart at power ON.. 162

9.3.... Annex E: Visual Basic code for the user interface program.. 5

9.4.... Annex F: C program code. 32

9.5.... Annex G.. 36

10..... Some repairs on the sensor card and first step integration. 40

11..... Integration. 73

11.1.. Abstract 73

11.2.. Introduction. 77

11.2.1  The Lotte-Projekt and the "alternative Lotte". 77

11.3.. Development environment 79

11.4.. Architecture Design and Implementation. 80

11.5.. Literature. 1

12..... Integration code in C.. 3





In this project report the "alternative Lotte" airship flight control system project and its results for August 2000 – July 2006 are described. In summer 2006 the project was cancelled.

The alternative Lotte project aimed to improve the flight control system of the solar airship "Lotte" of University of Stuttgart.

The user interface is the link between the user and the alternative – LOTTE, a measurement vehicle for solar radiation and wind power. Its purpose is allowing the user to control the alternative  – LOTTE from the base station, so by using the User Interface, the user can set data to the alternative – LOTTE (new position, new velocity ...) and get data from the alternative – LOTTE (acceleration, angular velocity, azimuth, temperature, wind vector, Solar radiation ...).

The airship can be controlled from the ground or fly automatically to specified coordinates.




1         Introduction

1.1       The LOTTE project and the “alternative Lotte”

Airships are becoming more and more important within the last years. At the “Institut für Statik und Dynamik der Luft- und Raumfahrtkonstruktion” at the University of Stuttgart a solar airship was built. In February 1992 the project “Solarluftboot” was initiated. The purpose of this project was to find new materials, new construction methods and a new concept for controlling and navigating an airship run by a solar energy engine.

The “alternative Lotte” – a cooperation project between the universities of Karlsruhe and Stuttgart and the Fachhochschule Karlsruhe - is planned to be an experimental airship which can be controlled directly from the ground (first step of implementation) or (second step of implementation) fly automatically to specified coordinates. The energy supply is going to be conventional batteries in the first step but it is planned to switch to solar energy later. With “alternative Lotte” environmental data are collected during the flight via different sensors which can be mounted on the airship. In the first step the speed of the wind, the temperature and the solar radiation are measured. Apart from that flight data such as acceleration, angular velocity and azimuth angle are measured for navigation purposes.

For the above mentioned Solarluftschiff an alternative flight control system (flight control system - FCS) is developed, which takes into account modern information technology methods.

The "alternative LOTTE" project is lead by the association VaEF e.V. As cooperation main cooperation partners act the Universities of Karlsruhe and Stuttgart. The "alternative LOTTE" project intends to use an airship for taking wind measurement data.

2         Project Management

2.1       Costs

Personal costs: About 3 man years

Material costs: 6000 EUR

Renting rooms, computers etc. 10 000 EUR

The project was undergone through student research works (mostly master thesises).

3         Flight Control System of an airship[1]

This Flight Control System is based on the IFR Control System of the Lotte airship of the University of  Stuttgart / Germany

3.1       Block diagram of the Control Loops

4         Optimization of the Flight Control System architecture

4.1       The architecture of the Flight Control System and its simulation on the middleware OSA+ running on the operating system Windows

Based on:

Samir Mourad, Diplomarbeit (Master Thesis)„Anbindung des Echtzeitbetriebssystems VxWorks an die Middleware OSA+ und Integration dessen in eine dienstorientierte Test-Echtzeitsystem-Umgebung"

Institut für Mikrorechner und Automation, Univ. Karlsruhe, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. U. Brinkschulte“, Institut für Prozessrechnentechnik und Robotik, Faculty of Computer Science, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), December 2000




1. Einleitung

Allgemeingehaltene Einführung in den Aufbau von Echtzeitsystemen. Anforderungen an heutige Echtzeitsysteme: Rechtzeitigkeit der Verarbeitung, wiederverwendbarer Aufbau des Gesamtsystems. Mögliche Lösung: dienstorientierter Aufbau (modular, einfache Erweiterbarkeit des Echtzeitsystems, gibt natürlich den funktionalen Ablauf bei einem Echtzeitsystem wieder) mit Middleware (Trennung von Anwendungssoftware und Betriebssystem bzw. Hardware)


2. Aufgabenstellung und Lösungsansatz

2.1 Aufgabe

Erstellung eines dienstorientierten Test-Echtzeitsystem mit zwei Rechnern, die mit Funk-Ethernet verbunden sind. Der zweite Rechner hat einen CAN-Bus, an dem Sensoren und Aktoren hängen. Über Funkethernet gibt der erste Rechner dem zweiten Rechner Anweisungen bezüglich der Bedienung der Sensoren und Aktoren. In die andere Richtung werden Meßdaten übertragen und auf einer Oberfläche des ersten Rechners dargestellt.

2.2 Vorstellung einiger vorhandener Systeme

2.2 Lösungsansatz

dienstorientierter Systemaufbau (siehe entsprechende Abbildung in Lottefcs_vom_Leptop.doc)

Begründung für die Auswahl von VxWorks: relativ einfache Handhabbarkeit wegen umfangreicher Entwicklungsumgebung, in der Praxis erprobtes Standard-RTOS.


3. OSA+

Beschreibung von Prozeßdienst, Ereignisdienst (SA von Sven), Kommunikationsdienst und Datenhaltungsdienst  (Zusammenfassung aus Institutsbericht)


4. VxWorks

Vorstellung des Basic OS,  des I/O System, des lokalen Filesystems und des Kommunikationssystems (Zusammenfassung aus Programmer's Guide)


5. Anpassung von VxWorks an OSA+

5.1 Prozeßdienst

5.2 Ereignisdienst (SA von Sven)

5.3 Kommunikationsdienst


6. Integration ins Gesamtsystem

Beschreibung der Dienste, der Treiber, der HW und des Zusammenspiels des Gesamtsystem

6.1 Oberfläche des 1. Rechners und zugehörige Dienste

6.2 Kommunikationsdienst zwischen 1. und 2. Rechner

6.3 Meßdienste und Stelldienste auf 2. Rechner

6.4 Treiber für VxWorks bzgl. CAN-Bus (DA von M. Subhan)

(6.5 Sensoren/Aktoren auf dem CAN-Bus)


7. Ausblick

Variierungsmöglickeiten: Ersetzung der Sensoren/Aktoren, Austausch des VxWorks durch ein anderes RTOS bzw. direkte Anbindung an die HW, Ersetzung des Funkethernet durch ein anderes Protokoll.


4.2       Results




Entwicklung einer verteilten

Experimentalumgebung fuer die Middleware OSA+



Diplomarbeit von Samir Mourad














1. Aufgabenstellung


Thema der Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Experimentalsystems fuer die OSA+-Anbindung an Windows NT und die die darauffolgende Durchfuehrung und Dokumentation von Test mit diesem Experimentalsystem.

Das Experimentalsystem wird im folgenden mit EsfOSA+ (Experimentalsystem fuer OSA+) bezeichnet.

EsfOSA+ soll eine Simaulation eines embedded system werden, wobei die Hardwarekomponenten wie Aktoren und Sensoren als digitale Uebertragungsglieder simuliert werden.

]Der Kern von EsfOSA+ ist komplexer Regelkreis, der eine zu automatisierende Anlage regelt.

Ausgangspunkt war ein der vorliegenden Arbeit ist ein analoger Regelkreis, welcher digitaliert wurde und in dienstorientierter Struktur realisiert wurde. Die Dienste sollen auf der Middleware OSA+ ablaufen.

Es soll getestet warden, ob es Bedingungen gibt, unter denen eine solche Regelkreisimplementierung unter OSA+/Windows NT echtzeitfaehig ablaufen kann.


2. Digitalisierung des analogen Regelkreises

Bild 1: Der analoge Regelkreis






Bild 2: Der digitale Regelkreis






3. Konstruktion der dienstorientierten Systemstruktur fuer EsfOSA+


Die Dienste-Architektur des EsfOSA+


Anforderungen an "ideale" Dienste:

* Plattformunabhaengigkeit (-> Portierbarkeit)

*Skalierbar und Konfigurierbar (-> Anpassung an die Anwendung, Erweiterbarkeit)

* Austauschbar (einfacher Wechsel von Komponenten)

* Kompatibel (->Datenaustausch)

* Testbar (->Fehlehrsuche, Wartung)

* Echtzeitfaehig (Wenn erforderlich)






EsfOSA+ soll den in Bild 2.1.1 dargestellten Kaskadierten Regelkreis implementieren.


4. Die OSA+ Architektur

OSA+ ist eine skalierbare echtzeitfaehige Middleware. Sie erlaubt es, verteilte Anwendungen zu entwickeln, die echtzeitfaehig ablaufen und innerhalb eines heterogenen Netzwerks existieren. Die zugrundeliegende Hardware sowie die Betriebssysteme warden dazu optimal ausgenutzt.


Der OSA+-Ereignisdienst


Der Ereignisdienst dient dazu, Jobs zu vorgegebenen Zeiten innerhalb eines festgelegten Intervalls ausfuehren zu lassen. Er besteht aus 2 Teilen: dem eigentlichen Ereignisdienst und den Funktionen fuer die Uhrzeit.


5. Experimentelle Ergebnisse


5.1 Die Simulationshardware


Die Simulation life auf einem PC mit einem Intel Pentium Prozessor mit 133 MHz und 32 MB RAM ab.

Sensorik und Aktorik wurden softwaremaessig simuliert. Es war keinerlei reale Sensorik oder Aktorik angeschlossen.


5.2 Die Testreihe


Bei den Tests wurden verschiedene Dienste eingesteckt und das Zusammenspiel getestet. Dabei wurde so vorgegangen, dass zunaechst nur die Dienste der inneren Regelschleifen mit den zugehoerigen Messdiensten und natuerlich der Streckensimulation und des Stelldienstes eingesteckt wurden. Spaeter wird sukzessive der ganze kaskadierte Regelkreis von innen nach aussen aufgebaut.


Einstecken von PS, S1_M, S2_M, S, R_In1, R_In2


Test 2.1


Festlegung der max. Antwortzeiten der einzelnen Dienste (durch den Ereignesdienst)


PS                       10ms

R_In1                        20ms

R_In2                         100ms


Wie schon im vorigen Test warden einige Groessen ueber der Zeit aufgezeichnet (Graphen von links nach rechts):

y_4, x_1, x_5, x_12, x_8, y_1,, (d.h. der 1. Graph v. l. zeigt y_4, der 2. Graph v. l. zeigt x_1 usw.)

Im Bild R_In2_KnappeAntwortzeit_1.bmp ist zu sehen, dass die Dienste nicht vollstaendig ausgefuehrt warden konnten. Im naechsten Versuch (siehe R_In2_KnappeAntwortzeit_2.bmp) wird daher die Antwortzeit fuer R_In1 erhoeht.














Test 2.2


Einstellungen wie bei Test 2.1, nur ist die Antwortzeit fuer R_In1 diesmals 30 ms.















Einstecken von PS, S1_M, S2_M, S, R_In1, R_In2, MV,_2, R_M, MV_2, R_A (vollstaendiger Regelkreis)


Test 4.1


Festlegung der max. Antwortzeiten der einzelnen Dienste (durch den Ereignisdienst)


PS         10 ms

R_In1            30 ms

R_In2             100 ms

MV_1             100 ms

R_M                200 ms

R_A                300 ms



Testdauer: 30 Sekunden


Auf der folgenden Seite ist R_A_KnappeAntwortzeit_1.bmp zu sehen.

(v.l.n.r.: x_12, y_MV1, x_8, y_1, y_4, x_1, x_3, x_5)












 6. Bewertung der experimentellen Ergebnisse und Ausblick

Die Experimente ergaben folgende Erkenntnis: Wird im Ereignisdienst die Rueckgabezeit eines Dienstes zu klein eingestellt, dann wird nicht mehr richtig gereglt. Es ergeben sich Bilder wie "R_In1_zuKleineAntwortzeit.bmp". Dies bedeutet: kommt man bei einer OSA+-Anpassung an WindowsNT mit den geforderten Antwortzeiten in den Bereich von ca. 20 ms, ist auch praktisch gesehen kein rechtzeitiges Antwortverhalten garantiert. Dass die zugrundeliegende Simulationshardware keinen grossen Einfluss hat, wird dadurch bestaetigt, dass nahezu die gleichen Tests auf einem AMD Duron 900 MHz Prozessor mit 256 MB gemacht wurden, und dort fast die gleichen Ergebnisse herauskamen.


Es waere interessant, OSA+ auf ein Echtzeitbetriebssystem anzupassen, und dort aehnliche Tests ablaufen zu lassen.  System Architecture of Airship Flight Control System  Simulation Code (in programming language C)  Simulation results




5         Development of the Ereignisdienstes for the middleware OSA+

Based on Entwicklung des Ereignisdienstes für die Middleware OSA+, Studienarbeit von Sven Forstmann, 2001


Studienarbeit (Bachelor Thesis)


Sven Forstmann


27 Sep 2001


Institute for Prozeßrechentechnik and automation, Univ. Karlsruhe



Samir Mourad

Dipl. -Inform. Jens Riemschneider

Prof. Dr. Uwe Brinkschulte



1        Abridged Version. 4

2        The nature of the task. 4

3        The OSA+ architecture. 4

3.1     Introduction. 5

3.2     The components of OSA+. 6

3.2.1... The Platform.. 6

3.2.2... Generic Services. 7

4        Components of the OSA Eventing service. 8

4.1     The time functions. 8

4.1.1... The handling of the time. 8

4.1.2... Initialization. 9

4.1.3... Functions for time management 10 Time Continued. 10 Reading Time. 11 Move Time. 11 Spend time in a string. 11

4.2     The event service. 12

4.2.1... General Information. 12

4.2.2... The initialization of the Ereignisdienstes. 14

4.2.3... Features of the Ereignisdienstes. 14 Add an Event 14 Remove a Events. 15 Reading a result/error codes. 15

5        Short Overview.. 16

5.1     Time functions/variables. 16

5.2     Features of the Ereignisdienstes. 16

6        Configuration. 16

7        Theory of Operation. 17

7.1     Osagettime() 17

7.2     Osasettime(int,int) 17

7.3     Osaaddtime(int,int) 18

7.4     Char * osaPrintTime( int, int ) 18

7.5     Osainitevents() 18

7.6     Int osaAddEvent(uint,uint, uint, uint,uint, uint,uint, uint, function) 18

7.7     Int osaDelEvent(uint,uint,uint,UINT) 20

7.8     OSA_Error osaGetEventResult(uint,UINT) 20

7.9     Internal functions of the Ereignisdienstes. 21

8        Programming examples. 21

8.1     For example: Changing the Time. 21

8.2     Example: Add an Event 22

8.2.1... Start a function at a specified time. 22

8.2.2... Repeated start a function. 23

8.3     Queries of results. 23

8.4     Delete a Events. 24

9        Test Runs. 25

9.1     Deliver-Test 26

9.2     Test run of a cyclical events with open. 27

9.3     Test the maximum temporal resolution on different systems. 28

9.3.1... System 1. 28

9.3.2... System 2. 30

9.3.3... System 3. 32

9.4     Stability tests. 34

9.4.1... Exceeding the maximum acceptable number of Events. 34

9.4.2... Exceeding the maximum acceptable number of events per unit time. 34

9.4.3... Overrun of the events per unit time through Zeituberschneidung. 35

10      Results and Outlook. 37

11      ANNEX.. 38

11.1   List of all Windowsspezifischen Functions. 38

12      Literature. 38



I hereby declare, Sven Forstmann, that I have carried out this work independently.


First of all, I wish to thank Prof. Brinkschulte for the nice assistance and cooperation and also thank Jens Riemschneider for assistance during the incorporation in OSA+. Samir Mourad was for the friendly help thanked in advance of the thesis.

5.1       Abridged Version

Middleware systems support the development of real-time systems especially in heterogeneous environments, in the present work is the event service with all the details, as well as the Implementationsbeschreibung presented.

The event service extends the existing OSA+ to services for the timed start jobs or functions, as well as to several functions to manage the time.

What is important is that the Ereignisdienstes the OSA+ now one step closer in the direction of the real-time capability brings, this is achieved by, inter alia, that when you start a job / a function also can be specified, in which interval This is to be started, however, the extent to which this real-time capability achieved will depend on the respective operating system, and is also by the handling of the time functions of the same limited.

5.2       The nature of the task

In the framework of a joint project with several industrial partners, the Institute for Prozeßrechentechnik and Automation the open, scalable, and real-time middleware platform OSA+ (Open System Architecture Platform for universal services) developed, today's real-time systems usually operate in environments with many asynchronous events, and the processing of these events is often complex and may, by the introduction of a own service established for this purpose will be much easier. The aim of this thesis is the design of the service, a prototypical implementation and integration into the OSA+ overall architecture.

5.3       The OSA+ architecture

The content of this chapter is [Brinks et al, 00] taken from the description of the individual OSA+ -functions from [Brinks et al, 00] are not listed, it can be read there. 


5.3.1       Introduction

OSA+ is a scalable real-time middleware that allows to develop distributed applications, the real timable expire and exist within a heterogeneous network. The underlying hardware, as well as the operating systems to be used optimally.

The architecture of OSA+ is divided by a application in services that communicate with each other on jobs, this communication is achieved by means of a platform, in which services in the platform "Plugged in", in this way can inserted into all services with one another using the Platform communicate.

The platform itself specifically used excellent services, to increase its capabilities, including generic services, which ensure that the platform independent of the operating system and the underlying hardware, it is, as well as Erweiterungsdienste, the specific tasks for the platform provide the platform is, however, also run without these services.

The following is the detailed architecture described by the OSA+.


1: OSA+ architecture









2: Communication of services using job and outcome ( =job)




First, it is described as the "naked" platform looks like and what functionality it provides, so that you will be the base and Erweiterungsdienste explains and the associated additional possibilities, thus acquires the the platform, and concludes the interfaces of the platform and the basic and Erweiterungdienste described.

5.3.2       The components of OSA+  The Platform 

The platform is the component to the user by the OSA+ is visible, it offers a interface, with whose assistance services in the platform can be inserted and allowed the grant of orders, which is divided the platform in three basic parts:

·         Service Management: she knows all inserted services and completed the install and uninstall services, as well as locate of services;

·         job management: Allows the give and expect of orders and the report of results of this and expect orders;

·         user interface: Is there a clear struktierte the user interface to these two bodies.  Generic Services

The platform uses the generic services, to an encapsulation of the operating system functions, which you can use for your tasks are not generic services installed in the platform, so must the platform without these features and can only get to make, what as a recognized standard of the underlying implementation language is recognized, based on the ANSI-Richtlilien for C and C++ or the JDK 1.0 . Beyond functionality of the generic services must be available in each are this:


·        Prozeßdienst: it allows the platform lightweight and/or heavyweight to take advantage of services, he provides a unified interface to process administration of the operating system, and the OSA+ -Prozeßdienst allows it, split the control flow of the customer, so that the contractor and the customer (quasi) in parallel, each with their Arbeitfortfahren can. This is possible, that of the Prozeßdienst the platform allowed, with a service to connect a Control Flow, heavyweight Kontrollflusse are situated in their own space and are in need of a Miniplattform, on the A Kmmunikationsdienst (IPC-service) is installed.


·        Echtzeitspeicherdienst: it allows the realtime access to memory (in particular the allocation and release), not real-time memory is in the above language specifications standardized (e.g. malloc in C or new in C++ or Java). The service is not installed, so the time conditions are checked only a job, but not guaranteed.


·        Communications services: serve the platform to the shipping of orders over any communication media, it is also the Interprocess Communication as a means of communication.


·        Eventing service: is the platform for the monitoring and control of temporal processes. He provides specific Auftragspezielle jobs to the platform, so this on certain events can be informed. 


5.4       Components of the OSA Eventing service

The event service is divided into the services for the management of the time, as well as in the of the actual Ereignisdienstes. a separation of these two is not impossible, but awkward, as the event service on the functions of the time is dependent on time, to all the processes to start.

5.4.1       The time functions  The handling of the time

In the event service is managed the time in the UNIX FORMAT, as this is the easiest to handle, and at the same time the implementation on UNIX/LINUX - systems much easier. 

In this format, the seconds since 1.1.1970 12:00:00 in a 32 ( soon, perhaps even 64 ) bit - value paid, which means that extra for Sekunde/Minute/Stunde/ ... not a variable is needed, and also that the invoices are carried out with the time, are now almost easily. 

In the OSA-event Service is the time but now not only in a 32-bit value, since there often also in real-time applications to a higher accuracy is essential, therefore it is in addition to the 32-bit variables for the seconds a further variable used for the milliseconds. This makes it difficult and slows down while the calculation of time differences, but it is for the time-exactly timed execution of the job is essential. 


It could also have been upgrading the CMOS-clock for all of the operations of the time, as well as to use of the Ereignisdienstes - this had caused some complications, however, first of all it is not accurate enough, because you only on the time the tenth stores, since the event service is to be real timable and there you have a accuracy is promoted in the millisecond range, this is enough and not from, a further difficulty is that when the time change this change affects the entire system and be influenced by other programs, then what in these can create incorrect results.


3: Structure of the time



4: Integration of time management, and in the system of the Ereignisdienstes  Initialization

Before the time functions that can be called the initialization must be performed first, which for the time periods required calculated variables. 

This calculation is necessary, because the time with the help of two different functions is calculated. 

With the A is initially read out the time of the system and stored in the time variable, since the system time but only on the second exactly is returned, only to a Sekundenwechsel must be serviced to ensure the Millisekundenanteil can be initialized with zero. 

Now, the difference to the value of the other function are calculated, which returns the system time in Millisekundenformat. In this is the number of milliseconds since the start of the system, since you can get with this 32-bit value but only 2 ^32 milliseconds can be used to specify, which corresponds to 49.71 days, you can use this function only to do this, read the time already with the help of this function to update, and is now an offset is calculated at the beginning of the system time and always corresponds to the difference of Millisekundenanteil indicating to system time.

In addition, the initialization of the time and also the Ereignisdienstes starting values for the set, in order to save another function call.


5: PAP of the time initialization  Functions for time management

Time Continued

When you set the time, the global time variable updated for seconds, and milliseconds. This also takes into account whether Millisekundenanteile have been specified, the Not in the range 0 to 999. In this case, a carryover for the seconds portion of is calculated, and the Millisekundenanteil corrected accordingly.

But it is only the time of the OSA+ internally changed - the general CMOS clock of the computer remains untouched.

The time periods necessary to offset the difference between milliseconds of the system and the real time, must also be newly set so that it does not come to the wrong calculations.

Reading Time

When reading the time, the global variable for seconds and milliseconds updated. For this purpose, the difference in milliseconds since the last time the query with the help of the system time calculated and added to the current time. 

Since the system time to calculate is used, it should in fact not later than 49 days all the time query be invoked once, but now that the event service is associated with the time, it can be ausgegeangen that this due to its timer is called more often, in order to start the events correctly, it must also of course at each time, in the course of which he is called from the timer, the time queries, which is now the reason for this, that the time of an application program does not necessarily have to be called regularly.



6: PAP of the time

Move Time

This function adds to the current time a specified time difference in addition to this, in principle, this function does not have been necessary, since one with the two above functions exactly the same thing can reach had - but so is now saved time, and this may be to match the time on the network can be of use, and the user will work when calculating the carryover disconnected.

Spend time in a string

This function creates a string in which the current date and time is included with milliseconds. ( This is especially handy in debug output ). This is done by first with the help of the ctime from the current time, in the 32-bit value is stored, generated a string, the date and time already contains, the only thing missing now is the Millisekundenanteil, which simply by various Stringkopieraktionen is inserted.

5.4.2       The event service  General Information 

The event service is responsible for ensuring that jobs at a specified time with a pre-specified accuracy can be started. He is to guarantee the real-time capability of the OSA, which but limited by the underlying operating system is, for jobs be started via the network, must, however, only the clocks of the two systems are synchronized, this is by a long-term observation of the Pingzeiten possible; as a result of the time offset can then be calculated by which the current time has to be postponed, an alternative would be the average of the Pingzeiten to calculate the last few minutes, and with this to synchronize the clocks.

The event service is from Geschwindigkeitsgunden directly in OSA have been implemented, it is therefore not directly to a LW/HW-service, but rather a supplement to the OSA+ features available.



Figure 7: Architecture of the Event Service (Ereignisdienst)  The initialization of the Event Service

The initialization of the Ereignisdienstes is automatically after the initialization of the time. This is the first to be the necessary variables for the Eventing service set, the next step is the timer function of the Ereignisdienstes started, what must be called upon regularly in order to make it in time to start the jobs, in which intervals this is to be called, depends on the desired accuracy of the Ereignisdienstes as well as the speed of the underlying system, try showed that, for example on a Duron 900 even an interval of one millisecond is possible.

On a Pentium 100 products, on the other hand, only 5-10 ms intervals possible. ( but more about that later in the test runs.

It would also be conceivable, the performance of the Ereignisdienstes to increase that zeitkirtische functions through the implementation of assembly code are replaced.  Features of the Ereignisdienstes 

Add an Event

When you add new events there are several possibilities: The job can be either at a specific time, or with a relative delay be called, and you can also be used to specify whether the job repeatedly in a certain time interval is to be started (for example, is for the regular queries of sensors helpful), and whether the result of the delivers to the later check is to be saved, and also can be a optional to call a function if it particularly in the short responses to local applications. When you add it can, however, to get any error messages if the job was already over, the list is full, or too many jobs at the same time are to be started, and this number in the same time interval the job to be started is adjustable and should be to the respective system be adapted to maintain speed and in addition must still be given a timeout, the constrains the time window in which the job is to be started. 

The job is only called after leaving the window, so is he skipped ( this happens but only if it to failures or malfunctions in the system, the calling of the timer function prevent ). If it is a repetitive job, it will be the next time but started again, and can still be set, if he is as closely as possible to the Zeitgitter oriented, or the delay as precisely as possible is to be met. 

The Add/delete a job may be to delay a few milliseconds, since, as long as the interrupt routine is active, no operations on the list of job to be started are allowed, this of course also applies vice versa for the interrupt routine, if you an insert/delete operation interrupts, this call is ignored, which may of course have the consequence that a(IGE) Event(s) to a few milliseconds late be started - what but only at very slow computers into the weight cases is expected.

The job that you want to be the Ereignisdienstes in a circular list managed fixed-size, you can, after you have been added to this list, also again be removed - if you have not yet been started. 

In order to results of the query again later delivers to, is not yet an additional list managed, in the opened up for each event to an entry exists (the key is the ID of the job), but for reasons of space is only for each EventID keep the latest result. 

If the size of the lists is to be changed, is that in the source code simply by changing the #defines in the beginning to reach the files.

In addition, it can not - real-time operating systems that have come to the timer not in time will be called; the result may be that the events do not correctly can be started and is currently are then to be started up to the point that started events at a time, i.e. as long as the timeout of the respective jobs is not exceeded.

Another difficulty arises if a cyclic job has been called for, the back is to be added to the list and an error occurs: a time already past, crowded or list the already too many events to the desired time be called, in order to solve this problem, is, at the moment a part installed, the attempts to the event to matureness, later to start dates. 

This will be calculated by either, that either the next possible start times will be taken, or but in the set for the job by increments is attempted, add the job again, the number of retries can be adjusted - but should not be set too high, otherwise if there are too many errors the time interval of the timer not longer sufficient, and the next will be affected, if the rescue but is unsuccessful, the job will no longer be called.

Remove a Events

Back to an event from the table of the job to be started to remove, first waited until requests on the table are allowed and then occupied the semaphore.

The next step will be for the complete table, and skipped the event you want to delete, and the remaining are automatically when. 

Reading a result/error codes 

Now here is the error code returned, which when you start a job is created, it can here, however, from being purged the last result which emerged only be queried, and internally to a list of all mitzuloggenden Events kept, in the then at the start of the event the result will be entered, if there are more events will be logged, as the list is large, after the FI Fo-Prinzip approach.

5.5       Short Overview

5.5.1       Time functions/variables

UINT osatime: Are Using Unixtime in seconds                       

UINT osamtime: related Millisekundenbruchteil ( <1,000 )              


Osagettime: time reading             

Osasettime: Time Set                    

Osaaddtime: Time-add offset                 

Osaprinttime: Spend time            

5.5.2       Features of the Event Service (Ereignisdienst)

Osainitevents: Initialize event service and Time                    

Osadelevent: Delete Job               

Osaaddevent: Add Job                 

Osageteventresult: Result of a running job reading   

5.6       Configuration

The configuration of the Ereignisdienstes within the source code can be made, and by modifying the various definitions ( #define) at the beginning of the source code: 

( Alternatively, these parameters from the source code be relocated in the Makefile.


Variable                     instantaneous value propositions               



Precision                    1: determines the accuracy with which the event service is supposed to work

EVENTSPERTIME             : determines the number of bootable events at the same time

TABLENGTH          255: Indicates the size of the Event-Tabelle (must be a 2 ^n-1 number)   

ERRORBUFFER                 : Specifies the size of the Result-Tabelle (must be a 2 ^n-1 number )

RETRYCOUNT                  : specifies how often should be attempted, a recurring event in the 

  List should be entered, if errors occur

OSA_DEBUG: If defined, debug messages are issued, the                                  

  All of the important actions of the Ereignisdienstes describe


To the size of the event, and the table was a 2-he potency as a large selected to the to accelerate for offset calculation for Tabellenzugriffe. ( then can namely an and instead of a Modulo-Verkupfung be used - this difference is particularly noticeable on older systems.



5.7       Theory of Operation



5.7.1       Osagettime()



Parameters: None

Input integer:NONE          


Reads the current time from and updates the global time variable ( osatime and osamtime ).




The time is almost to the millisecond, and is calculated from a combination of the internal clock and the system time, the clock will be at the beginning needed to fix the start time in seconds, but not the accuracy is sufficient for OSA as a timer, in that, it not the time to the millisecond that shows exactly, now here comes the system time in the game, the milliseconds since the start of Windows in a 32-bit value, and if you now waits until the clock the seconds count up to 1, then you can use it to calculate a differential value to system time, and with the help of the value they get the missing milliseconds for the time. 

If so now osaGetTime() is invoked, the milliseconds updated, and at a value greater than 1,000 according to also the seconds, and the difference between this and the system time.



5.7.2       Osasettime(int,int)



Input integer:NONE          


Sets the time seconds is the time in the Unixformat and milliseconds are the associated thousandth.

However, this change also directly to the events that are already in the list are entered, and are to be started; i.e. it quickly in case of major changes can lead to errors.




Here are the global variables are updated; Millisekundenanteile greater than 999 will be automatically converted in seconds.



5.7.3       Osaaddtime(int,int)



Input integer:NONE          


Added to the current time in addition to the time difference of the call-up parameters milliseconds greater than 999 will be converted to the seconds.

( Here are also negative values registered )




This function first reads the time from, and then added the desired time difference, taking into account a Millisekundenuberlaufs, added.



5.7.4       Char * osaPrintTime( int, int )


Parameters:Seconds and milliseconds of output time           

Input integer:String with the date and time.     


This function returns a pointer to a string, the current date and time includes, in debug output is very helpful, since also thousandths of a second to be issued.




The function will access the Function ctime back, which from a 32-bit value (Epoch) a string with the date and time calculated. This string will then be modified, so that even milliseconds with be returned.



5.7.5       Osainitevents()


Parameters: None

Input integer:NONE          


Initializes the table in which the jobs be entered later and sets the time.




All of the entries will be first in the list of events deleted, and the difference between the internal clock and the system time for osaGetTime determined. The next step is now set the timer, later also the starts the job, which is the Multimediatimer of Windows, the a function with a definable accuracy can repeatedly. (image 5)

5.7.6       Int osaAddEvent(uint,uint, uint, uint,uint, uint,uint, uint, function)

Parameters:assigned id1,NUMCOUNT ID 2,Type,start,MSTART, repeat,mRepeat, timeout, FUNCTION                                

Input integer:0 =OK, 1 =list already full, 2 =too many events to the same Zeit,3 =time is already over                                

Assigned ID1,NUMCOUNT ID 2:ID's of the job that you want to (ID1 is the normal ID of a job, ID2 is                                   

For the future of applications planned)

Type:Bit 0 =0:Start at the specified time ( Start,MSTART )                                        

                                               Bit 0 =1:Start in Start.MSTART Seconds 

                                               Bit 1 =0:start only once      

                                               Bit 1 =1:repeatedly at intervals of repeat.Start mRepeat        

                                               Bit 2 =0:return value of not logging osajbscdDeliver  

Bit 2 =1:return value of osajbscdDeliver log for later queries (costs a little more time.          

                                               Bit 3 =0:start times will be respected as precisely as possible          

Bit 3 =1:time differences are maintained as closely as possible       

Bit 4 =0:When Retries try,the job to start at the soonest Time          

Bit 4 =1:In retries the job in time intervals of repeat.Try to start mRepeat 

Start,MSTART:Start at/in Start.MSTART Seconds                   

Repeat,mRepeat:If in type is specified, the event in repeat.mRepeat seconds called again      

TimeoutGibt the size of the time window, in milliseconds, in which the job is to be launched

FunctionWenn not zero, the specified function ( void function() ) called - osajbscdDeliver is not running in the case   


Adds a job to be launched to the Event List in addition to this, the function can be specified the optional, but it is only intended for local use, if short response times are of importance, this feature is this, that you will be called directly, with the same priority as the timer function of the Ereignisdienstes started ( on Windows, this is the the highest ). You should therefore not be longer than 1-5 ms to use it, as the subsequent jobs this can be affected in some circumstances, since a while(1); in this function, e.g. the system leads to Unbedienbarkeit, this option should go directly to a function can only be used with extreme caution.




In order to prevent the paste that in between the timer function on the Event List is accessing it, is a simple system with semaphores implemented. This checks at the beginning of the paste operation, whether the timer function is currently active and waiting if this is the case, everything is free, the semaphore is occupied, and it can now be checked whether it is possible to add the event, the list is already full, an error will be immediately returned. 

If not, now is the time for a relative time into an absolute time converted so that can be compared quickly as possible, whether the job is still is to run, or the time has already passed, the last thing now to check, is the number of jobs, the at this time are to be started.

Now, if everything is in order, the job is in the Time sorted list is inserted; this prevents that when starting from the correct position must be sought.

5.7.7       Int osaDelEvent(uint,uint,uint,UINT)

Parameters:assigned id1,NUMCOUNT ID 2,start,MSTART             

Input integer:number of the deleted events                 

Deletes one or more events from the list, or if one of the parameters is 0 (up to the Millisekundenanteil), it is not compared; i.e. , osaDelEvent(0,0,0,0 ) Deletes the entire list, or if the time (start.MSTART) is specified, it is always the absolute time compared ( even if the call the relative is specified.




This function runs through the list of events from the front to the rear, and not to delete the copied together events to be deleted with the be skipped, and here again is the system used with semaphores, to avoid conflicts.

5.7.8       OSA_Error osaGetEventResult(uint,UINT)

Parameters:assigned id1, ID2                  

Input integer:result of the last Delivers 


There is the latest result back, at the start of the event with the assigned id1, ID2 has been created. 

If OSA_ERR_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND is returned, the job was either not started yet, or the result of change is already have been overwritten.



The list is after the first event with the two ID's being sought, and the returned result of the job in question, and when the event is not found, the function returns OSA_ERR_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND back.

5.7.9       Internal functions of the Ereignisdienstes


Void callback TimerProc( UINT,UINT,DWORD,DWORD,DWORD )


This is the central function of the Ereignisdienstes, which with the Multimediatimer from the desired accuracy of the Ereignisdienstes regularly is called ( default are here 2ms ). It is responsible for ensuring that the jobs to be started and repetitive jobs again be entered in the list.




At the beginning of the function, it first checks whether the semaphore is busy, and if so, this time interval is skipped; otherwise is now checked, whether the first job needs to be started.

If yes, the next step is still being examined, whether the timeout has not been exceeded and whether a function is to be called, or the job is to be delivered (in the last case, optional, the result will be a list saved). 

It is a job to be repeated, again this is in the list, taking into account the different operating modes, it is registered.


5.8       Programming examples 

5.8.1       For example: Changing the Time


There are several ways to do this, but one of the simplest is to set the time with the help of the function osaSetTime ( seconds, milliseconds ).


For example, is specified 


Osasettime( 986604168, 50 )


So the clock will be on 


Friday the 06.April 2001, 4:42:48 PM set and 50 milliseconds.


However, since this is not too comfortable, and most of the time almost is set correctly, it is often better if the clock is not set to a new, but before or is adjusted, the function is osaAddTime ( seconds, milliseconds ) provided.


So causes for example 


Osaaddtime ( -3600 , 0 )


That the clock one hour is reset. 


But you need have no concerns that the time of the system of such actions could be affected - the time is purely OSAintern.

Yet now, in order to check that the Daylight Saving Time was successful, then the time you can also still with the function osaPrintTime( seconds, milliseconds ) output:


            Printf(" Date/Time: %s\n", osaPrintTime( osatime , osamtime ));

5.8.2       Example: Add an Event  Start a function at a specified time

Now here is the first variant customizationsavailable presented:

A unique feature is intended to be with a delay of 5 seconds will be called, is only required once the function that should be called; this has, however, fixed call, and with, here's a little example:


    OSA_Error test (void)


       Printf( "Test OK\n" );

       Return OSA_ERR_OK;



Now, the Eventing service still be communicated, where he finds the function, and 

When he is to call you, and this is done with


    Osaaddevent (     1, 0 ,    // assigned id1, ID2

1 ,       // type ( bit 1 = 1, so start time = delay.

5 , 0 ,  // start in 5 seconds

0 , 0 ,// time difference when repeats (if set)    

1,000 ,            // 1 second timeout

&Test            // Function



As the start time is here now a delay of 5 seconds ( + 0 milliseconds ) as well as a timeout of a second is specified at the end of the call must now only the pointer to the function to be called be specified.

A timeout of 1 second means that the function call to a maximum of 1 second may be delayed - for larger delays he will no longer run.

Are Normal delays of 0-10 milliseconds; on fast systems (0-1 milliseconds.


The whole sample program could then may then look like the following: 


    #Include "osa.h"              // necessary include - Files

    #Include "osa_ereignisdienst.h"


    OSA_Error test (void)// function that the event Service is Started           


     Printf( "Test OK\n" ); // as soon as this issue is, the test was successful           

     Return OSA_ERR_OK;// everything OK     



    Main( )// Main Function                       


        // Initialize the Ereignisdienstes

        Osainitevents( );


        // Test-Event entries

        Osaaddevent ( 1.0 , 1, 5.0 , 0.0 , 1000, &test );


        // ... And to the start of the wait dfor


    }  Repeated start a function 

The next example shows how to do a job programd, the will be called repeatedly, which is to the test - function the first time after 5.050 seconds, and then repeatedly at intervals of 1,005 seconds be called, the function is to be called repeatedly, the Eventing service by setting the the 2, Bits communicated in the display type box. The timeout is as well as in the previous example 1 second, and in the display type box the bit 3 is not set, attempts of the Eventing service here, the function exactly as possible to enter the vorherberechneten time - in the present example : Start Time + 5.05 s + X * 1.005 p. 

( If the bit would have been set, he had tried, the delays exactly as possible.

The description for the function here is to be called, you can see from the example above, for example, here is the actual function call to the event Service:


    Osaaddevent (     1, 0 ,    // assigned id1, ID2

1+2 ,   // type ( delayed start [Bit 1] + repetition [Bit 2] )

5 , 50,             // Start in 5.050 seconds

1 , 5 ,// repeated Start in 1.005     

1,000 , // Timeout = 1,000 milliseconds 

&Test            // Function




5.8.3       Queries of results


If a job is started, there is the possibility and subsequently the result query, which is of the type OSA_Error. It plays no role, whether it is a deliver or a direct function call has traded.


    Osaaddevent (1.0 , 1+8 VDC , F2.0: , 0.0 ,50 , &test); // event in the list entries


    Printf( "Eventresult of ID 1 : %d\n", osaGetEventResult(1.0 / * ID of the event * / ) );  


    Printf( "Eventresult of ID 1 : %d\n", osaGetEventResult(1.0 / * ID of the event * / ) );  


In this example is now the result once before, and the second time after the start of the event read, and if everything is working properly, it is the first time OSA_ERR_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND returned, since the results are not yet available, and the second time then OSA_ERR_OK, what the return value of the test-function corresponds to.

5.8.4       Delete a Events

In the next example will be added first three events, each of which every two seconds will be called once. After 5 seconds, then two of the three will be removed again. The associated program code could appear as follows:


    Osaaddevent ( 1.0 , 1+2 ), "2, 0, 2.0 ,50, &test1 ) ;// Add the 1 events.      

    Osaaddevent ( 1.0 , 1+2 ,2,500, 2.0 ,50, &test2 ) ;// Add the 2 events.       

    Osaaddevent ( 2.0 , 1+2 , 3, 0, 2.0 ,50, &test3 ) ;// Add the 3 events.         

    Sleep(5000); // wait for 5 seconds ...                                                              

    Osadelevent ( 1.0 ,// and all with ID 1, * Delete,                              

     0.0             ) ;// without the start times to be taken into account               


When the program starts, all three events will be initially launched sequentially. After 5 seconds are then the first two of the three events removed from the list, as in the clearing instructions as the ID 1.0 was specified, what exactly the ID's of the events corresponds to the start times were not taken into account when you delete, since all passed with 0 fields cannot be compared.

5.9       Test Runs


Test Environments


System 1:




CPU:AMD Duron 800                   

Memory:256 MB    

Hard Drive:10GB   

Graphics:Nvidia Geforce 2          


Operating system:


Windows 2000


System 2:




CPU:Cyrix 6x86                  

Memory:24MB RAM         

Hard Drive:0.5GB  

Graphics card:         Tseng ET6000


Operating system:


Windows 98


System 3:




CPU:Intel Celeron 450                  

Memory:256 MB    

Hard Drive:100GB 

Graphics:3dfx Voodoo 3000        


Operating system:


Windows 2000


Configuration of the Ereignisdienstes (if not otherwise specified):


Precision:2// The Event-Timer is called every 2 milliseconds                      

EVENTSPERTIME:5// it must not more than 5 events started at the same time   

// i.e. there will be maximum 5 events within the 2 ms started

TABLENGTH:255// Number of entries in the Event-Tabelle (2 ^n-1 must be)      

ERRORBUFFER:7// number of jobs, the results keep at the same time     

// Should Be (must also be 2 ^n-1)

RETRYCOUNT:4// Number of retrys if repetitive Job does not immediately return      



5.9.1       Deliver-Test

In this test was done with the built-in local modified Serverfunktionstest. The function this is not more testsrvFunc immediately, but only with the delay of 1 second will be called, by using the following changes in the File testsrv.c were made:


If (OSA_ERR_OK= =osajbscdDeliver(jobId))


                     ... // Wait for confirmation and result Queries



Has Been Replaced by the following section 


Osaaddevent(/ * ID * / jobId,0,                

/ * Type * /    1,

/ * Delay * /   1.0 ,

/ * Repeat * / 0.0 ,    

/ * Timeout * /1,000 to       

/ * Feature * /NULL);         



                     ... // Wait for confirmation and result Queries



Now is the result: (with debug mode enabled, to represent the timing of the procedure)


+ +> Added ID: 8524656 delay: 1,000 Start: Sun Apr 08 9:48 PM:41,917

--> Started Event 8524656 with error: 1ms at Sun Apr 08 9:48 PM:41,918

Calculated 1+1

I received a 2!

+ +> Added ID: 8524656 delay: 1,000 Start: Sun Apr 08 9:48 PM:42,920

--> Started Event 8524656 with error: 0ms at Sun Apr 08 9:48 PM:42,920

Calculated 2+1

I received a 3!

+ +> Added ID: 8524656 delay: 1,000 Start: Sun Apr 08 9:48 PM:43,920

--> Started Event 8524656 with error: 0ms at Sun Apr 08 9:48 PM:43,920

Calculated 3+1

I received a 4!


As you can see, the test was successful, and also the temporal error that start when you are born, were within the tolerance: at a set of 2 Accuracy of the Ereignisdienstes milliseconds is a error of 1ms are allowed or not to be excluded.

5.9.2       Test run of a cyclical events with open

In this test is the response of the Ereignisdienstes on longer breaks in the System tested, and the duration of the interruption is in this test here in about 10 seconds, is checked, whether cyclic jobs after this interruption continue to be started correctly. In addition, there will be a demonstration of how the set/do not set of the 3, affects bits to the time difference.


First Test: Bit 3 = 0


Here is the associated function call:


Osaaddevent(/ * ID * / 1.0 ,                       

/ * Type * / 1+2,                   

/ * Delay * /   2.0 ,

/ * Repeat * /             0.10 ,

/ * Timeout * /10,    

/ * Feature * / &test );         


                                 And the result after the start:


+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 9 Start: Sun Apr 22 12:50 PM:28,290 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 1ms at Sun Apr 22 12:50 PM:28,291 2001

Test OK

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 9 Start: Sun Apr 22 12:50 PM:28,300 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 1ms at Sun Apr 22 12:50 PM:28,301 2001

Test OK

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 9 Start: Sun Apr 22 12:50 PM:28,310 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 9804ms at Sun Apr 22 12:50 PM:38,114

 -> Skipped due to timeout

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 6 Start: Sun Apr 22 12:50 PM:38,120 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Sun Apr 22 12:50 PM:38,120 2001

Test OK

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 10      Start: Sun Apr 22 12:50 PM:38,130 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Sun Apr 22 12:50 PM:38,130 2001

Test OK

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 10 Start: Sun Apr 22 12:50 PM:38,140 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Sun Apr 22 12:50 PM:38,140 2001

Test OK


Here you can see now that lasted 10 seconds after the interruption of the job is no longer started, because of the timeout has been exceeded, the time for the next start is now calculated so that the 10ms - Zeitgitter is respected.


Second Test: Bit 3 = 1


Here is the associated function call:


Osaaddevent(/ * ID * / 1.0 ,                       

/ * Type * /    1 +2+8,           

/ * Delay * /   2.0 ,

/ * Repeat * /             0.10 ,

/ * Timeout * /10,    

/ * Feature * / &test );         


And the Test Results


+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 10 Start:  Sun Apr 22 9:36 PM:26,359 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Sun Apr 22 9:36 PM:26,359 2001

Test OK

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 10 Start: Sun Apr 22 9:36 PM:26,369 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 1ms at Sun Apr 22 9:36 PM:26,370 2001

Test OK

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 10 Start: Sun Apr 22 9:36 PM:26,380 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error:. with EN 10204ms at Sun Apr 22 9:36 PM:36,584 2001

 -> Skipped due to timeout

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 10 Start: Sun Apr 22 9:36 PM:36,594 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Sun Apr 22 9:36 PM:36,594 2001

Test OK

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 10 Start: Sun Apr 22 9:36 PM:36,604 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 1ms at Sun Apr 22 9:36 PM:36,605 2001

Test OK

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 10 Start: Sun Apr 22 9:36 PM:36,615 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Sun Apr 22 9:36 PM:36,615 2001

Test OK


In this test is now to see that no Zeitgitter more is present, and after the delay of 10 seconds no correction is applied, deleted a part of the calculation, so that this variant a little less processor time.

( However, is expected only on very slow systems make itself felt.

5.9.3       Test the maximum temporal resolution on different systems  System 1

Now here is tested in multiple passes, how high the maximum frequency of the calls on this system may be set, without that it comes to errors or problems.


The set of precision timer Ereignisdienstes: 1 millisecond.

Precision:1// The Event-Timer every millisecond is called                     


Cycle 1:


Set precision of the Ereignisdienstes :1 millisecond (precision= 1)       

Set time difference of the Test-Events :1 millisecond.      

Associated function call:


Osaaddevent( / * ID * /                         1.0 ,

/ * Type * /                      1+2,    

/ * Delay * /         2.0 ,

/ * Repeat * /       0.1 ,

/ * Timeout * /10,          

/ * Feature * / &test );   



And the result of the test: 



+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 1 Start: Mon Apr 23 12:28 PM:36,643 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 1ms at Mon Apr 23 12:28 PM:36,644 2001

Test OK

XX> Event 1 emergency added - Time Over

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 2 Start: Mon Apr 23 12:28 PM:36,646 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Mon Apr 23 12:28 PM:36,646 2001

Test OK

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 1 Start: Mon Apr 23 12:28 PM:36,647 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Mon Apr 23 12:28 PM:36,647 2001

Test OK


+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 1 Start: Mon Apr 23 12:28 PM:36,652 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 1ms at Mon Apr 23 12:28 PM:36,653 2001

Test OK

XX> Event 1 emergency added - Time Over

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 2 Start: Mon Apr 23 12:28 PM:36,655 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Mon Apr 23 12:28 PM:36,655 2001

Test OK

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 1 Start: Mon Apr 23 12:28 PM:36,656 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Mon Apr 23 12:28 PM:36,656 2001

Test OK



As you can see, does the start mostly, but it is out and back to errors, to now is the result of such a high request to improve the accuracy, would be the first consideration, to configure the job in such a way as to that of the Eventing service always the interval of one millisecond complies with with these settings, the test was not, however, the desired result, but there were still the same error. 

The real problem here is that the performance was not sufficient, to all text output to be carried out within a millisecond after the text output were omitted in part, the test was almost flawless. There were still error on, but not more in 10ms increments, but only every few seconds; also the misconduct has improved: were it to the top 2 more failures per error, it is the case in the following test run only has one:


--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Mon Apr 23 3:54 PM:29,198 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Mon Apr 23 3:54 PM:29,199 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Mon Apr 23 3:54 PM:29,200 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Mon Apr 23 3:54 PM:29,201 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Mon Apr 23 3:54 PM:29,202 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Mon Apr 23 3:54 PM:29,203 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 1ms at Mon Apr 23 3:54 PM:29,205 2001

XX> Event 1 emergency added - Time Over

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Mon Apr 23 3:54 PM:29,207 2001




Cycle 2:



Set precision of the Ereignisdienstes :1 millisecond (precision= 1)          

Set time difference of the Test-Events :2 millisecond.       

Associated function call:


Osaaddevent( / * ID * /             1.0 ,

/ * Type * /                      1+2,    

/ * Delay * /         2.0 ,

/ * Repeat * /       0.2 ,

/ * Timeout * /10,          

/ * Feature * / &test );   


And the test results:



--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Thu Apr 26 12:12:42,310 2001

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 2       Start: Thu Apr 26 12:12:42,312 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Thu Apr 26 12:12:42,312 2001

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 2 Start: Thu Apr 26 12:12:42,314 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Thu Apr 26 12:12:42,314 2001

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 2 Start: Thu Apr 26 12:12:42,316 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Thu Apr 26 12:12:42,316 2001



The test was properly here, without that it came to any errors, i.e. , when working with text files, at least on this system should be a time difference of 2 ms be between 2 Jobs  System 2

Here is to be tested, as the replacement of the operating system from Windows 2000 to Windows 98 is noticeable.


Cycle 1:


Set the precision Ereignisdienstes :10 milliseconds (precision= 10)      

Set time difference of the Test-Events :100 milliseconds 


Function call:


Osaaddevent( / * ID * /             1.0 ,

/ * Type * /                      1+2,    

/ * Delay * /         2.0 ,

/ * Repeat * /       0.100 ,// cyclic call every 100 ms  

/ * Timeout * /10,          

/ * Feature * / &test );   

Test run:


In this test Sorry, no results could be collected, as the operating system is either refused the Test ( The Multimediatimer has not been activated ), or, if this time succeeded in, worked behind the exit and save the logs not, because the system remained at once.


Cycle 2:


Set of precision timer of the Ereignisdienstes: 100 milliseconds


Function call:


Osaaddevent( / * ID * /             1.0 ,

/ * Type * /                      1+2,    

/ * Delay * / 2.0 ,

/ * Repeat * /       1.0 ,

/ * Timeout * /10,          

/ * Feature * / &test );   

Test run:



+ +> Added id: 1 delay: involving 994 Start: Mon Apr 24 11:54 PM:07,000 1995

--> Started Event 1 with error: 6ms at Mon Apr 24 11:54 PM:07,006 1995

+ +> Added id: 1 delay:  involving 994 Start: Mon Apr 24 11:54 PM:08,000 1995

--> Started Event 1 with error: Note No. 4465ms at Mon Apr 24 11:54 PM:12,465 1995// done manually delay  

 -> Skipped due to timeout

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: experienced 535 recorded Start: Mon Apr 24 11:54 PM:13,000 1995

--> Started Event 1 with error: 6ms at Mon Apr 24 11:54 PM:13,006 1995

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: involving 994 Start: Mon Apr 24 11:54 PM:than 14,000 1995

Started Event 1 with error: 1ms at Mon Apr 24 11:54 PM



The result shows that it is still possible, on a Windows 98 machine with the OSA to run event service, but may not be a high claims be made to the accuracy!  System 3

As there is a on Windows NT-based operating system present, can already at the beginning with a higher accuracy than in 9.3.2 &nbsp; be started. 


Cycle 1:


Set precision of the Ereignisdienstes :1 millisecond (precision= 1)       

Set time difference of the Test-Events :1 millisecond.      


Function call:


Osaaddevent( / * ID * /             1.0 ,

/ * Type * /                      1+2,    

/ * Delay * /         2.0 ,

/ * Repeat * /       0.100 ,// cyclic call every 100 ms  

/ * Timeout * /10,          

/ * Feature * / &test );   


Test run:



--> Started Event 1 with error: 1ms at Wed May 11 11:28:43,584 2001

 -> Skipped due to timeout

XX> Event 1 emergency added - Time Over

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 1 Start: Wed May 11 11:28:43,585 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 1ms at Wed May 11 11:28:43,586 2001

 -> Skipped due to timeout

XX> Event 1 emergency added - Time Over

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 1 Start: Wed May 11 11:28:43,587 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 1ms at Wed May 11 11:28:43,588 2001

 -> Skipped due to timeout

XX> Event 1 emergency added - Time Over

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 1 Start: Wed May 11 11:28:43,589 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 2ms at Wed May 11 11:28:43,591 2001



For this test it is clear that here, in this system even more errors have occurred, as in the same test on the first system. In a further test run however, again, as in 9.3.1 NFS Server Configuration file , that mainly blame the text output is to the late call, the same test with only a text per call will be as follows:



--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Wed May 23 15:18:28,271 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Wed May 23 15:18:28,272 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Wed May 23 15:18:28,273 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Wed May 23 15:18:28,274 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Wed May 23 15:18:28,275 2001



So a much better result ( Timeouts came even before, however very much less than previously ). This is also the reason why should also sub-programs, the of of the timer function in so called short intervals are not too to take a lot of time.


Cycle 2:


In the following test was now the Aufruffrequenz halved, to test whether this time the attempt without Timeouts runs; the test environment is as follows:


Set precision of the Ereignisdienstes :1 millisecond (precision= 1)       

Set time difference of the Test-Events :2 milliseconds     


Function call:


Osaaddevent( / * ID * /             1.0 ,

/ * Type * /                      1+2,    

/ * Delay * /         2.0 ,

/ * Repeat * /       0.100 ,// cyclic call every 100 ms  

/ * Timeout * /10,          

/ * Feature * / &test );   


Test run:


--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Wed May 23 3:47 PM:34,566 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Wed May 23 3:47 PM:34,568 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 1ms at Wed May 23 3:47 PM:34,571 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Wed May 23 3:47 PM:34,572 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Wed May 23 3:47 PM:34,574 2001


Here the test was now easily, although there were also late calls, but this had to literally be sought with the magnifying glass, in the absence of such an then time occurred, it wasn't too bad, because this delay is not Timerout led immediately to a.

5.9.4       Stability tests  Exceeding the maximum acceptable number of Events

For this test was the maximum allowable number of 255 entries now intentionally exceeded, to test the risk of errors:


Function call:


For(i= 0 ;i< 500 ;i++)

Osaaddevent( / * ID * /              i .0,

/ * Type * /                      1 + 2,  

/ * Delay * /          i + 2.0 ,

/ * Repeat * /       256.0 ,

/ * Timeout * /100,        

/ * Feature * / &test );   


Test run:


+ +> Added id: 0 delay: 2000 Start: Wed May 16 14:30:59,050 2001

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 3,000 Start: Wed May 16 2:31 PM:00,050 2001

+ +> Added id: 2 delay:  4,000 Start: Wed May 16 2:31 PM:01,050 2001


+ +> Added ID: 252 delay: 254000 Start: Wed May 16 2:35 PM:11,050 

+ +> Added ID: 253 delay: EUR 255000 per year Start: Wed May 16 2:35 PM:12,050 

+ +> Added ID: 254 delay: The value 256000 Start: Wed May 16 2:35 PM:13,050 

XX> Event 255 not added - table full

XX> Event 256 not added - table full


XX> Event 498m not added - table full

XX> Event 499 or fewer not added - table full

--> Started Event 0 with error: 0ms at Wed May 16 14:30:59,050 2001

+ +> Added id: 0 delay: The value 256000 Start: Wed May 16 2:35 PM:15,050 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Wed May 16 2:31 PM:00,050 2001

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: The value 256000 Start: Wed May 16 2:35 PM:16,050 2001

--> Started Event 2 with error: 0ms at Wed May 16 2:31 PM:01,050 200



As you can see, the test run was successful, and there was no further difficulties  Exceeding the maximum acceptable number of events per unit time

It was here that the set from the beginning, the maximum number of 5 Events / Unit time maintained. An attempt is now to exceed this limit, a small difficulty with this attempt is that the add of the 10 events no longer than a millisecond should be allowed to take. This was the reason for this and the next attempt the test system 1 is selected.

Function call:


For(i= 0 ;i< 10 ;i++)

Osaaddevent( / * ID * /              i .0,

/ * Type * /                      1 ,       

/ * Delay * /         1.0 ,

/ * Repeat * /       0.0 ,

/ * Timeout * /100,        

/ * Feature * / &test );   


Test run: ( System ( 1 )


+ +> Added id: 0 delay: 1,000 Start: Wed May 15 3:22 PM:08,072 2001

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 1,000 Start: Wed May 15 3:22 PM:08,072 2001

+ +> Added id: 2 delay: 1,000 Start: Wed May 15 3:22 PM:08,072 2001

+ +> Added id: 3 delay: 1,000 Start: Wed May 15 3:22 PM:08,072 2001

+ +> Added id: 4 delay: 1,000 Start: Wed May 15 3:22 PM:08,072 2001

XX> Event 5 not added - too many events per Time

XX> Event 6 not added - too many events per Time

XX> Event 7 not added - too many events per Time

XX> Event 8 not added - too many events per Time

XX> Event 9 not added - too many events per Time

--> Started Event 0 with error: 0ms at Wed May 15 3:22 PM:08,072 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Wed May 15 3:22 PM:08,072 2001

--> Started Event 2 with error: 0ms at Wed May 15 3:22 PM:08,072 2001

--> Started Event 3 with error: 0ms at Wed May 15 3:22 PM:08,072 2001

--> Started Event 4 with error: 0ms at Wed May 15 3:22 PM:08,072 2001  Overrun of the events per unit time through Zeituberschneidung

This test is similar in principle to attempt from 9.4.2 . above, however, the event service the overlap of the events do not immediately realize. The events are added so that you are all the events until a later date to a time overlap. Here is the behavior of the Ereignisdienstes tested to this situation and will be demonstrated, this is, of course, also the set / do not set of the 4, bits in the Typenfeldes depending on, here is the setting so that, if an error arises during the adding, then simply the closest possible time is selected as a start time (bit 4 is not set). In this example, the minimum delay between the various earliest starts 1 millisecond.

Since the test this time a bit longer, it was the result of the test for the better understanding still comments.


Function call:


For(i= 0 ;i< 10 ;i++)

Osaaddevent( / * ID * /              i .0,

/ * Type * /                      1+2,    

/ * Delay * /         1+ i,0,

/ * Repeat * /       10- i,0,

/ * Timeout * /100,        

/ * Feature * / &test );   

Test run: ( on System 1.


1 Step:     Add the 10 Events


+ +> Added id: 0 delay: 1,000 Start: Tue May 22 11:48 am:42,200 2001

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 2000 Start: Tue May 22 11:48 am:43,200 2001


+ +> Added id: 8 delay: 9,000 Start: Tue May 22 11:48 am:50,200 2001

+ +> Added id: 9 delay: 10,000 Start: Tue May 22 11:48 am:51,200 2001


2 Step:because it is cyclic events, you will be  



--> Started Event 0 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:42,200 2001

+ +> Added id: 0 delay: 10,000 Start: Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,200 2001

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:43,200 2001

+ +> Added id: 1 delay: 9,000 Start: Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,200 2001

--> Started Event 2 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:44,200 2001

+ +> Added id: 2 delay: 8,000 Start: Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,200 2001

--> Started Event 3 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:45,200 2001

+ +> Added id: 3 delay: 7,000 Start: Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,200 2001

--> Started Event 4 with error: 0ms at  Tue May 22 11:48 am:46,200 2001

+ +> Added id: 4 delay: 6,000 Start: Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,200 2001


But since only 5 events/unit ( here 1 millisecond ) may be called, the remaining 5 to be launched later. 


--> Started Event 5 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:47,200 2001

XX> Event 5 not added - too many events per Time

+ +> Added id: 5 delay: 5,001 Start: Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,201 2001

--> Started Event 6 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:48,200 2001

XX> Event 6 not added - too many events per Time

+ +> Added id: 6 delay: 4001 Start: Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,201 2001

--> Started Event 7 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:49,200 2001

XX> Event 7 not added - too many events per Time

+ +> Added id: 7 delay:  3001 Focal point Start: Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,201 2001

--> Started Event 8 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:50,200 2001

XX> Event 8 not added - too many events per Time

+ +> Added id: 8 delay: 2001 Start: Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,201 2001

--> Started Event 9 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:51,200 2001

XX> Event 9 not added - too many events per Time

+ +> Added id: 9 delay: 1001 Start: Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,201 2001      


3. Step:Here you just added the starts of the events, only to have a better overview the rows have been shown, in which the events are started.    


--> Started Event 0 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,200 2001 

--> Started Event 1 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,200 2001 

--> Started Event 2 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,200 2001 

--> Started Event 3 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,200 2001 

--> Started Event 4 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,200 2001 

--> Started Event 5 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,201 2001 

--> Started Event 6 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,201 2001 

--> Started Event 7 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,201 2001 

--> Started Event 8 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,201 2001 

--> Started Event 9 with error: 0ms at Tue May 22 11:48 am:52,201 2001 

5.10    Results and Outlook

By the enlargement to the event service is now the OSA+ a further major step in the direction toward real-time capability.

This makes it possible that now jobs or functions in an adjustable time in an adjustable time window can be started.

The maximum achievable accuracy is, however, limited by the underlying operating system on Windows 95 testing e.g. in the best case only 50 milliseconds, while under Windows 2000/NT even accuracies of up to 1-2 milliseconds were possible. 

If necessary, you can also the jobs started in the same intervals be repeated.

This relatively high accuracy in Windows2000/NT is achieved by the fact that the event service functions to read/set that provides the time, which only during the initialisation of the C use the Standardzeitfunktion. Later, the time, then determined with the help of the system time, which is much more accurate.

This OSA - internal time is also necessary, since there may be times on the network need to be synchronized, and not the CMOS - clock of the system is to be affected.

If you have higher levels of accuracy should be needed, it is recommended that you the porting of the OSA+ on a Echtzeitplatform such as VxWorks or RT-Linux.

Then there are up to the factor of 10 higher accuracy possible and 100% guaranteed real-time capability.

5.11    ANNEX

5.11.1    List of all Windows specific functions

Here is a list of the Windows 95 / 98 / ME/NT/2000 specific functions in the porting to a different platform need to be replaced:




Reads the current system time from ( milliseconds since startup ) and there is this as a 32-bit integer value back. ( due to the 32-bit, the value is 49.71 days all resettiert )


Timesetevent( PRECISION,1, TimerProc , 0, TIME_PERIODIC );


This function is responsible for ensuring that the Mutimediatimer of the Windows is initialized and then in definable intervals ( here:precision ) the timer function ( TimerProc ) invokes the timer function has on the basis of the fixed parameters therefore look like the following:


Void callback TimerProc(UINT uid, UINT uMsg, DWORD dwUser, DWORD DW1, DWORD DW2 ) ;


The Windowsspezifischen variables are passed but not evaluated further.

( What the implementation should facilitate to other platforms.

5.12    Literature

[Brinks et al, 00]Brinkschulte, Krakowski, Riemschneider, "The OSA+ architecture", Internal Report, Institute for microcomputer and automation, Uni-Karlsruhe , 28 March 2000)


6         Inertial Measurement Unit

Based on Mohammad Subhan, "Building a inertial measurement system for an experimental environment", Diploma Thesis, 2001/2002, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences

University of Technology







Table of Contents


Table of Contents                                                                                                                       i

List of figures:                                                                                                                          iii

List of Tables                                                                                                                            iv

List of Tables                                                                                                                            iv

1        Introduction                                                                                                                      1

1.1     Task  2

1.2     Overview................................................................................................... 2

2        Basics                                                                                                                                3

2.1     Coordinate System.................................................................................... 4

2.2     Calculation of the current position.......................................................... 6

2.3     Compass.................................................................................................... 7

3        Architecture design of the IMU                                                                                     8

3.1     Meßdatenaufnahme.................................................................................. 8

3.2     Meßdatenaufbereitung.............................................................................. 8

4        Development environment                                                                                           10

4.1     Hardware-Entwicklungsumgebung...................................................... 10

4.2     Software Development Environment.................................................... 11

5        Realization of the IMU                                                                                                 12

5.1     Meßdatenaufnahme................................................................................ 12

5.1.1  Circuit Design for the Meßdatenaufnahme................................. 12 Acceleration Sensors................................................................... 13   Rather than focusing solely on the accelerometer                                    14   Laying down the bandwidth of the accelerometer                                   15   Definition of the period duration of the accelerometer                            15 The roundabout and the filtering their output signals............. 16   Calculation of the order Butterworth                                                       17 The Kompaßsensoren and filtering their output signals........... 18 Reference Voltage....................................................................... 20

5.1.2  Board layout design for the Meßdatenaufnahme........................ 21

5.2     Meßdatenaufbereitung............................................................................ 23

5.2.1  Circuit Design for the Meßdatenaufbereitung............................. 24 Supply Voltage............................................................................ 24 Reference Voltage....................................................................... 24 Memory....................................................................................... 24 Jumper Settings........................................................................... 26

5.2.2  Board layout design for the Meßdatenaufbereitung................... 27

5.2.3  The software for the Meßdatenaufbereitung............................... 29 States and state transitions of the program............................... 30 Analysis and Design with SA (Structured Analysis) / SD (Structured Design) 31 User Interface.............................................................................. 32 Collection of data of the acceleration sensors........................... 34   Decoding of the outputs of the acceleration sensors                                34   Calculation of the acceleration with high accuracy                                  35

6        Test Results                                                                                                                    37

6.1     Hardware-Test........................................................................................ 37

6.2     Test of the overall system with the microcontroller (C167).................. 38

6.2.1  Gesamtsystem-Test 1..................................................................... 38

6.2.2  Gesamtsystem-Test 2..................................................................... 40

6.2.3  Gesamtsystem-Test 3..................................................................... 40

7        Summary and outlook                                                                                                   42


List of figures:


Fig 1: translational and rotational motion parameters. 3

Fig 2: Euler-Winkel 4

Fig 3: Spatial Representation. 6

Fig 4: Earth's magnetic field. 7

Fig 5: The architecture of the IMU the "Alternate Lotte". 8

Fig 6: Development Environment for the hardware development; EAGLE Layout Editor. 10

Fig 7: Development Environment for the software development; µVision2 Text Editor. 11

Figure 8: Block diagram of the Meßdatenaufnahme. 12

Figure 9: Block diagram of the Beschleunigungsaufnahme. 13

Fig 10: Embedding an accelerometer. 14

Fig 11: Block diagram of the Winkelgeschwindigkeitsaufnahme. 16

Fig 12: circuit for the Winkelgeschwindigkeitsaufnahme. 17

Fig 13: Butterworth. 18

Fig 14: Block diagram of the heading indicator. 19

Fig 15: on-chip component of the Kompaßsensors. 19

Fig 16: Set/reset circuit for the Kompaßsensor. 20

Fig 17: Reference Voltage. 21

Fig 18: Komponentenbesetzung on the circuit board 1 and 2. 22

Fig 19: Platinenansicht of IMU-overall system.. 23

Fig 20: Block diagram of the Meßdatenaufbereitung (Sensordatenaufbereitung) 23

Fig 21: circuit for the Eingangsspannungsuberwachung. 25

Fig 22: serial interface will be started. 26

Fig 23: component side of the Mikrocontrollerboards. 28

Fig 24: solder side of the Mikrocontrollerboards. 28

Fig 25: Environment of the microcontroller. 29

Figure 26: state diagram for the Meßdatenaufbereitungs-Software. 30

Fig 27: User Interface of the IMU for testing purposes. 33

Fig 28: Sensor Output of ADXL210. 34

Fig 29: the accelerometer, in X-direction. 38

Fig 30: the accelerometer, in Y-direction. 39

Fig 31: the accelerometer, in Z-direction. 39

Fig 32: the accelerometer, in X-direction. 40

Fig 33: the accelerometer, in Y-direction. 41

Fig 34: the accelerometer, in Z-direction. 41

List of Tables


Table 1: Bandwidth. 15

Table 2: Resistance values for the setting of the period. 16

Table 3: jumper settings on the microcontroller board. 27

Table 4: Results of the gyros. 37





6.1       Introduction

The inertial navigation system [ 1] is an autonomous system, which, in contrast to the satellites or other turnovers no external information is needed, and using a inertial navigation system is one in the location,

·         To measure acceleration and rotation speeds,

·         To determine angulation and

·         To calculate position and speed - on dynamically moving vehicles.


And is possible

·         In every weather.

·         At any time,

·         In every place on earth


Due to its construction, the present Inertialnavigationssystem assigned the Strapdown-Systemen. As Strapdown-Systeme are called inertial navigation systems, in which the acceleration sensors that are mounted to the vehicle, the equipped of the sensors are usually parallel to the main axs of the vehicle.

The sensors for such a Strapdown-Inertialnavigationssystem consists of accelerometers, the the translatory Beschleunigungskomponenten capture, the gyroscopes (gyros), the capture the Drehwinkelbeschleunigungen. These amounts are constantly in the direction of the axs of the detected vehicle korperfesten. From the measurement of the Drehwinkelbeschleunigungen differential equations can be the Winkelinkremente (azimuth-, Nick and Rollwinkelinkremente) and the angulation (azimuth-, Nick-, and roll angle) continuously calculate. From these values a navigation computer determined the location of the vehicle on the specified Navigationskoordinatensystems.

The Strapdown-Technik provides the direct coupling of the sensors to the vehicle dynamics high dynamic demands on the sensors themselves.

6.1.1       Task

In: solar-powered boat "Lotte" -Project of the University of Stuttgart has been to the identification of the dynamic models of the airship and for the realisation of regulations in a inertial measuring system with GPS procured, which will culminate in various already been used successfully.

For an alternative "low-cost" flight control system is the integration of a 3-D inertial measurement system called for in the system environment, the task is a Inertial Measuring System to design with a microcontroller and then to integrate into the overall system.

The signals from three accelerometers and three roundabouts are to be connected to a microcontroller, this will in turn over the serial interface with the Regelrechner be connected.

6.1.2       Overview

The goal of the national work it is, an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) with a "low-cost" to realize sensors. 

First, the basics of inertial navigation systems presented. 

Then the architectural design of the IMU is presented. 

Afterwards, the realization of the individual parts described.The draft of the Board has with the program package EAGLE ver, performed 3.55 out. In the implementation of the Software, . (Microcontrollerprogramming) has been the program mVision ver, wedge used 2.03 &amp of the company, it is a shareware version for a limited code size of 16 Kbyte. The programming is in C. the production of the 4-ply Mikrocontroller-Platine is from the company PCB-POOL accepted

Thereafter some test results of tests of the entire IMU presented.

6.2       Basics

The content of this chapter is [ 1], [ 3] and [ 6] issued.

A spatial behavior and/or the movement of a body in the room can be described with six parameters: three Translationsgroßen (x-, Y-, Z-acceleration) and three Rotationsgroßen (x-, Y-, Z- angular velocity), the movement of the body to have to define three accelerometers and three gyroscopes are joined together on a platform ( Strapdown-Konzept ), so that you form an orthogonal system, and the distance, the journey to be, and the angle to which the body has rotated, can by integration of the individual translations and rotations will be calculated, by accurate calculations using the periodic scans at the sensor output can be made using the ideal system to track movement and the current position [ 3].


Fig 1: translational and rotational motion parameters

According to figure 1 can be the distance traveled and the rotation through the following basic formulas calculate.:

                                                                                                                              (  21 )


                                                                                                                     (  22 )


The main limitation of a bet of the system performance is to the limited precision of the given sensors. is a continuous small error in the acceleration once integrated, this will result in the results of the integration to a error in the speed, the speed is still once integrated, it will cause a large error in the distance, and thus are very accurate sensors and bug fixes ( "Feedbackalgorithmen") needed to ensure an accurate to obtain Tragheitsnavigationsplattform. An example of a 'cheap' Feedbackalgorithmus is the G-vectoring. It does not require any additional hardware, but simply take to that the average direction of the Z-Beschleunigungsvektors exactly perpendicular to the direction down earth's surface, and its average -9,81 m/sec² is, and a different putting is the inclusion of GPS positional data, will be fed into the the, but this approach requires careful considerations on the upgrade process, so that the entire system is not disturbed. 


6.2.1       Coordinate System

Another difficulty is the choice of the coordinates of the orthogonal system. There are different solutions, and some of them allow redundancy with the Add of a improved precision.

Description: euler_winkel

Fig 2: Euler-Winkel

It was the representation with the 'Euler' -Angles [ 1] is selected, the Euler-Winkel are defined as follows (see Figure 2):



Azimut, heading, heading (also yaw angle); Axis LPH



Longitudinal Tilt, pitch angle (also pitching); axis K2



Hangewinkel, bank angle (also roll angle, slope); Axis XF



6.2.2       Calculation of the current position



Fig 3: Spatial Representation

Based on Figure 3 , the current movement based on the Koordinatenreferenz (x, y, z) and a mathematical Transformation (based on the Euler-Winkeln ) calculate:



The current Winkelgeschwindigkeitsvektor abg ) is then calculated using the following formula:




Important here is the sample rate, you must be large enough, if a fast rotation movements is present (because of the Abtasttheorems).


6.2.3       Compass

Most navigation systems today use a compass or something similar, in order to determine the thrust, with the measurement of the magnetic field strength of the earth, can the Electronic Compasses, the magnetoresistischen sensors are based on a rotation to 0.1 degree determine.

Description: magnet_feld

Fig 4: Earth's magnetic field

The magnetic field strength of the earth is approximately 0.5 to 0.6 Gauss and has a component that is parallel to the earth's surface, and which to the north shows. This is the basis for all the magnetic compasses, the magnetic field of the earth can be approximated with the Dipolmodell in Figure 4 is shown. This figure illustrates that the direction of the Earth's magnetic field is always on magnetically North shows, this field is used to determine the Kompaßrichtung.

6.3       Architecture design of the IMU




Fig 5: The architecture of the IMU the "Alternate Lotte"


6.3.1       Measurement Data Collection (Meßdatenaufnahme)

The Meßdatenaufnahme consists of sensors, to whose outputs a signal adaptation is switched, the the output signals of the sensors on a reinforced such a voltage level that you, as input signals to the microcontroller (Meßdatenaufbereitung) can be connected, i.e. the Meßdatenaufnahme hardware is realized only.

6.3.2       Measurement Data Processing (Meßdatenaufbereitung)

The Meßdatenaufbereitung is realized with a software to a microcontroller is running, the adapted (partially analog) Sensorausgangssignale are the input signals of Meßdatenaufbereitung. By the Meßdatenaufbereitung are first the in analogue form adapted existing Sensorausgangssignale changed into digital signals. 

All of the sensors (accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetoresistische sensors) have a drift on for temperature fluctuations, and the Meßdatenaufbereitung has a Temperaturmeßeinheit and can to use the known (driftbehafteten) Meßdatenaufnahme-characteristics of the sensors this drift again deduct. Finally, the corrected, digital sensor values are lined up in a row and on a serial output of the microcontroller and the further use of the data on the navigation and Regelungsrechner given on board.

The microcontroller with its external additional elements (additional memory, Treiber, ... ) is realized on its own Board, to a hardware of the decoupling of the Meßdatenaufbereitung to achieve Meßdatenaufnahme. This is granted a modularity, the subsequent changes of IMU-systems easier.


Further processing of the IMU-data:


Project increment 1:

As a provisional solution, the IMU-data from the microcontroller to the navigation and Control computer (Regelungsrechner) give you the unprocessed to the ground station via radio data transmission sends, and only find there the integrations instead.


Project inkrement 2:

The navigation and Control computer takes the necessary integrations before and uses the position and order for his control algorithm, and the position and order together with all other be sensor data to the ground station via radio sends.

6.4       Development environment

6.4.1       Hardware-Entwicklungsumgebung

The hardware development is done with the program of the company Cadsoft EAGLE. It is the eagle-Version 3.55 , with Windows 2000, the tool includes a layout editor, with the the boards were designed, EAGLE also contains a Bibliotheks-Editor , a CAM (Computer Aided Assembly) -processor and a text editor, you can with the Bibliothekseditor housing and edit icons.


Description: eagle

Fig 6: Development Environment for the hardware development; EAGLE Layout Editor



6.4.2       Software Development Environment


The programming of the microcontroller C166 was done with the development µVision of the company Keil

One finds in µVision, Version 2 the basic elements of a modern IDE:

·         A specially adapted text editor.

·         An ANSI-C-compiler (C166-ANSI-C-compiler),

·         A Assembler (A166-Assembler),

·         A left/Lokator (L166),

·         A debugger ( µVision2 Debugger)


Description: keil

Fig 7: Development Environment for the software development; µVision2 Text Editor

6.5       Realization of the IMU

In this chapter will be the implementation of the Advanced Inertial Measurement System explains. After the block diagram of the Meßdatenaufnahme Meßdatenaufnahme is the shifting of the presented, the individual parts of the circuit are described in detail, on the same principle will be the implementation of the described Meßdatenaufbereitung and, in the case of the Meßdatenaufbereitung even the description of the developed software on the Microcontroller is added.

6.5.1       Meßdatenaufnahme

The task of the Meßdatenaufnahme consists in, and the movement of the airship and the earth's magnetic field to capture the Meßdatenaufnahme is composed of three acceleration sensors, three roundabouts and three magnet sensors together.


Figure 8: Block diagram of the Meßdatenaufnahme

For the adaptation of the Sensorensignale Meßdatenaufbereitung to the additional Signalanpassungsschaltungen be required.  Circuit Design for the Meßdatenaufnahme

The whole circuit for the Meßdatenaufnahme is shown in Annex A, the following are the individual areas of the circuit described in more detail.

Acceleration Sensors

Accelerometers measure, as the name already says, the rate of change of velocity, by creating electronic signals, the measured or to control a process can be used, and traditional applications include the activation mechanisms of safety belts and air bags, in which the sudden deceleration of the accelerometer which is responsible for the security techniques in gear sets.

The above sensors use a mechanism, the with of the elongation of a spring can be compared, the force, by the acceleration due to is, extends the spring, with a higher acceleration is even more stretched the spring. The measurement of the Deformationslangen and the acceleration can be determined. 

Figure 9: Block diagram of the Beschleunigungsaufnahme

The ADXL210 is a "low cost" 2Achs-Beschleunigungssensor with low power consumption, and the measurement is between - 10g and +10G. The special on the ADXL210 are the digital outputs on the two axles, the outputs are digital signals, whose length (ratio of the pulse width to the period) proportional to the acceleration in two axles are. These outputs can directly be measured with a Mikrocontroller-Zahler. There is no ad-converter needs. The Arbeitszyklusmodulator (DCM) has a resolution of 14 bits, based on this special properties, the acceleration with a simple schema record. After Fig. 9 , the digital outputs of the sensor to the microcontroller directly connect the circuit for the embedding of such an accelerometer is in the figure 10 shown.

The ADXL210 is to configure the following: the length of the period and the bandwidth of the signal output (e.g. , elimination of high-frequency vibrations). These settings are described below.

Description: accel

Fig 10: Embedding an accelerometer


The error behaviour of the acceleration sensor

The sensor failure da of the ADXL210 is in general from a scale factor error k, a bias B and a stochastic noise process w , so that the error can be described as follows:

There is a possibility, before each experiment to determine the bias, so can the error with a much lower bias be assessed, as without this information.

Laying down the bandwidth of the accelerometer

The ADXL210 from Analog Device is set to 100 Hz bandwidth. This setting is By Cx and Cy (here C10 and C11 connector, see 10), determines, two capacities are to pin 11 (Yfilt) and 12 (Xfilt) connected, and the calculation of the capacity is as follows:

                                                                                                                             (  51 )

                                                                                                                                     (  52 )




10 Hz

0.47 mF

50 Hz

0.10 mF

100 Hz

0.05 mF

200 Hz

0.027 mF

500 Hz

0.01 mF

5 Khz

0.001 mF

Table 1: Bandwidth


Definition of the period duration of the accelerometer

The length of the period at the sensor output is determined by a resistance Rset (in the image R23+R24+R25), is connected with the GND, the equation is then:

                                                                                                                                     (  53 )




1 MS

125 KW

2 MS

250 KW

5 MS

625 KW

10 MS

1.25 MW

Table 2: Resistance values for the setting of the period


The gyro and the filtering their output signals

The angular velocity with a roundabout you can be record. This recording is in the Fig. 11 shown to adapt it to the microcontroller a Butterworth filter be added and an amplifier.

Fig 11: Block diagram of the Winkelgeschwindigkeitsaufnahme

The "heart" of the gyroscope is a Keramikstab, which, in its longitudinal axis is brought to vibrate, the rod is in two places with Metallgabeln welded to the "nodal point" of the rod are, and when the rod to rotate is placed on the vertical plane to a vibration appears through influence, the with the angular velocity is the same, the on the rod mounted piezo-electric plates are both a way to swing the rod longitudinal to bring, as well as the vibration generated by the appears through influence on the vertical plane should be repealed, and the voltage, the repealing of the vibrations on the vertical level is necessary, there is information on how fast the rod (and therefore, the gyroscope) is turning. The gyroscope in this way creates an output voltage that is proportional to the angular velocity is.

Description: kreisel_1

Fig 12: circuit for the Winkelgeschwindigkeitsaufnahme

The output of the Kreisel-Sensors is an analog voltage to Noise-Reduzierung and the antialiasing is the sensor a Butterworth filter 2. Ok downstream and the resulting signal is output through a 1.2 -fold at the amplifier AD-converter led of the microcontroller, you used to strengthen a IC of analog device of the type OP491.

The Butterworth filter is used only resistors and capacitors with fault tolerance of 1 %. This is necessary, because of the filter must be exactly in the calculation of the resistors and capacitors are C1 with 22 nF and C2 with 100nF commanded. Based on these values can then the values of the other resistors be determined.

Calculation of the order Butterworth


                                                                                                                                                             (  54 )

                                                                                                                     (  55 )

                                                                                                                                            (  56)

The following constants are specified:

A0 = 1; a1 = 1.4142 ; b1 = 1

Description: butterworth

Fig 13: Butterworth

As a fixed values has been C1 with 22 nF and C2 set with 100 nF. It follows after the forming of equation      (  56):

                                                                                             (  57 )

As a last then you can R3 calculate

                                                                                                                                   (  58 )



The Compass sensors and filtering their output signals

The current direction of the airship can be seen, in which you have a sensor that the magnetic field on the surface of the earth measures, uses, this compass is in the figure 14 briefly presented. With a instrumentation amplifier is the output signal from the sensor connected to the microcontroller.

Fig 14: Block diagram of the heading indicator


Magnetoresistic sensors from Honeywell are simple bridge connections (Figure 15), the only an input voltage need to to measure magnetic fields, and if a voltage from 0 to 10 volts to Vbridge is connected, begins to the sensor, a magnetic fields to measure in the environment. In addition, the sensor two "on chip straps", the offset and the Enter reset switch.

Description: bridge_hmc

Fig 15: on-chip component of the Kompaßsensors

The offset-bridge can be different operating modes, if a DC by the offset-bridge flows. An unwanted, but known magnetic field can be subtracted out.

Description: set_hmc

Fig 16: Set/reset circuit for the Kompaßsensor

The Set/reset (S/R) can be a high current pulses, which are then very useful, if the sensor in a highly sensitive work mode can be, and most magnetic sensors, measure the low field strengths, are influenced by larger magnetic fields (> 4 - 20 gauss), the can lead to a Ausgangssignalverminderung. In order to to reduce this effect, and to the signal at the output to maximize, can a magnetic circuitry (Fig 16) on the S/R will be applied, the eliminated the effect, with the help of IRF7105 brings top is at the exit of the Set/reset circuit with a power output of approximately 3A present, the purpose of Set/reset (S/R) is more sensitive to the sensor back to make small field strengths. This is accomplished, by a large current through the S/R pulsates.  Reference Voltage

The analog output signals of the sensors require a reference voltage, this reference voltage is the building block by UM780 AD generated, as both Referenzspannungerzeuger, as well as use Temperaturanderungssensor. By AD780 is a Ultrahochprazision "Bandgap" generated reference voltage, the 2.5 V or 3.0 V provides. The required input voltage can be between 4-36 volts.

Description: ref_spannung

Fig 17: Reference Voltage


In addition to the reference voltage generated of the AD780 is still a further output voltage, the correlated with the temperature difference (in fig 17This is the output (A3), A3 provides a voltage, is dependent on the linear of temperature fluctuations, it is intended to help the non-linearity of the sensors to correct with the help of the data sheets and data collected.

A room temperature of 25 C is the outlet temperature voltage of 560 mV (according to the data sheet) with a "temperature sensitivity" of 1.9 mV/°C, since the reference voltage of 2.5 volts and AD-converter of the microcontroller a resolution of 10 Bit has, the system has a resolution of:


To the capture of signals to simplify, was elected an amplifier of 2.47 (see Figure 17), that are each temperature changes ensures that you can be covered, a + 1 C temperature change then caused a change in voltage at the output of + 4.7 mV. during the room temperature is the output voltage: 1.48 V.

6.5.2    Board layout design for the Meßdatenaufnahme (Measurement data collection)

The three a wide array (acceleration sensors - Drehwinkelmessung and telemetry, magneticfield measurement, etc.) each have three components (each for the measurement in the x-, Y-and z-direction). In all three Sensorpaketen the sensors must be (responsible for the Meßdatenaufnahme) also in the direction of the corresponding spatial axs (X, Y, and z-axis) be aligned, i.e. , that a package two sensors (e.g. , for the Meßdatenaufnahme in x and y-direction) in a plane, and the third sensor ( e.g. for the Meßdatenaufnahme in Z-direction) in a vertical plane.

This can be realized by two sensors each of the three a wide array on a circuit board and the third sensor placed all three a wide array on a second board, perpendicular to the first circuit board is mounted.

Fig 18: Komponentenbesetzung on the circuit board 1 and 2


Fig 19: Platinenansicht of IMU-overall system


6.5.3       Meßdatenaufbereitung


Fig 20: Block diagram of the Meßdatenaufbereitung (Sensordatenaufbereitung)  Circuit Design for the Meßdatenaufbereitung

The Meßdatenaufbereitung is with a microcontroller (with additional memory and peripheral components) are realized.

The shift, the the microcontroller with the additionally required memory and peripheral components connects, is listed in Appendix B, the following are the individual sections of the circuit described in more detail.

Supply Voltage

Supply voltage is used as a component of the type 78M05. In the component is an input voltage between 7.5 volts and 12 volts input. As a output voltage is 5 volts, all components work with 5 volts of power. The pins of the inputs are via the jumpers JP2 and JP6 (see Figure 23). A LED can the jumper JP7 to be connected, the lit LED indicates that the supply voltage is working properly.

Reference Voltage

For the reference voltage there are two possibilities: either the supply voltage of 5 Volt be used as a reference voltage, or it can be connected a separate reference voltage, which can be selected by jumper settings (see JP10 in JP11 in the table 3). If you feed a own reference voltage, which will not exceed 5 volts, there is no 22 Pin of connector SV2 is available (see table 9 ).


The microcontroller is to 256 KByte ROM (2 blocks per 128 Kbytes) and 256 KByte RAM equipped. The used Rome is of the type 681000, the RAM of the type 29F010 of the Philips company, with the power supply of RAM was a second supply voltage available to potential losses to avoid the memory, and the building block MAX690 machines only (by Maxim) takes on this task (see Figure 21). The output Vout of the module MAX690 machines only there is a constant output voltage from. As soon as VCC is less than 5 volts, the building block to battery power, this will allow the data from the RAM, a data loss by shutdown or weakening of the input voltage is avoided, however.

Description: max690

Fig 21: circuit for the Eingangsspannungsuberwachung


For a connection with other computers or for the programming of the flash RAM, a serial interface and a CAN-bus to the board appropriate. Instead of a port a CAN-bus the connection can also used as a second serial interface be. The first interface X1 (see Figure 22) is the first serial port interface X2 can be either as a CAN-interface or as a second serial interface operated. The switchover is by JP3 and JP4.

Description: serial

Fig 22: serial interface will be started

Jumper Settings

The microcontroller board can be configured with different jumper settings, and there is still an additional switch to the RAM or the Rome to configure. 

The jumper settings have the following functions:


Default Setting

Alternative setting


(1 +2)

CAN-VCC generated by Supplay

(2 +3)

CAN-VCC generated by CAN-network via DB9-X2



(2 +3)

DB9-X2 works as CAN 

(1 +2)

DB9-X2 works as a second serial specific


(1 +2)

VAREF generated by VCC

(2 +3)

VAREF generated by external Suplay on SV2


(1 +2)

RGND generated by DGND

(2 +3)

RGND generated by external earth via SV2

Table 3: jumper settings on the microcontroller board


6.5.4    Board layout design for the Meßdatenaufbereitung 

As for the components of the Meßdatenaufbereitung no special spatial directions (as in the Meßdatenaufnahme) are required, the entire Meßdatenaufbereitung on a sufficiently large board will be realized.

It shows that the whole circuit for the Meßdatenaufbereitung on a four-layered EURO-board is to realize.

The first of the four layers is the Bestuckunsseite, an interlayer is the ground, a second intermediate layer is connected to the supply voltage, and the fourth layer is used as a solder.



Description: uc_board

Fig 23: component side of the Mikrocontrollerboards




Description: uc_board_bottom

Fig 24: solder side of the Mikrocontrollerboards  The software for the Meßdatenaufbereitung 

The actual Meßdatenaufbereitung is realized by a software on the microcontroller (C167) expires.

Signals from sensors are recorded and edited, depending on the switch settings will be different operating modes, and forwarded to multiple LEDs (i.e. , the LEDs show the current mode). The edited data is then given to the serial interface.


Fig 25: Environment of the microcontroller


States and state transitions of the program


Figure 26: state diagram for the Meßdatenaufbereitungs-Software



In this condition, the initialized and/or calibrated sensors. In the acceleration sensors is the period on the DCM-output measured. The IMU must once again to the x-, Y-, and z-axis will be rotated, this will determine the force of gravity, the later in the Gravitationskompensation is used.

The system can be moved in the Calibration-Zustand, by the START_ Calibration-Befehl there is, after turn of the IMU can then this state with a stop Calibration-Befehl be terminated after calibration, the system in the READY_MEASURE-condition.



This condition is considered a transition state, it will be no data from the sensors detects. This operating mode is used only for the preparation of the next status. With the command START_MEASURE the system goes to the next state.

The condition READY_MEASURE can only be achieved if the system has already been calibrated, which means that the condition is never reached, if the system has not yet been calibrated, which makes it the faulty measurement of the sensors prevent another transition in the calibration state calibration is possible, however, in the man the Start_calibratoin-command is there.



In this condition in certain periodic cycles, is the data collected by the sensors, after error correction, and calculations (Meßdatenaufbereitung) are the data obtained on the serial interface given. This you get the current measured data on the serial interface.


Analysis and Design with SA (Structured Analysis) / SD (Structured Design)

The program processes the data from the sensors and then you are to the serial interface, the user can use serial interface defined commands to the microcontroller to the program of a condition to put in the other (see Fig 26).

You can also reach a transition of the program, in which various switch, the with pins of the microcontroller are connected, actuated. Whether the command over the serial interface or the of a switch has a higher priority, can be set a separate switch, should be in the General commands via the serial interface have priority. 

The processes of the system are in the following SA-graph (circles mean functions or processes, arrows mean data flows):  User Interface

The user interface is used for the test case for this purpose, to communicate with the microcontroller, so between the different modes can be switched.

Description: user_int

Fig 27: User Interface of the IMU for testing purposes.

The user has the option, the system with five different commands to affect:



The formula s= 1/2 a t² the user receives in the primitive test case the current position in relation to a starting position, in which the Board at the start of the program was. This command can only be executed when the system is already calibrated and has been started. 



Sets all readings back to zero, so a new measurement can be started, if you have already been calibrated. 


Start calib.

The system is brought into the calibration mode, the sensors must now by hand to the rotary axs (X-, Y-, and Z-axis) be rotated once.


Stop calib.

Let the program go to a condition when loaded and ready to launch.



Starts the Measurements


Collection of data of the acceleration sensors

In the collection of the accelerometer data a special procedure is necessary.

Roundabout, Kompaßsensoren and temperature and/or reference voltage are on to the AD-converter of microcontroller connected, and the data that will be without a special routine converted into a digital form. 

Decoding of the outputs of the acceleration sensors

The outputs of the acceleration sensors are in the form of digital signals before. This is used for decoding a special routine necessary. 

Description: adxl_signal

Fig 28: Sensor Output of ADXL210

To the two components of a accelerometer to determine, you need to have the Signallangen of T1 and T2 of the two outputs of the sensor (see Figure 28). A counter will be with the rising edge of the x-output (Ta = 0) started. The count on the signal covered (TB) is stored during running timer, the contents of Timer is on the following rising edge of the x-output (TC) is stored and, at the same time stopped, a process which will then for the Y-output repeatedly (TD, TE and Tf).

T1 and T2 are then easily calculated with the following formulas. 

                                                                                                                                        59 )

                                                                                                                                       510 )

In normal use, if no high accuracy is required, you can the acceleration with the following simple Naherungs-Formel calculate (see [ 4] ):

                                                                                                511 )


Calculation of the acceleration with high accuracy

With the given "low cost" sensors can be a high level of accuracy only achieved by a suitable software will be in accordance with the data sheet of ADXL210 is to achieve a higher level of accuracy, the following routine to use in the process (see [ 4] ):

At the beginning the system should be placed in the Kalibrier-Zustand, and then with each component of the Beschleunigungs-Sensors be made the following:

The Komponenten-Richtung lies horizontally, then slowly to the sensor is full 360o rotated, and in such a way that the Komponenten-Richtung the zenith (direction that is perpendicular to the top) cuts. If the Komponenten-Richtung in the Zenit shows, should measure the accelerometer -1g, according to +1g, if the Komponenten-Richtung vertically downwards.

Meaning of the variables in the following formulas:



The value of T2 during the calibration.



The 0 g of T1 during the calibration. 

Bit scale factor





Scale Factor




                                                                                                                                512 )


                                                                                                            513 )

The current acceleration can be calculated as follows:

                                                                                       514 )


                                                                                                                              515 )


6.6       Test Results

In this chapter are test results of tests of the IMU-presented overall system, and the first thing will be results of the tests described, then Mikrocontroller-Programm tests to be described.

6.6.1       Hardware-Test

After all boards were manufactured, some of the tests were carried out before the system was put into operation, in this test is the measurement of the output voltages of Gyros and to measurement of DCM-signals that are produced by the acceleration sensors. 

An input voltage of 5 volts to the circuit board is connected, the voltages on Gyros and other components are measured with the voltmeter, while in the acceleration sensors the Signallangen be displayed with the oscilloscope.

In general, this test, the function of each of the components tested so you can determine whether the sensors are working or not.


Test Description



Roundabout No1 



Roundabout No2



Roundabout No3



Table 4: Results of the gyros


The acceleration sensors also functioned.


6.7    Test of the overall system with the microcontroller (C167)

After the successful Hardware-Test was the collection of data by using the microcontroller (C167) tested the company PHYTEC. This is not the developed in the present work microcontroller board, but a testboard contains of Phytec. This evaluation module has been with the developed in the present work connected sensor boards.

In the test were the Signallangen every 100 ms (see Fig 28) of the Beschleunigungskomponenten senses, there were 100 stored values were then output through the serial interface and displayed.


6.7.1    Gesamtsystem-Test 1


The IMU rested this series (i.e. , no movement has been run).


Fig 29: the accelerometer, in X-direction


Fig 30: the accelerometer, in Y-direction

Fig 31: the accelerometer, in Z-direction


Although the sensors are not moving, were the data collected did not constant, the deviations to the constant value are  + 1 counters (i.e. , about 0.1 % ). This is located on the timer of the microcontroller while the clocking.


6.7.2    Gesamtsystem-Test 2

In this attempt, the above error measured by averaging the data be reduced:

The period T1 takes 1ms in test1 was sampled every 100 ms, i.e. each hundredth value of the sensor has been detected in test2 are now all 100ms the first ten values (in the distance of 1ms) detects and of these ten of the mean value is formed, this average is now considered the (every 100 ms) sampled value.


Fig 32: the accelerometer, in X-direction




6.7.3    Gesamtsystem-Test 3


Here the data of the roundabout in a similar manner, it showed that coverage without averaging (according to Gesamtsystem-Test 1 for the acceleration sensors) the values of the dormant roundabout more of a constant value which differed (approximately 0.5 % ). A averaging was not made.

Fig 33: the accelerometer, in Y-direction



Fig 34: the accelerometer, in Z-direction

6.8       Summary and outlook

It was a partly functional IMU finished, with only the microcontroller to Meßwertaufbereitung must still be tested for functionality, and the first results of the tests are described in the Chapter 6 under this test is simple tests in dormant sensors, it is not yet to the Error Correction him part of a temperature change of the sensors, the Kompaßsensoren have not yet been tested, because the time was in very short.

The Mikrocontrollerboard could not be tested because some problems occurred during the commissioning of the microcontroller, these issues have been corrected, but it could not be carried out more software testing.

 In order to assess the system as a whole, had to be made many more test, with ongoing uptime would, however the differences especially in the roundabouts accumulate, but it became so in regular, not again to large intervals an updated, with the correct reference value (for example, through a GPS-system) the IMU offsets, i.e. , the next step would be the further development to a hybrid system.




 [1] BROCKHAUS, Rudolf: "Flugregelung"; Springer Verlag; Heidelberg u.a. 1994

[2] DOROBANTU, Raul: "Simulation des Verhaltens einer low-cost Strapdown IMU unter Laborbedingungen"; Technische Universitن t München; München.

[3] MOSER, Luethi/ MOSER, Thomas: "Low Cost Inertial Navigation System"; Electronic Laboratory of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich. 2000

[4] WEINBERG, Harvey: Using The ADXL202 Duty Cycle Output; NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS. [2]

[5] Low Cost + 2g/+ 10g Dual Axis Accelerometers with Digital Output; NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS[3]

[6] CARUSO, Michael J: Applications of Magnetoresistive Sensors in Navigation Systems; Honeywell Inc[4]



















Table of Contents





The Solarluftschiff Lotte1 1.1 .""...........................................................................

1.2Task2     ............................................................................................................

1.3 Mega Pixels Overview2..................................................................................


2.1Real-time systems4...........................................................................................

Border Cooperation • 2.2Hardware4..................................................................

2.2 .1components and classifications4....................................................... ......................

2.2 .2The microcontroller family C1666 -.................................................. ......................

2.2 .3The C167 microcontroller family7..................................................... ......................

2.2 .4The memory organization of the C1679 tool.................................... ......................

2.2 .5The interrupt system for the C16711................................................ ......................

2.2 .6The Timereinheiten14........................................................................ ......................

2.2 .7Capture Compare Unit (Capcom)15................................................ ......................

2.2 .8The Pulsweiten-Einheit PWM16........................................................ ......................

2.2 .9Analog Digital Converter (ADC)18.................................................. ......................

2.3Control of servo motors 20..............................................................................

3Architecture Design of the Aktorik-Ansteuerungseinheit (engl, Actuator Control Unit (ACU)22          ....................................................................................................................................................

Version 3.1 voltage regulation22..........................................................................

Really 3.2Betriebsspannungsuberwachung23.....................................................

3.3 Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung 23.............................................................

3.4 Steuersignal-Erzeugung 24.............................................................................

Another 3.5Notsteuerungsbaugruppe25.............................................................

Pinhole 3.6operating states of the ACU26...........................................................

3.7Modularity of the ACU26................................................................................

4Development Environment29)........................................................................................................      

4.1 Hardware-Entwicklungsumgebung 29.........................................................

4.2 Software Development Environment 30.......................................................

5Realisation of the ACU31................................................................................................................      

5.1 Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung 31......................................................

5.1 .1circuit design for the Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung 32..... ......................

5.2Waiting Betriebsspannungsuberwachung34..................................................

5.3 Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung 36.............................................................

5.3 .1circuit design for the Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung 38............. ......................

5.4 Steuersignal-Erzeugung 40.............................................................................

5.4 .1The hardware of the Steuersignal-Erzeugung 42............................. ......................

5.4 .2The monitoring and the forwarding of the PWM-signals from the remote control (normal B)42 .........................................................................................................

5.4 .3 Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung stage 149............................................. ......................

International 5.5Notsteuerungsbaugruppe51.....................................................

5.5 .1circuit design for the monitoring of the control signals on the output of the ACU and the channel5-output of the Fernsteuerempfangers51.......................................... ......................

5.5 .2circuit design for the Notsteuerungsbaugruppe52........................... ......................

5.5 .3circuit design for the forwarding of the PWM signals from Fernsteuerungsempfanger ( Luftschiff-Startphasen -Operation)53............................................................. ......................

5.6Layout design of board 1 ( "Voltage regulation", " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " and " Notsteuerungs-Baugruppe " )54..........................................................................................

&amp; 5.7the boards....................................................................  of the ACU55

6Experimental results56....................................................................................................................      

Construction of the 6.1Ø' authorisation Testplatzes56.......................................

6.2Experiments and test57..............................................................................

6.3The ordered test57.......................................................................................

6.3 .1Test articles 159.................................................................................. ......................

6.3 .2Test 260............................................................................................... ......................

6.3 .3Test 361............................................................................................... ......................

6.3 .4Test 461............................................................................................... ......................

6.3 .5Test 562 New...................................................................................... ......................

7Summary and outlook64..................................................................................................................      

Literature65 rating..............................................................................................................................

Appendix A66 motorway...................................................................................................................      

ANNEX B69........................................................................................................................................      


List of figures:


Figure 1: An airship2 

2: Overview of different processor families5 

3: Block diagram of the C167he family8 

4: Memory organization of the C1679 tool

5: Layout of a Interrupt Control register of the C16712 

6: The building of a Timer-Einheit 14 

Fig 7: Timer T015 hand brake 

Fig 8: Control register PWMCON017 

Fig 9: Control register PWMCON017 

Fig 10: The ADC circuit diagram19 

Figure 11: shows the Servo in 3 different states21 

Fig 12: The architecture of the actuator control Unit (ACU) of the "alternative Lotte"22 

Fig 13: States and their transitions of the ACU. remarks, see sections 3.1 to 3,526 

Fig 14: architecture of the ACU (detailed description)28 

Figure 15: development environment for the hardware development; EAGLE Layout Editor 29 

Figure 16: development environment for the software development; µVision2 Text Editor30 

17: Block diagram for the " Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung '31 

Fig 18: circuit " Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung '32 

19: The block diagram for Betriebsspannunguberwachung34 

Figure 20: for the Betriebsspanunnungsuberwachung Programmablaufplan on the µC35 

Figure 21: Block Diagram " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " with Environment36 

Figure 22: state diagram for the manifold of the " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " (see fig.13 in section 3.6 above ) "37 

Figure 23: Part 1 of the switch between Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation and normal operation (LSB/NB-switch, part1)38 

Fig 24: Part 2 of the switch between Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation and normal operation (LSB/NB-switch, part2)38 

Fig 25: Block diagram of the " Steuersignal-Erzeugung '. 41 

Fig 26: finite state machine for the " Steuersignal-Erzeugung ". (See Figure 13 in section 3.6 above )42 

Fig 27: for the Aktorik-Ansteuerungsprogramm Programmablaufplan on the µC43 

28: Capture mode45 

Fig 29: T0 and CC1 in Capture mode47 

Fig 30: PWM-production in the Mode PMX = 050 

Fig 31: for the Blockdiagram Notsteuerungsbaugruppe51 

Fig 32: Monitoring of the control signals (PWM signals) at the output (CAKTIV) of the ACU and the channel5-output of the Fernsteuerempfangers (P2.5)51m 

Figure 33: Notsteuerungsignal-Erzeugung - level 252 

Figure 34: One of the three generated PWM signals, which is created through the combination of the clocks of the two expands flip-flops (explanation, see text)53 

Figure 35: the layout design of printed circuit board 154 

Fig 36: the two boards (1 and 2) The ACU55 

Figure 37: the receiver and the actuators (engine,servos) are on board 1 angeschlossen.55 

Figure 38: Testplatzaufbau56 

Fig 39:59 PM   

Fig 40: Test 260 

Figure 41: Test 361 

Fig 42: Test 4, CH1 = channel 5; CH2 = input signal from channel 4; CH3 = output from the microcontroller; CH4 = output channel 4 of the ACU62)

Figure 43: Test 5-1, CH1 = channel 5; CH2 = input signal from channel 4; CH3 = output from the microcontroller; CH4 = output channel 4 of the ACU63)

Figure 44: Test 5-2, CH1 = channel 5; CH2 = input signal from channel 4; CH3 = output from the microcontroller; CH4 = output channel 4 of the ACU63)

List of Tables


Table 1: Overview of the C166 microcontroller family7 

Table 2: interrupt resources of the C167) (Part 1)12 

Table 3: summarizes the inputs and outputs of the LSB/NB-switch together:39 

Table 4: shows the channel no.., and the corresponding connections and Capture-Register 44 

Table 5: shows the DCLS Einheit-Ausgange and their corresponding timer49 (





7.1       Introduction


7.1.1       The Solarluftschiff Lotte


Airships in the last years experience a renaissance, and at the University of Stuttgart was a Solarluftschiff (Lotte) has been established, the Institute for statics and dynamics of the air and Raumfahrtkonstruktion has in February 1992 the project "Solarluftboot" has started. objective was to use new materials and construction, to achieve a solar and new concepts of the steering, and navigation scheme to implement. 


At the Institute for as aeroelasticity, flight mechanics and control engineering (IFR) is in this context with the methods of identification, as a model is only formed from measuring data, without physical knowledge of the object to be involved, for this procedure you need accurate data on the movement of the object to tailored to the IFR is a measurement and navigation structure, with the trajectory and the location of Lotte is captured and recorded.


One of the airships is replaced by the means a loss of gas its buoyancy, today usually incombustible Helium, formerly it was hydrogen, and the means a loss of gas because of its low density is "easier "than air and therefore generates a boost, a cubic meters of helium is about the capacity of a kilogram, you therefore requires a lot of volume, in order to to take a lot of weight, therefore, airships voluminous body, and the load-bearing capacity is increased with the 3 power of the long, it's perfect for this would be the shape of a ball, but as you but as much as possible with a large speed and small driver want to travel, is a form with a smaller resistance sought, from which the elongated fish or cigar will see figure 1, but the shape was like driftwood in the water in the air and bustle, if not lead plants were attached to the stabilization, which will be fitted with oars, which, as the ship or plane distract the flow to the change in direction and thus the controllability manufacture so you have three essential conditions: the impetus for a voluminous body as much as possible, minimiye the airodyamic resistance due to a streamlined form, carefully calculated to as much as possible the main plants and rowing.

Figure 1: An airship


7.1.2       Task

For the above mentioned Solarluftschiff Lotte is the University of Stuttgart with the support of the University of Karlsruhe an alternative flight control system (flight control system - FCS) developed, which takes into account modern information technology methods.

 In the present work is to Aktrorik-Ansteuerung and their connection to the alternative FCS will be developed.


7.1.3       Overview

The goal of the national work it is, a Aktorikansteuerungs-Baugruppe (AABG) for the flight control system (FCS) of the airship "alternative Lotte" to realize. 

First, the basics regarding real-time systems and embedded systems presented. 

Then, the architectural design of the AABG presented.

Afterwards, the realization of the described parts, and that the draft board was carried out with the program package EAGLE. In the implementation of the Software (Microcontrollerprogramming) has been the program Vision ver, wedge used 2.03 &amp of the company, it is a shareware version for a limited code size of 16 Kbytes, the programming language is C.m

Thereafter some test results of tests of the entire AABG presented.

7.2       Basics

The content of this chapter is [ 1], [ 2], [ 3] and [ 4] issued.


7.2.1       Real-time systems


For systems that are of a mechanical, electrical and data processing part, it is of crucial importance that the information processing happens so quickly, as the mechanical part of or the entire system needs, such as a plane sensors and actuators, and there are information technology units that the sensor data processing, and, according to the actuators of an implemented control loop, and it is the information processing in all your components be at least as quickly, that the actuators (Helm, etc. ) get their commands in time, so that the planned rail can be flown.

 This circumstance of the timeliness is called real-time, and the real-time capability of a system, or a component ensures the processing of a task within a defined time frame, and this can occur in the case of a network the guaranteed delivery of information or in the case of a operating system is the answer of a task to certain aktionsauslosende events within the defined maximum latency be.


7.2.2       Hardware  Components and classifications


The rapid technological progress causes that is nowadays an unmanageable size variety of components available on the free market is, in figure 2 is an example of a very broad overview of a small part of available given Mikroprozessorfamilien. The classification in the discretion is based on experience and have been made to be regarded rather as a grows.



Figure 2: Overview of different processor families


For the engineer in this context is often a problem of the selection and selection of an appropriate product for the task, we need to solve, for this is it I. A, necessary, and the individual products according to classify, classify and to be able to assess, and in many cases the task is mostly more difficult by the fact that many of the products of various categories merge with each other, do try to classify you different products or to compare, so you should always the target application to the fore, and try for this to find the best solution, a simple comparison with Benchmarks makes no sense, if you don't for a concrete example of the application into consideration investigated you, for example, microprocessors, these can be roughly classified according to their data bus width (16 bit, 32 Bit, ... ), your scope (controller, signal processor, pure microprocessor, ... ) or even after the scope of your instruction set

(RISC, CISC, ... ) and of the underlying architecture, and a further, incomplete

List of criteria to be taken into consideration is the following:


·         Price/piece

·         Pieces, availability, compatibility

·         Space, available housing types, required peripherals, etc.

·         Power consumption (power supply, heat dissipation, ... )

·         Development environments (programming languages, simulators, emulators, .... )

·         Maintainability, modularity, integrity, etc.

All of these decision-making criteria are on a case-by-case basis according to be weighed and new to weights.  The microcontroller family C166


The C166he family was from the company Infineon (formerly Siemens) in the first line for time-critical control, and control tasks developed, equipped with a 16-bit wide data bus and numerous peripheral devices provides it to the user a very powerful, integrated solution is available, as typical for a controller it has a distinct Interrupt-System , many configurable I/O lines and various timer, in table 1 is an overview of the various families of the C166he given microcontroller, as is seen, are very many Members of this controller family in addition with integrated analog Digital Converters (ADC), capture Compare units, a PWM module (PWM) and serial interfaces.



Table 1: Overview of the C166 microcontroller family


This 16-bit microcontroller family comes with only a very small number of machine instructions of the C166 has for example, only 78 asm statement, in most cases only a single machine cycle to be processed, due to the very low number of commands that the controllers can than RISC type be classified with some extensions.


The memory organization is in a von Neumann architecture , i.e. , programs and data-sharing is a linear address space together, and each peripheral components, however, are quite modular and with a very complex networked bus system, which allows the parallel execution of internal transfers between the modules and the calculator.  The C167 microcontroller family


The C167he family is based on the architecture of the C166 family, the to 1990 by the Siemens company was newly developed in Munich, in contrast with other microcontrollers and microprocessors was in a more modern, newer concept. The focus has been on a more efficient interrupt treatment, the optimized ability, with individual bits to work quickly and efficiently, and to increased throughput between the on-chip peripherals, the memory and the CPU, put. In addition, played the expandability with other peripheral modules, a important role, in order to for various applications to obtain an optimized microcontrollers, Figure 3 shows the internal block structures of the C167he family and gives an overview of how the individual modules are linked together.




Figure 3: Block diagram of the C167he Family


The most important structural elements are of the CPU core, compared to a slight extension of the C166he has experienced CPU, the interrupt controller and the Peripherie-Einheit . These three Kernblocke determine the performance and the responsiveness of the controller to external events and in the following sections are a bit more detail.  The memory organization of the C167)


As mentioned previously, the C167) after a organized of the von Neumann architecture memory. This is through a common linear program and data memory marked of the C167) can be up to a maximum of 16 MByte addressing. The other area is divided into 256 code segments, each of which are 64 KByte large. This is another area in 1024 Data pages for each of 16 KByte organized. The code segments will be on the code segment pointer (CSP), and the data ranges of 4 data page pointer (DPP0-3) addressed. This allocation is also from the figure 4 can be seen.


Fig 4: Memory organization of the C167)


The segment 0 is a special case, as it registers all the peripheral modules, the General Purpose Register (GPR), the stack, the internal ROM -if any- and the internal RAM contains. From address 0x0000 in segment 0 is the internal ROM  , which is also in the segment 1 can be displayed, this is during the reset process on the CPU register set SYSCON. From address 0xe000 is located in the area of the so-called XRAMs (on-chip extension RAM) or the Register of the CAN module, the XRAM behaves like a normal external memory, the required no wait states, but this will be no external bus cycles generated. In the address range between 0xf000 and 0xFFFF is located the internal RAM and the Special Function Register (SFR). This area contains all I/O register

The C167, which is remarkable, that those who register, the shaded in gray in the

Adreßbereichen are (0xF100-0XF1FF, 0xFD00-0xFDFF and 0xFF00-0xffff), bit by bit-addressable, i.e. to the change of the bits is not a so-called Read-Modify -Write cycle required, as he usually when manipulating of registers by means of a bitmask is used, the internal RAM contains, the more the system stack, which, in its size in the range of 32-1024 words is programmable, and the stack grows from higher to lower addresses, addresses, and use the Stack underflow that sometimes reduced download performance (STKUN) or stack overflow (STKOV) registers, the stack also outsourced, and thus be extended dynamically. It speaks in this case of a circular stack, and also in this area the General Purpose Register is created, the on the context pointer (CP) will be addressed, a new tab is required (for example in case of a subprogram call-up or the branch in a interrupt service time (down to -routine), it may simply by implementing of the CP on a new Registerbank be switched, this has the advantage that, in a Programmverzweigung instead all of the registers only the CP at the top of the stack Must be backed up, and also are located in this address range the Source and Destination pointer for the Peripheral Event Controller (PEC) see [ 1], the rest of the internal RAM is used either as a memory for variables and data, or for program code.  The interrupt system of the C167)


As the C167) microcontroller has a distinct interrupt system, which allows him to very efficiently to external and internal events react to, in principle is to distinguish between


·         Normal interrupts,

·         Peripheral Event Controller (PEC) interrupts,

·         Trap Features (Hardware and Software traps) and

·         External Interrupts.


The procedure of the expiry in the event of an interrupt will now be explained, first of all, the interrupt service routine (ISR) to create, the I. A, a subroutine is equivalent, but with the exception that for the corresponding interrupt source a defined interrupt trap number, see Table 3 , must be specified when a interrupts is then on this trap number in the Interrupt Vector table [ 2], with the address 0x0000 in the address space is located, called the interrupt service routine, and then the appropriate interrupt source is with a suitable interrupt priority level (ILVL) and Group Priority Level (GLVL) fitted to the C167) has 16 ILVL level, each with four group level, it can therefore a maximum of 64 different interrupt priorities be awarded multiple interrupts occur at the same time, so those with a higher wins and ILVL GLVL value.

Only occurs on an interrupt, it is only the ILVL value with the CPU-ILVL value in the Program Status Word (PSW) compared, only if the value is higher, the CPU in your current valueaƒvalueb interrupted. After the establishment of the significance of each interrupt source

Table 2: interrupt resources of the C167) (Part 1)


By the programr, this priority level (ILVL+GLVL) in the associated interrupt Control Register written (for example, T0IC = 0x0027; tells the Timer 0 Interrupt Control Register a ILVL value of 9 and a Group level from 3 to.) The general layout of an Interrupt Control register in Figure 5 is played.

Figure 5: Layout of the Interrupt Control register of the C167)



It is this, the greater the ILVL and GLVL value the higher is the appropriate priority, after the definition of the priority is to source the appropriate interrupt enable (by setting the corresponding yyIE bits), is a PEC transfer be enabled, it is at this point the PECC Register as well as the source and destination address set. After the local interrupt release must be allowed an interrupt global. For this is in the CPU program status word register PSW the bit 'Interrupt Enable' (IEN) must be set, interrupts that occur can now be processed and approved.


The C167) only has a single dedicated interrupt pin - the non-maskable interrupt (NMI) - it can, however many IO pins with the associated logic be configured so that an external signal an Interrupt Request can trigger these interrupts are typically all 400ns at a speed of 20MHz is scanned, the top eight pins of Port 2 can also be used as a however almost external interrupts are configured, see [ 1] page 5-23, which can also the edge change, you want to trigger a request to be programd in this specific case, it is the scanning of the inputs all 50ns at a CPU speed of 20MHz. 


In addition to the previously discussed Interrupt mechanisms there are the so-called trap functions, of which two types are distinguished in the Software trap is a trap in the valueaƒvalueb on function (for example: _trap_(0x10) ) an interrupt is triggered it is processing as in the case of a normal ISR, with the exception that the Interrupt Request (IR) flag is not set and the ILVL priority value not in the Program Status Word is copied, which means that software Traps of interrupts with a lower priority are always can be interrupted, for example, the UN-ter the Hardware traps are energized because of the CPU summarized (e.g. B: mis-aligned requests, Opcode violations, etc. ), these are not maskierbar and have priority over any other CPU activity within this Hardware traps there is a prioritization in different classes, depending on the severity of the error, see [ 1] page 5-5, and the processing of this error is the same as with a normal ISR, with the exception that there is always a ILVL value of 15 in the Program Status Word is copied.  The Timereinheiten


A timer is a hardware counter (Figure 6), although the initialized with commands, but then program runs independently and in his cause an interrupt zero-crossing can. He is used for many tasks, the software is only by program can be very costly, for example:

·         As a periodic interrupt timer,

·         Use as an event counter for signal edges,

·         Frequency generator and frequency meter, as well as

·         Pulse width modulation to control of engines (Servos).

Fig 6: the building of a Timer-Einheit


By programming the timer control the timer can be set in different modes, used as the clock source either the internal or an external signal processor, with the gate input is insulated controlled the clock is in a zero crossing of the counter can be a signal to the outside or delivered an interrupt will be triggered. Hilfsregister serve to recharge, compare, and reading of the meter reading.  Capture Compare Unit (Capcom)


The Capture Compare Unit of the C167) is used to capture and compare Signalzustanden of external digital, and can quite elegant with this module are generated pulse patterns, this module is divided into two functional groups with the CAPCOM unit 1 from the two timers T0 and T1 as well as the 16 registers CC0 to CC15 is the one of the two Timer T0 or T1 are assigned to, in the CAPCOM unit 2 work registers CC16 to CC31 with one of the two Timer T7 and T8 together in Figure 7  is a functional block diagram of the Timer T0 shown Timer T0 as a timer or counter can be used and has a separate Reload register. The timer T1 can only be used as a timer, but as well as Timer T0 on a own Reload register. The timer T7 is analogous to Timer T0 and T8 to T1 running analog.

Fig 7: Timer T0


In the Mode Timer work the timer only counts upwards with the TaktquelleIntern (getelter CPU-measure) or with the output of GPT T6, and the timer T0 and T7 have additional external flankenprogrammierbare inputs ( Count-Betrieb ). In each zero crossing the timer automatically Nachladeregister TxREL lengthen it from the reloaded, and it can be triggered an interrupt.


In the Mode Capture (field) is the current meter reading of the assigned Timer in one of the Register CCxx stored and it can be triggered an interrupt, and this is done with a programmable edge on one of the inputs CCxxIO, the external interrupt to trigger be used.


In the Mode is Compare (Compare) is one of the tabs CCxx on a comparator with the current count of the associated timer compared. If it matches, it will be a signal on the corresponding output CCxxIO output, and it can be triggered an interrupt.  The PWM Pulsweiten-Einheit


 With this unit in the event of an emergency is constant PWM-generating signals, if the recipient for any reason no signals to Outputs further sends. This unit has 4 channels of each of the 4 channels contains its own Timer PTX, of the of the CPU-measure or a divider on the counts, the period of the signal results from a comparison of the current counter with the Periodenregister PPx. The Low-Zeit from a comparison with the Pulsweitenregister PWx. 

For the setting of the measure, the use of the Interrupt mode and all 4 channels the common control register PWMCON0, PWMCON1 see figure 8 and 10, and PWMIC. For each channel there is a own Timer PTX, a own Periodenregister PX, a own Weitenregister PWX and a own output P7x.

Fig 8: Control register PWMCON0


PTRx Timer-Laufkontrolle :0 = off, 1 = Run                                                                               


PTIx        Timer-Taktauswahl : 0 CPU-cycle, 1 = CPU-measure : 64


Fig 9: Control register PWMCON0



PENx output control : 0 output locked, 1 = output Friday

PMX Operating Mode (Mode) 0 = up counter, 1 = on-/ decrementer  


In the PMX = 0 Operating Mode Mode The timer counts PTX starting with the initial value of 0 only up. The counter is of the timer is equal to, or greater than the comparison value in the corresponding PWX, the output to 1 (High) Set, if the counter reaches the comparative value of the corresponding PX, it will be in the next is kept pressed the output to 0 (low) is set and the timer with the initial value 0 started again.  Analog Digital Converter (ADC)


The C167he family has an integrated analog digital converter, see figure 11, with the following properties:


10-Bit Resolution

Wandlungsverfahren: successive approximation

Conversion time: minimum 9.6 sm

16 Analog Input Channels


In each computer system is the so-called bit ( Binary-Digit , divalent paragraph), the smallest, not more further divisible unit of information in the system, a bit can the value (logical 0), or(logical 1) Accept.

In electrical systems, these are two statuses in general shown by electrical voltage and therefore applies to, for example :


            Log.1 = high = +5V 

                Log.0 = low level = 0V 


Seen in this way it makes sense, in a first resolution step the voltage to be measured on a digital input pin of the µCs to connect, but unfortunately there are only two logical however it binary statuses and thus only two distinguishable also unchangeable.

Now here comes the use of the ADC, this component is nothing other than a vorschaltbaugroppe, the analog voltage signal µC-arranges meet, i.e. in converts a numeric value of the C167-AD-converter not only converts so simply analog voltages in binary numbers, but also provides the user still 6 different modes available, see [ 4], with which a wide variety of measurement tasks is very easy to carry out in this work is with Auto Scan continuous conversion mode worked.


Auto Scan continuous conversion mode

In this mode, each time a whole sequence of analog channels of the series after analog-to-digital changed. In the ADCH a bitfield which is specified with the channel of the the Wandlung-Sequenz begins; it ends with channel zero, after each conversion is an interrupt request generated, indicating that, in the ADDAT Register is a current Wandlungsergebnis. In this mode, between a single and a continuous conversion mode differences. 

When Single converts of the AD-converter will automatically all the channels from the channel down to the channel 0 and then stop and the continuous running analog from, only that now permanently further converts.

Fig 10: The ADC circuit diagram





7.2.3       Control of servo motors


In order to with a Mikrorechnersystem as mC-C167) to also control Mechanical Systems

You can, you can rely on several concepts.


·         With stepper motors  Antriebe

·          Antriebe with DC motors.

·         With servo motors  Antriebe


Stepper motors are controlled with special Signalsequenzen to separate coils are placed these engines, so move the rotors always exactly one "step" next, mostly a few Umdrehungsgrade. About a complicated control and appropriate transmission the system may then be moved, DC motors with Mikrorechnern can once via the appropriate amplification stages be turned on and off, and on the other you can, for example, about Pulse Code Modulation set speeds.


A very different technique, the so-called servo-drives, which, inter alia, in the MODELLBAUWELT (plane, car, and model ships) are used, these are already for a few marks and have to have some impressive advantages for the amateur electronics engineers. 

To work with low voltages (5V are enough), and on the other they consume little power in the hibernate. Your Ursprungszweck according to create a rotation of about 90-180 degrees to a strong reduction, i.e. very strong axis. For movements, the living with such values (e.g. , the sun tracking solar paneling, mirror tilt, steer models, etc. ) are servo motors ideal, the most important ingredients are a small DC motor with gearbox, at the output is coupled mechanically a potentiometer and a Electronics, a pulslangenmoduliertes

Signal ( PWM signals ) evaluates, and controls the engine according to the top there is a standardized control of these servos. In the distance of 25 ms pulses are sent (in radio remote controls on the transmitter), with a length of 1.0 ms to 2.0 ms varies and so the position of the servos indicating (left and right).


Is located in the center position of the servo, it is the pulse duration 1.5 ms see figure 12. This Eingangsimpulslange is with the pulse duration of the monostable Multivibrators compared, the of the position of the potentiometer and so that the position of the servos depends on, and only if the position of the servos the same internal pulse generated, such as the externally-scale, hears the movement to, the servo has its default position is reached, so that all of the users of a commercially available servos are still needs to do is the earth, and 5 V and connect at the entrance for a pulse sequence ensure that it is "understands". What is customary here are normal TTL-level.


Figure 11: shows the Servo in 3 different states


7.3       Architecture design of the Aktorik-Ansteuerungseinheit (engl, Actuator Control Unit (ACU)



Fig 12: The architecture of the actuator control Unit (ACU) of the "alternative Lotte"



7.3.1       Voltage regulation

The assembly "Voltage Regulator" supplies the remaining blocks of the ACU with a constant voltage of such a level, for which the individual blocks is needed, as well as the assembly ensures that the power supply for a certain time is maintained after Normal-Betriebsspannungsversorgung not more is fully functional (by the normal operating voltage drops below a certain level). that the normal operating voltage drops below a certain level, the "Betriebsspannungsuberwachung" found.


7.3.2       Betriebsspannungsuberwachung

The "Betriebsspannungsuberwachung" monitors, whether and when the required operating voltage falls below a particular level, in which the blocks of the ACU not more properly can be supplied. Is the block "Voltage Regulator" just in the condition "Supply of Normalbetriebsspannung" (that is from the voltage regulator to the Normalbetriebsspannung the other blocks of the ACU passed on), and then drops the Feed level requested below a certain level, there is the block "Betriebsspannungsuberwachung" a signal to the block "Voltage Regulator" that this "to be supplied with Notbetriebsspannung" switch.

7.3.3       Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung

Using a switch of the through a separate channel of the remote control is pressed, the distributor of the " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " with either normal operation (contains normal operation A (valid commands come from the N/R-calculator) and normal operation B (interconnection of the control signals from Fernsteuerungsempfanger)) or with Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation be initialized when Luftschiff-Startphasen operation, the PWM signals from Fernsteuerungsempfanger routed directly to the actuators (without the use of the microcontroller of the block " Steuersignal-Erzeugung " ), during normal operation, the "Steuersignalerzeugung" from normal operation A to normal operation B toggles and vice versa, in this separate channel is constantly being sent, i.e. , the signal for normal operation or Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation is stationary at.

During the flight can be between Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation and normal operation be switched in both directions.

If neither control signals (PWM signals) at the output of the block "Steuersignalerzeugung" concerns, nor in the separate channel of the remote control, the between normal mode and Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation mode, the finite state machine of the " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " the system, in the Condition " Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung - level 2" (i.e. , hardware production of Notsteuersignalen) move to normal operation after emergency operation status transfer (level 2).


7.3.4       Steuersignal-Erzeugung

Of the block "Steuersignalerzeugung" generated depending on the operating condition in different ways control signals (PWM signals), the directly the actuators (engine, servos) response:

·         In normal operation A receives the "Steuersignalerzeugung" control commands from the distributor of the " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " and generates control signals (i.e. , PWM signals)

·         In normal operation (B) are control signals (i.e. , PWM signals) from Fernsteuerungsempfanger forwarded to the actuators.

·         At the system startup to the normal operation B is initialized, if on channel 5 "Normal mode" is set, and the further operation may, at any time from normal operation B switch to normal operation a be and vice versa, and this is done by setting from the N/R-machine from the N/R-computer receives this information on his communication system from the ground (not from the remote control).

·         If in normal operation A or normal operation B due to the failure or failure of the N/R-computer and/or of the Fernsteuerungsempfangers the microcontroller no more signals to the input port of the microcontroller receives, is moved to the State " Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung - level 1 ", in which the microcontroller of the "Steuersignalerzeugung" autonomously PWM signals to the actuators generated and there is.

7.3.5       Notsteuerungsbaugruppe

In the start-up phase of the airship will be exclusively the PWM signals from Fernsteuerungsempfanger used to control the actuators, and the PWM signals but not only by the microcontroller of the " Steuersignal-Erzeugung", but by the "Notsteuerungsbaugruppe" given directly to the actuators.


1.      No valid control signals more through the " Steuersignal-Erzeugung " be created (this may be the case, after the order of the different states in the " Steuersignal-Erzeugung " have failed, or but the " Steuersignal-Erzeugung " as a whole suddenly fails) and 

2.      Also no valid control signals more on the output of the Notsteuerungsbaugruppe be measured by the Direktdurchschaltung the control signals from Fernsteuerrungsempfanger Notsteuerungsbaugruppe by the stem, and 

3.      No PWM signals to the separate channel of the remote control concerns, the between normal mode and Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation switches to

(1., 2 and 3, in the "Notsteuerungsbaugruppe" monitors), there are the "Notsteuerungsbaugruppe" a signal to " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung ", which automatically to the hardware Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung the "Notsteuerungsbaugruppe" mode.


7.3.6       Operating conditions of the ACU



Fig 13: States of the ACU and their transitions. remarks, see sections 3.1 to 3.5 .



7.3.7       Modularity of the ACU

The blocks "Voltage regulation", " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " and " Notsteuerungs-Baugruppe " are realized purely hardware the blocks "Betriebsspannungsuberwachung" and "Steuersignalerzeugung" software will be with a program that runs on a microcontroller, realized.

As far as possible to the system modular design, it offers to the ACU to divide into two subsystems, each of which will be implemented on a board: a subsystem, in which the blocks "Voltage regulation", " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " and " Notsteuerungs-Baugruppe " are (will be realized on a printed circuit board 1), and another subsystem, in which the blocks "Betriebsspannungsuberwachung" and "Steuersignalerzeugung" are located, which has the following advantage: if the circuit board with the microcontroller fails, the ACU still work (by the Notsteuerrungsbaugruppe). The board for "Betriebsspannungsuberwachung" and "Steuersignalerzeugung" (circuit board 2) In the context of this work is not developed, already a general test board of the company PHYTEC is present, on the the two blocks are to be realized: only the software, the on the on the test board expires the microcontroller, is developed in the context of this work.



Fig 14: architecture of the ACU (detailed presentation)


7.4       Development environment


7.4.1       Hardware-Entwicklungsumgebung

The hardware development is done with the program of the company Cadsoft EAGLE. It is the eagle-v4.0, with Windows 2000, the tool includes a layout editor, with which the Board for the blocks "Voltage regulation", " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " and " Notsteuerungs-Baugruppe " was designed, also contains a Bibliotheks-Editor EAGLE, a CAM (Computer Aided Assembly) -processor and a text editor, you can with the Bibliothekseditor housing and edit icons.


Description: eagle


Fig 15: development environment for the hardware development; EAGLE Layout Editor









7.4.2       Software Development Environment


The programming of the microcontroller C166 is under development environment the company wedge mVision. It is a shareware version, with which programs up to 8 Kbyte code size can be developed.

One finds in µVision, Version 2 the basic elements of a modern IDE:

·         A specially adapted text editor.

·         An ANSI-C-compiler (C166-ANSI-C-compiler),

·         A Assembler (A166-Assembler),

·         A left/Lokator (L166),

·         A debugger ( µVision2 Debugger)


Description: keil


Fig 16: development environment for the software development; µVision2 Text Editor

7.5       Realization of the ACU

In this chapter is the realization of the actuator control Unit (ACU) explains the five blocks of the ACU (see Figure 14) is as follows: First, it presented the block diagram, for the blocks "Voltage regulation", " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " and " Notsteuerungs-Baugruppe " is the respective circuit presented, and the individual parts of the circuit described in detail in blocks " Betriebsspannungs-Überwachung " and " Steuersignal-Erzeugung " is only described the Software on the microcontroller expires because the Board for the latter 3 blocks off-the-shelf was concerned, and only the programming of the microcontroller to an established part of the present work was.


7.5.1       Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung


Fig 17: Block diagram for the " Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung "


Figure 17 shows the assembly " Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung ", which the remaining blocks of the ACU with a constant voltage of +5V supply, as well as provides this assembly to ensure that the power supply for a certain time is maintained, after the Normal-Betriebsspannungsversorgung not more is fully functional, and this is done in that the " Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung " in this case, the remaining elements of the ACU to the Notbetriebsspannungsquelle connects.  Circuit Design for the Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung



Fig 18: circuit " Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung "


The circuit for the Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung consists of six areas (see figure above, the ranging numbers are there circled): 

1.      Connection to the supply voltage for the ACU (Normal and Notbetriebsspannungsversorgung)

2.      Stabilization of the supply voltage for the Blocks " Betriebsspannungs-Überwachung " and " Steuersignal-Erzeugung " (i.e. , for the microcontrollers, since these two blocks to the Microcontroller are implemented)

3.      Stabilization of the supply voltage for the Blocks " Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung ", " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " and " Notsteuerungs-Baugruppe " (i.e. , for those blocks, the hardware are implemented, and while on a common board)

4.      Connection to the remaining blocks of the ACU (left series: Connections to the microcontroller, i.e. , to " Betriebsspannungs-Überwachung " and " Steuersignal-Erzeugung "; rights series: Connections to the blocks "voltage stabilization", " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " and " Notsteuerungs-Baugruppe " ), to the stabilised voltage with this to supply.

5.      Connection to the supply voltage for the actuators (Normal and Notbetriebsspannungsversorgung)

6.      Toggle switch from normal operation to Notbetriebsspannungsversorgung


Circuit Description The Schaltungsbereiches for the supply of the Mikrokontrollers (Schaltungsbereiche 1-4, upper half of the pattern thus activating):

Relay K1 switches battery 1 (soldering tag LSP1 +Pol, and LSP2 -pol) and the battery 2 (soldering tag LSP3 +Pol, and LSP4 -pol) using Digitalport P2.7 to ( ' 1' = Battery 2 enabled). The charge level of the battery voltage Vc is by the voltage divider R1 + R2 on the analog port P5.0 measured (VIN 1/3 VC), with the voltage divider R4 + R5 can be an internal voltage activated, the supply of the Capcom is carried out by the +5V voltage regulator IC1 which are Umschaltspitzen with the capacitor C1 smoothed, the supply of the internal logic is made with the regulator IC2, the in addition to the highly-capacitive Pufferkondensator HICAP1 in total voltage drop is supplied to the servos in a defined location, see figure 18. 

Circuit Description The Schaltungsbereiches for the supply of the actuators (servos and engine) (Schaltungsbereiche 5, left, the lower quarter of the pattern thus activating):

Relay K7 switches battery 3 (soldering tag LSP5 +Pol, and LSP6 -pol) and battery 4 (soldering tag LSP7 +Pol, and LSP8 -pol) using Digitalport P2.6 or higher ( ' 1' = Battery 4 enabled). The battery charge the battery voltage vs is by the voltage divider R6 + R7 at the analog port P5.1 measured (Vin Ca Aprx 1/3 Vs). The LSP9 ( +pol) and LSP10 ( -pol) is connected the supply of the governor.


7.5.2       Betriebsspannungsuberwachung

The "Betriebsspannungsuberwachung" monitors, whether and when the required operating voltage falls below a particular level, at the the blocks of the ACU not more properly can be supplied. 

Fig 19: Block diagram for the Betriebsspannunguberwachung


The Betriebsspanunnungsuberwachung software is purely realized with a program, which expires on the microcontroller, the Microcontroller uses up to a A/D-converter, which is also on the PHYTEC-test board is located, to current, analog voltage level in a digital number to convert, then finally the with the help of a Mikrocontroller-Programms is compared with a threshold value, the digitized current voltage level is less than the threshold, a signal is generated on the output of the microcontroller, which is by the Block " Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung " is directed, and there causes that on "Notversorgungsspannung" is switched.



Fig 20: for the Betriebsspanunnungsuberwachung Programmablaufplan on the µC


Figure 20 shows the µC-program for the Betriebsspannungsuberwachung. The same program is used for both the Betriebsspannungsuberwachung the Aktorik-Spannungsversorgung , as well as for the Betriebsspannungsuberwachung the ACU-power supply used. The two analog Meßeingange for the two power supplies are available at two different channels of the ADCs and will be gradually converted by the ADC and the ADDAT in-register of the microcontrollers written (Single conversion mode of the ADC, see Ch. 2).

The microcontroller still works at a supply there must be a pause of. That is why the 4.76 V. Microcontroller are used to a voltage fell below below the 5V-border to detect and respond to it.


7.5.3       Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung

Using a switch, the on a separate channel (channel 5) of the remote control is pressed, the distributor of the " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " with either normal operation (contains normal operation and normal operation (A B) or with Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation be initialized when Luftschiff-Startphasen operation, the PWM signals from Fernsteuerungsempfanger switched directly to the actuation system (to override of the microcontroller of the block " Steuersignal-Erzeugung " ), during the flight can Fernsteuerungskanal 5 between Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation and normal operation be switched in both directions, if neither control signals (PWM signals) at the output of the block "Steuersignalerzeugung", nor on the channel5-output of the Fernsteuerempfangers concerns, the finite state machine of the " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " the system, in the Condition " Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung - level 2" (i.e. , hardware production of Notsteuersignalen) move to (state transition Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung normal operation after - level 2).

Fig 21: Block Diagram " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " with Environment


Figure 22 shows the state diagram for the distribution of the " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung ":

Figure 22: state diagram for the manifold of the " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " (see fig 13 in section 3.6 below).  Circuit Design for the Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung


Figure 23: Part 1 of the switch between Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation and normal operation (LSB/NB-switch, part1)


Description: Umsch.E-A

Fig 24: Part 2 of the switch between Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation and normal operation (LSB/NB-switch, part2)


Transition from startup, after LSB or NB and between LSB and NB (see Figure 23):

The PWM-signal of Fernsteuerungskanal 5 is from the output P2.5 of the Fernsteuerungsempfangers on the entrance to the LSB/NB-switch (in Figure 24 with P2.5 refers). In the LSB/NB-switch is depending on the length of the PWM-signal greater than 1.5 ms: LSB; smaller than 1.5 ms: NB) of the output 12 (C/_Ext) of his flip-flop module IC7B on high or low (see Figure 23) is set, this line of the flip-flops, with the gate input is insulated (C/_Ext) of the Fett-Kondensators Q7 (see 24) connected. The FET controls the relay K2 and K4, and K2 can be either a interconnection of the Fernsteuerkanale 1 and 2 (P2.1 and P2.2) to the rudder and the engine or but the connection of the rudder and the engine to the outputs P8.2, P7.0, P8.3 and P7.1 of the microcontroller, K4 has the same effect as K2, but not for the rudder and the engine, but for the two Hohenruderhalften (elevators 1 And 2).mm

Transition from NB or LSB Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung - level 2 (see Figure 23):

If neither PWM signals at the output of the ACU concerns, nor PWM signals over Fernsteuerungskanal 5, interrupt the relay K3 and K5 the connections to the relay K2 and K4 and connect the actuators with the Block " Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung - level 2 ".


Table 3: summarizes the inputs and outputs of the LSB/NB-switch together:


7.5.4       Steuersignal-Erzeugung


In Abschn.3.3 was the architecture of the " Steuersignal-Erzeugung raised before the description of the off-the-job training Shelf-Hardware and the design of the software components of the " Steuersignal-Erzeugung " is moved, here is to again on the architecture of the " Steuersignal-Erzeugung " be received, and also some of the things added:

The Block "Steuersignalerzeugung" generated depending on the operating status on various way control signals (PWM signals), the directly the actuators (engine, servos) response:

·         In normal operation A gets the "Steuersignalerzeugung" commands from manifold of the " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " and generates control signals (i.e. , PWM signals)

·         In normal operation B are control signals (i.e. , PWM signals) from Fernsteuerungsempfanger (by the microcontroller through) activated and forwarded to the actuators, the Microcontroller is used here as Signal-Begrenzer and observers. 

·         At the system startup to the normal operation B is initialized, if on channel 5 "Normal mode" is set, and the further operation may, at any time from normal operation B switch to normal operation a be and vice versa, and this is done by setting from the N/R-machine from the N/R-computer receives this information on his communication system from the ground (not from the remote control).

·         If in normal operation A or normal operation B due to the failure or failure of the N/R-computer and/or of the Fernsteuerungsempfangers no more signals the microcontroller on the input port of the microcontroller, will be moved to the State " Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung - level 1 ", in which the microcontroller of the "Steuersignalerzeugung" autonomously PWM signals to the actuators generated and there is, so can the time of the failure of normal operation and normal operation B with a defined PWM signals are bridged.




Fig 25: Block diagram of the " Steuersignal-Erzeugung "


Fig 26: finite state machine for the " Steuersignal-Erzeugung ". (See Figure 13 in section 3.6 ).  The hardware of the Steuersignal-Erzeugung

The Steuersignal-Erzeugung is realized by a software on the microcontroller 80C167CR-LM is running, and the microcontroller is located on a Testbord, the company was purchased PHYTEC. All the required peripherals are also located on the plate.  The monitoring and the forwarding of the PWM-signals from the remote control (normal operation (B)


The monitoring of the pulse width is particularly important for the proper function of the circuit, because of these data have the dynamic and the stationary behavior of the airship (alternative Lotte) abhanget, faults can also indirectly in the Aktorenbereich pulse produced by the be discovered.

The 4 channels of the receiver are connected to the lower 4 pins of the Port 2 connected. In Figure 27 is the program for the 4 inputs of the µc. The pulse lengths are programd with the help of the Capcom1 unit measured



Fig 27: for the Aktorik-Ansteuerungsprogramm Programmablaufplan on the µC


Table 4: shows the channel no.., and the corresponding connections and Capture-Register


The subunit CAPCOM1 consists, as previously mentioned in chapter 2 was, from the two timers T0 and T1, the program was only one timer necessary and 4 registers (see Table 4) .

Be the 4 tabs in the Mode Capture (used to recover) is used, which means that the register at each rising or falling edge on these inputs corresponding the the recovered CCxx meter readings of the Timer T0 Record. Your Operating Mode (Mode) in a 4-bit-long field in a of the Betriebsartregisters CCM0. 


The control register CCMx set the operating mode of each of four Captur/ compare channels each firmly.

            Selection of the operating mode CCMODx

                                   001 : Capture on the rising edge at the terminal CCxIO

                                   010 : Capture the trailing edge at Port CCxIO

                                   011 : Capture on both flanks at Port CCxIO

            ACCx                         assignment the timer: 0 = T0 or "T7 ", 1 = T1 or T8


The CCM0 register is in the main function under void main (void) with CCM0 = 0x1111 set, and so is with each rising edge on these inputs a corresponding interrupt (CCxIC) is triggered, and for processing led to the first interrupt routine. 


First interrupt routine:

In the first interrupt routine is the Timer T0 and its 3,000 Nachladeregistern the value given to the same period of 25 ms to reach the measured signals, then with T0R = 1 started, before the control register should T01CON = 0x0000 in the main function will be programd, the CCM0-Register is here with 0x2222 programd to the falling edges to capture.

And so with the falling edge on the inputs a corresponding interrupt (CCxIC) triggered and the current counter of the timer T0 to the corresponding Capture-Register CCxx saved (see Figure 28). The triggered Interrupt leads to the processing of the second interrupt routine.


Fig 28: Capture Mode




Second Interruptroutinen:

 In the second interrupt routine , the value of the Timer T0 in the moment in the Capture-Register saved and then to the global variable copied CC_Nx. The CCM0-Register will be programd to rising edge, and the pulse length is measured not only easy, but it must also be made in a statement, and this is why the CC_Nx values with two constant T1x_MIN and T1x_MAX compared (see program and Figure 29). The two constants are used to limit the pulse signals between 1.2 ms and 1.8 ms, and that makes it possible to get the Hohenruderausschlag limited by the software.        

                                        If (CC_N > T1_min )


                                                       CC18 = T1_min;

                                                       P82 = !P21;


                                              Else if (CC_N < T1_max)


                                                        CC18 = T1_max;




                                                 P82 = P21;



Fig 29: T0 and CC1 in capture mode


Third interrupt routine:

In this interrupt routine, the contents Compare-Register , of the same value of 1.8 ms is, with the Timer T1 within second interrupt routine compared. In conformity is a Interrupt CCX * IC is triggered and this will of the appropriate output port (P8X= 0) set to zero, thus the PWM-limited pulses. 

At 1.2 ms, with the smaller T1_min the Compare-Registers/1.8 ms and when is with the larger value of T1_max the Compare-Registers compared.


                                              CC18_isr void (void) interrupt 0x32


                                                                  P82 = 0;

                                                                  CC21 = T1_max;


Fourth interrupt routine:

For the monitoring of the input signals is the fourth interrupt routine  with the Timer T2 initialized . The initialization of the interrupts is done after the setting of the mode of the timer T2CON = 0x0003 ( period = 210 ms ) and with T2R = 1, the timer is started and with a 0 the interrupt processing given freely, and the timer T2 is in the second Interruptroutinen every time on the T2 = 500 reset, which means that the third interrupt routine is not triggered, only if no rising or falling edge within the period of the timer is important, in the T2 interrupt routine, constant

PWM signals generated by the PWM unit.


Test routines

For the tests, which are described in chapter 2, test programs have been created.

Test 1 is used

For the measurement and evaluation of the Mikrocontroller-Eingangssignale (PWM signals) on board, the come from the recipient and

To test the of the PWM-unit of the microcontroller produced PWM signals.


Test 2 will test the constancy of the supply voltage of the µC, and the other components of the Aktorik-Ansteuerungsbaugruppe .

The full code is included in Annex B listed.  Level 1 Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung


 With this unit in the event of an emergency are constant PWM signals generated (30), if the recipient for some reason no sending them signals to the outputs, this unit has 4 channels, each of the 4 channels contains its own Timer PTX, the from the CPU-measure or a divider on the counts receives(Table 4). The period of the signal results from a comparison of the current counter with the Periodenregister PX, the Low-Zeit from a comparison with the Pulsweitenregister PWX (see C program and 30). 

Table 5: shows the DCLS Einheit-Ausgange and their corresponding Timer




                               T2_isr void (void) interrupt 0x22


                                     P7X = 0; // P7.x is output

                                     PX = 7800; // Max Period

                                     PWX = 7372) and strong support ; // Initial value (high flank)

                                     PWMCON0 = 0x0044; // Timer and CPU-to-measure : Age 64 (210 ms)

                                     PWMCON1 = 0x0004; // outputs with mode 0 Free





Fig 30: PWM-production in the Mode PMX 0




7.5.5       Notsteuerungsbaugruppe


Fig 31: for the Blockdiagram Notsteuerungsbaugruppe  Circuit Design for the monitoring of the control signals on the output of the ACU and the channel5-output of the Fernsteuerempfangers


Fig 32: Monitoring of the control signals (PWM signals) at the output (CAKTIV) of the ACU and the channel5-output of the Fernsteuerempfangers (P2.5)m


If to P2.5) and mCAKTIV no signals are present, the OR-link to output 3 set to "Low" and flip-flops to input 12 of the IC5B of the " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " (see Figure 23). The output 9 of the IC5B is to input 11 of IC9B (see Figure 29) has been set and now led the production of Notsteuerungssignalen - level 2.  Circuit Design for the Notsteuerungsbaugruppe

Description: Intern_Baug.

Fig 33: Notsteuerungsignal-Erzeugung - level 2


As already mentioned above, output 9 of the IC5B of the " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " (see Figure 23) with input 11 of IC9B (see Figure 33) now connected and led the production of Notsteuerungssignalen - level 2, and this is done as follows:

Output 9 of the IC9B triggers each of the input A of the three flip-flops IC8B, IC8A and IC9A. The output of the latter three flip-flops is each with the gate of a FET, the gate signal of the reinforced forwards to the respective actuator, PWM signals are caused by the combination with the clock of the two flip-flops expands (IC9B and IC8B, IC9B and IC8A, IC9B and IC9A).





Figure 34:  One of the three generated PWM signals, which is generated by the combination of the clocks of the two flip-flops expands is created (see text)


The PWM of the three generated PWM signals (in the picture as an example T2-T1 for one of the three generated PWM-signals) can before each use of the airship by the potentiometer P15 P16 and P17 be set (Figure 34). This can the Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung - level 2 of the conditions of the respective mission be adapted.  Circuit Design for the forwarding of the PWM-signals from Fernsteuerungsempfanger ( Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation)


The condition " Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation" are the channels 1-4 (in Figure 24 are you with P2.1-P2.4 and higher) of the Fernsteuerempfangers placed directly to the actuators, and this is done, if K2, K3, K4 and K5 are activated accordingly (see left and right lower half of the 24), i.e. , P2.1 is directly with SEITSERV1 and SEITSERV2 connected, P2.2 is directly with RPMSERV (engine) connected, P2.3 is connected directly with HÖHSERV1 and P2.4 and higher HÖHSERV2 is directly connected with.

i.e. here is not a new circuit necessary.




7.5.6       Layout design of board 1 ( "Voltage regulation", " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " and " Notsteuerungs-Baugruppe ")


The blocks "Voltage regulation", " Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung " and " Notsteuerungs-Baugruppe " are realized on the circuit board 1 (see section 3.6 ), Figure 35 shows the layout design of Board 1.

Description: ifr-gamal2002-top

Fig 35: the layout design of board 1           







7.5.7       The circuit boards of the ACU

The both circuit boards of the ACU


Fig 36: the two boards (1 and 2) to the ACU


Figure 37: the receiver and the actuators (engine,servos) are connected to circuit board 1.


7.6       Experimental results

7.6.1        Structure of the Testplatzes

Figure 38: Testplatzaufbau



Fig 38 shows the in the experiments and the development of the program used for the ACU devices. The PC is the ACU via a serial interface (RS232) connected to the PWM signals to make visible, an oscilloscope is used.

The ACU is particularly sensitive to static electricity, which is why it is important, this assembly to a suitable place to be during the experiments, in the housing for the embedded system is a Versorgungsspannungserzeugungseinheit (right-hand side of the figure) is installed, in order to able to forego on batteries.


7.6.2        Experiments and test sequence


The output values (counter values the Compare-Einheit/swap is performed on the ACU-microcontroller for the rising and falling edges of visualized on the oscilloscope signals) over a serial interface sent to the PC, it is calculated and the pulse width on the PC-screen made visible, the three following signals are made visible at the same time on the oscilloscope.

·         The ACU-input signal to channel 5,

·         A selectable output signal of the ACU and

·         A selectable input signal of the ACU.

On the PC-screen pulse width can be permanently on the oscilloscope with the pulse width of the respective signal shown by the user are compared, so you can while the program runs directly determine whether the program expires without fault, this data are of great help in the detection of the error with unstable program.


The two most important experimental data are visualized on the oscilloscope and the length of the period of the distance between the rising and the falling edge of the the PWM-signal.


7.6.3        The series of tests

At the time of the implementation of the tests was the ACU Mikrokontroller-Platine so faulty that input only P2.4 and higher (channel 4), exit 4 (control of elevator clattering 1) and channel 5 did, so no signals from other A and/or outputs (control of the rudder, of the engine, ... ) will be tested, but are on the other a and/or outputs to the expected signals similar to those of each input 4 and Output 4.

In the following tests the signals to Input 4 and Output 4 in various operating conditions as measured. The current operational status is also measured by the signal set to channel 5, the 2 possible modes of channel 5 (1, by the recipient pulse width less than 1.5 ms: normal operation; 2, pulse width from the receiver greater than 1.5 ms: Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation) are by a switch on Fernsteuerungssender (on the ground) set by hand.

The following are the different conditions under which the different tests ran:

Test 1: pulse width of channel 5 of the receiver less than 1.5 ms: -> normal. The ACU is under the condition when you turn on "normal" to the normal mode B initialized. Under this condition runs test 1.

Test 2: pulse width of channel 5 of the recipient greater than 1.5 ms: Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation.

Test 3: there is no signal from the receiver: -> It is a signal to output generated by the microcontroller 4 ( Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung - level 1)

Test 4: ACU Mikrocontroller-Platine is removed from the system: -> Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung - level 2 is activated, a signal generated by the Notsteuerungsbaugruppe is to output 4 to.

Test 5-1, Test 5-2: operation B, i.e. the microcontroller directs the PWM-signal from the remote control next (input 4 on the outcome 4)and, in addition, the pulse width of the signal limited, i.e. , the signal on output 4 (channel 4) is in contrast to the signal at the input (up or down to) Limited, unlike the limit test 1 is indeed in the visible, because the input signals outside the limits.

Test 6: between normal operation and normal operation A B is changed by the corresponding information from the N/R-machine to the microcontroller of the ACU is given, the N/R-computer receives this information via the communication system from the ground, in test 6 this will be simulated by two different keys on the lab computer, the serial interface is connected to the ACU, and of the the N/R-simulated by computer, will be activated, if the A button is pressed, the system is intended to go to the normal mode A, in the other key is to control the system to normal operation B go. The correct transfer of information from N/R-machine to the microcontroller and the correct response is with the help of appropriate LEDs on the Mikrocontroller-Platine (board 2) simulates. These lights depending on the currently valid condition.


In the Test-Abbildungen are from top to bottom to see the following signals:

1.      CH 1: channel 5 at the entrance of the ACU

2.      CH 2: channel 4 at the entrance of the ACU

3.      CH 3: Channel 4 on the output of the µC

4.      CH 4: Channel 4 on the output of the ACU  Test 1


The channel 5- switch of the remote control on the ground, is to "pulse width less than 1.5 ms" provided.

It is the normal case B (control signals from Fernsteuerrungs-Empf . will be give to the microcontroller, the passes on this to its output) tested, with the Fernsteuerungsknuppel is a certain deflection of the commanded Hohenruders. This specification is on channel 4 sent.

Description: PIC1

Fig 39: Test 1 CH1 = channel 5; CH2 = input signal from channel 4; CH3 = output from the microcontroller; CH4 = output channel 4 of the ACU


Figure 39 shows that the pulse width of the channel 5 less than 1.5 ms (1.2 ms) is, this is normal operation B is set, and the PWM of the PWM signals at the input and output of the channel 4 are identical (1.5 ms), and so has the µC the PWM signals without modification of the output of the ACU redirected. The results came out as expected.  Test 2


The channel 5- switch of the remote control on the ground, is to "pulse width greater than 1.5 ms" position, this will the Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation (the PWM signals are Fernsteuerungsempfanger directly to the ACU-outputs passed on) set, otherwise runs Test 2 as the above test 1.

Description: PIC5

Fig 40: Test 2 CH1 = channel 5; CH2 = input signal from channel 4; CH3 = output from the microcontroller; CH4 = output channel 4 of the ACU


In Figure 40 is the PWM-signal to channel 5 (CH 1) 2 ms long, and as expected, this Luftschiff-Startphase -operation set by the µC, the PWM on the lower limit of 1.2 ms limited, and because the input signal (CH2) only 1.0 ms long and thus smaller than 1.2 ms, it is to 1.2 ms at the µC output extended (see Ch 3). The Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation however the signals directly forwarded and unlimited on the ACU-output (CH4) is set, and the results in the figure are consistent with what you would expect.  TEST3.


The PWM signals from Fernsteuerungsempfanger (channel 1, channel 5) will not be more to the ACU-inputs connected (this is CH2 dead, i.e. , in the Fig is not a rash to see), thus a failure of the remote control will be simulated, and no data coming from the R/N-machine.

Thus, the level 1 Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung enabled.

Description: PIC4

Figure 41: Test 3 CH1 = channel 5; CH2 = input signal from channel 4; CH3 = output from the microcontroller; CH4 = output channel 4 of the ACU


As expected, the µC with the help of his internal PWM unit PWM signals with fixed pulsewidth created (CH3), the on the output of the ACU (Ch 4) concern.  Test 4


In this test, the " Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung - level 2" is activated, by the circuit board with the microcontroller (Plate 2) from the ACU is mechanically separated, this will simulate a failure of the microcontroller, in Fig. 42 one sees that neither an input signal (CH2) is present, even at the output of the microcontroller (CH3) a signal is present, even is the channel5-input signal from Fernsteuerungsempfanger (CH1) to.

The successful production of a PWM signal with the " Notsteuersignal-Erzeugung Level 2" is shown by ch 4.


Description: PIC6


Fig 42: Test 4, CH1 = channel 5; CH2 = input signal from channel 4; CH3 = output from the microcontroller; CH4 = output channel 4 of the ACU  Test 5


The Pulsweiten-Begrenzung the PWM signals in normal operation B at the output of the channel 4 tested.

By the Fernsteuerungsknuppel, the maximum pulse (2.0 ms) (Test 5-1) and minimum pulse width (1.0 ms) (Test 5-2.) The PWM-signal commanded. This is on ch 2 in the two illustrations 43 and 44 to see.

In Figure 43 is the limitation of the PWM-signal to the upper limit of the pulse width clearly shown: CH 2 (2.0 ms) is the unlimited signal, CH 4 (1.8 ms) is the limited signal.

In Figure 44 is the limitation of the PWM-signal to the lower border of the pulse width clearly shown: CH 2 (1.0 ms) is the unlimited signal, CH 4 (1.2 ms) is the limited signal.


Description: PIC3


Figure 43: Test 5-1, CH1 = channel 5; CH2 = input signal from channel 4; CH3 = output from the microcontroller; CH4 = output channel 4 of the ACU




Description: PIC2


Figure 44: Test 5-2, CH1 = channel 5; CH2 = input signal from channel 4; CH3 = output from the microcontroller; CH4 = output channel 4 of the ACU


7.7       Summary and outlook


In this work , a part-functioning Aktorik-Ansteuerungs -unit (Actuator Control Unit (ACU) for the airship "alternative Lotte" was completed, and the ACU Fernsteuerungsempfanger get input signals of a or of a regulatory and the navigation computer (R/N-computer) on board, depending on the operating mode are in different ways by the ACU Anteuerungssignale for the actuators (Helm, engine) is created, the ACU has a multi-level security system to R/N-the airship crash or Kommunikationsverbindungsausfall defined for a time as possible to control and, where necessary to bring safely to the ground.

At the time of submission of the thesis is the data stream between R/N-machine and ACU has not yet been tested on correctness, the there is a connection, but is has been verified and the data stream between R/N-machine and ACU is to be tested during the integration phase, i.e. when the ACU together with the other components of the Flugkontrollsystems (Flight Control System (FCS) are joined together.




[ 1] (C167) underlying hedged transaction Users Manual, Infineon AG, Munich, 3.1 edition; March 2000.

[ 2] Schmitt G, "micro-computers with the Controller C167 ", Oldenbourg Verlag, 2000.

[ 3] Martin H. , "lecture notes for microcontroller C167 ", Institute of Computing Technology, Technical University of Vienna, 2000.[5]

[ 4] Bernd B. / Peter G. , "The Big C167-microcontroller Operation", Gerber Verlag,

























Appendix A


Circuit Design for the Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung


Description: Servo_3


Figure 0-1: circuit design for the Versorgungsspannungs-Stabilisierung



Circuit for switch between Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation and normal operation (LSB/NB switch, part2)


Description: gh


Figure 0-2: shift to switch between Luftschiff-Startphasen -operation and normal operation (LSB/NB switch, part2)



Circuit Design for the Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung and the Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung


Description: jh


Figure 0-3: circuit design for the Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung and the Basisbetriebszustands-Einstellung






Test program 1


/ * Measure of the length of time between successive flanks the entrance P2.3 * /


#Include <REG167.h>

#Include <intrins.h>

#Include <stdio.h>

SFR Pam Picon = 0xf1c4;

/ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

** The direction of the ports in and out for those needing

* /

SBIT DP84) = DP8 ^ 4;

SBIT P84) = P8 ^ 4;

SBIT DP72 = DP7 ^ 2;

SBIT P72 = P7 ^ 2;

SBIT DP23 = DP2 ^ 3;                           

SBIT P23 = P2 ^ 3;            


Unsigned int CC_N;

Unsigned int flankennr = 0; / * distinguishes between 1ter and 2nd flank * /

Unsigned int T_E= 0;

Const int T1_min = 6000; / * constant to the decision on whether the timer should be stopped * /

Const int T1_max = 7500; / * constant to the decision on whether the timer should be stopped * /                                                                                      


/ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

** Global variables for the serial interface

* /      


Unsigned int t0_inhalt_start = 0;

Unsigned int t0_inhalt_stop = 0;

Unsigned int steur_reg = 0;

Unsigned int steur_zaehler = 0;


/ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

** Production of the PWM-signals from derPWM-unit

* /


Void t2_isr (void) interrupt 0x22


                                  P72 = 0;

                                  PP2 = 7800;

                                  PW2 = 7372) and strong support ;

                                  PWMCON0 = 0x00ff;

                                  PWMCON1 = 0x000F;




/ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

** Limitation of the pulsewidth of the PWM signals

* /


Void cc20ISR (void) interrupt 0x34


                                  P84) = 0;

                                  CC20 = T1_max;



/ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

** Programming the PWM signals at the entrance

* /

Void p23 (void) interrupt 0x13



                                 Charbuff_tmp [ 40];               

                                 Int I;


     PP2 = 0;

                                  PW2 = 0;

                                  P72 = 1;

                                  P84) = P23;

   If (flankennr= = 0)                              / * First edge * /


                                  T2 = 500;

     T0rel = 3000;

     T0 = 3000;

                                  T0R = 1;                                     / * starts timer T0 * /

                                  T0_inhalt_start = T0;

                                  T7rel = 2950;

     T7 = 2950;

                                  T7R = 1;

                                  CCM0= CCM0 & 0x0FFF;

     CCM0= CCM0| 0x2000;

     Flankennr= 1;                   / * YES -> There are still two more sides expected * /


   Else if (flankennr= = 1) / * Second flank * /


                                   CC_N = CC3;

      T0_inhalt_stop = T0;

                                   CCM5 = 0x0005;       

      CCM0= CCM0 & 0x0FFF;

      CCM0= CCM0| 0x1000; 

                                   Flankennr = 0;


      If (CC_N < T1_min )


                                   CC20 = T1_min;

                                   P84) = !P23;


      Else if (CC_N > T1_max)


                                   CC20 = T1_max;




                                   P84) = P23;



/ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

** The serial interface

* /

     If (( + +steur_reg) == 100)


         For (i= 0; i< 100; i++)


            sprintf(buff_tmp, "T0start: %u;Tstop: %u;imp: %u\n",

                                                                       T0_inhalt_start,t0_inhalt_stop,CC_N , steur_reg);


            Printf (buff_tmp);






Void main (void)


                                     Flankennr = 0;                    / * 0.. there is still no flank occurred * /

                                 DP72 = 1;                               / * DP7.2 central as output * /

                                   DP23 = 0;                 / * sets the direction of DP2.3 to input * /

                                   DP84) = 1; / * sets the direction of DP8.4 on output. * /

                                   Pam Picon = Pam Picon | 0x3;

                                   CCM0 = 0x1000;

                                   CCM1 = 0x0001;

                                   T01CON = 0x0000; / * Timer 1 has been with period (26 ms) initialized * / 

                                   CC3IC = 0x0047;

                                   CC4IC = 0x0046;

                                   CC21IC = 0x0045;

                                   CC20IC = 0x0048;

                                   T2CON = 0x0003;

                                   T2IC = 0x0044;         

                                   T78CON = 0x0000;/ 0 1 00 0 000 0 1 00 0 000 26 ms * /              

                                     T2R = 1;

                                   IEN = 1;

                                     While(1) {


                                   _idle_( );






Test program 2


#Include <reg167.h>/ * Register Diffinitionen of the C167) * /                

#Include <intrins.h>/ * bausteinspezifische functions * /              

#Include <stdio.h>

/ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

** Initialization of the inputs and outputs

* /


SBIT DP26 =DP2 ^ 6;

SBIT P26 =P2 ^ 6;

SBIT DP27 =DP2 ^ 7;

SBIT P27 =P2 ^ 7;



Unsigned int adc_kanal0[200];/ * buffer for the Wandlungeergebnisse * /        

Unsigned int adc_kanal1[200];/ * buffer for the Wandlungeergebnisse * /        

Static unsigned int steur_reg = 0;

Static unsigned int steur_kanal0 = 0;

Static unsigned int steur_kanal1 = 0;

Static unsigned int pxt= 0;  



/ * In the AD-converter interrupt service routine, the Wandlungsergebnisse

   Read and in the field adc_werte copied and if the value in adc_werte 16

   Less than 496 (4.76 p. p. p. n V) is, is therefore in this moment by high edge to P2.6 or higher a 

   HRLY RATE be switched * /


Void adcisr (void) interrupt 0x28


   Int I;  

   Unsigned int test_1;

   Unsigned int test_0;

   Char buff_tmp[ 40];


   If (ADDAT & 0x1000)


                                   TEST_0 = ADDAT & 0x03ff; 

      Adc_kanal steur_kanal0+0 [ +] = ADDAT & 0x03ff; / * result of a/d process * /


                                    If( test_0 < 800)/ * voltage small e.g. 4 V * /          


        P26 = 1;                              / * is available on the P7.8 1 (rising edge) * /




                                     P26 = 0;





      TEST_1 = ADDAT & 0x03ff;

      Adc_kanal steur_kanal1+1 [ +] = ADDAT & 0x03ff; / * result of a/d process * /


                                   If(test_1 < 600)/ * voltage small e.g. 4 V * /


        P27=0;/ * is available on the P7.8 1 (rising edge) * /                         




                                     P27 = 1;






   / * --------------------------------------------

   From the µC ** data sent back to the screen

   * /                            

   If ((steur_reg) < 100)


      + +Steur_reg;


   Else if ((steur_reg) == 100)


      For (i= 0; i< 50; i++)


                                       sprintf(buff_tmp, "Channel1: %u, Kanal0: %u\n",

                                                                       Adc_kanal1 [i], adc_kanal0 [i] );

                                       Printf (buff_tmp);


                                   + +Steur_reg;





 / * --------------------------------------------------------------------

   ** With GPT1 is the conversion each time after time start bestemmte

   * /

Void gpt1T3 (void) interrupt 0x23



   ADST = 1; / * Conversion start * /




Void main (void) {


                                 DP27 = 1;

                                 P27 = 1;

                                 DP26 = 1;

                                  P26 = 1;

                                  P5DIDIS |= 0x0001;

                                 Adcon= 0xf221;

                                 T3CON = 0x0002;

                                 T3 = 0x0BDC;  

                                 T3IC = 0x006B;

                                 T2CON = 0x0020;

                                 T2 = 0x0BDC;  

                                 ADCIC = 0x004C;

                                 IEN= 1;

                                 T3R = 1; 


                                   _idle_( );





8         Communication and User Interface

Based on the bachelor thesis of Rabih al-Farkh, "Development of a communication interface for a measurement system", June 2002, Lebanese University – Tripoli/Lebanon, Faculty of Engineering


A communication system which includes a graphical user interface has been developed to control a mobile sensor platform, and to receive measurement data from this mobile sensor platform. The measurement system is used to measure alternative energy resource values like solar power and wind vector at different points.

Keywords: graphical user interface, airship, transceiver, wireless communication, V-model, structured analysis, structured design, software engineering.

8.1       Introduction

8.1.1       The LOTTE project and the “alternative Lotte”

Airships are becoming more and more important within the last years. At the “Institut für Statik und Dynamik der Luft- und Raumfahrtkonstruktion” at the University of Stuttgart a solar airship was built. In February 1992 the project “Solarluftboot” was initiated. The purpose of this project was to find new materials, new construction methods and a new concept for controlling and navigating an airship run by a solar energy engine.

The “alternative Lotte” – a cooperation project between the universities of Karlsruhe and Stuttgart and the Fachhochschule Karlsruhe - is planned to be an experimental airship which can be controlled directly from the ground (first step of implementation) or (second step of implementation) fly automatically to specified coordinates. The energy supply is going to be conventional batteries in the first step but it is planned to switch to solar energy later. With “alternative Lotte” environmental data are collected during the flight via different sensors which can be mounted on the airship. In the first step the speed of the wind, the temperature and the solar radiation are measured. Apart from that flight data such as acceleration, angular velocity and azimuth angle are measured for navigation purposes.

8.1.2       Development method

The software is developed using structured analysis / structured design (SA / SD). This method is very common in industrial development processes as well. The complete communication system is tested in a laboratory using two PCs and the transceivers. The whole development process basically follows the known V-model.

8.1.3       Working task and realization approach

The task is to develop a communication interface which is software running on a PC which is connected with the transceiver on the ground. Apart from that a program which is running on the board computer has to be developed. The purpose of this program is to establish the communication between the sensors and the transceiver on the “alternative Lotte” sensor platform.

So the diploma thesis can be divided into several tasks:

·     Specification document, SA diagram (Structured Analysis) and SD diagram (Structured Design) for the User Interface.

·     Programming of the User Interface using Visual Basic 6.0.

·     Specification document, SA/SD for the communication protocol.

·     Programming of the communication protocol with programming language C.

·     Programming of the protocol for sending and receiving with an off-the-shelf transceiver cards.

·     Testing the communication system with the User Interface.

8.1.4       Overview

After a short introduction some basic knowledge about the used development method SA / SD, the V-model and some general information about transceivers is provided.

In the third chapter a detailed description of the user interface and the transceiver is given. Then the system architecture of the whole system is presented.

Chapter 5 contains the SA, SD of the alternative Lotte communication system and a brief description of the software implementation. After that the development environment is explained.

The last chapter is about the tests that have been done to verify the functionality of the communication system.

Detailed figures of the hardware and the code of the software can be found in the annex.

8.2       Basics

8.2.1       The V-Model

The V-Model is an extensive collection of knowledge about the best practices of software development. This knowledge can be described as a process: In addition to the planned products and activities, the V-Model also contains information about the course the project will take. To this end, the process standard includes which output products are to be created by an activity and which successor activities need this product as input. This internal product flow allows you to derive a chronological order for the activities.

The V model is a logical product model. It describes the contents of the products which have to be created during a software project and their relationships on a very high level. However, in a real project the physical structure of these products might (and in most cases will) be quite different [1].

Figure 2.1: The V–Model

The left side of the V shows the products resulting from development activities: problem description, user requirements, developer requirements, system design, component design and component code. The products are not further described here.

The right side of the V documents the construction of the final system starting with individual components. The products on this side of the V are called executable components, executable system, usable system and used system.

Besides development and constructional activities the V model also contains some analytical activities: verification and validation.

Verification takes place after each development activity. The output of the activity is verified against the input in order to check if both actually match.

Validation happens after each construction step to assure that the so far constructed system behaves as it should. It is therefore tested against the corresponding product on the other side of the V model.

It should be emphasized that the V model is no physical product model nor any kind of process or life cycle model. However, due to its very general description, products used in a life cycle model can always be matched with the products contained in the V model. Therefore, it can be seen as a generic product model.

The V-Model is a Lifecycle Process Model, originally developed to regulate the software development process within the Federal Administration of the Federal Republic of Germany. 

The V-Model is composed of four submodels: software development, quality assurance, configuration management, and project management.

The submodels are closely interconnected and mutually influence one another by exchange of products and results. The software development submodel develops the system or software. The quality assurance submodel submits requirements to the other submodels and test cases and criteria to assure the products and the compliance of standards. The configuration management submodel administers the generated products. The project management model plans, monitors, and informs the other submodels. Each can be further decomposed. For instance, the software development submodel can be broken down as follows (see [2]):

  • System requirements analysis and design.
  • Data processing requirements analysis and design.
  • Software requirements analysis.
  • Preliminary design.
  • Detailed design.
  • Implementation.
  • Software integration.
  • Data processing integration.
  • System integration.

8.2.2       Structured Analysis (SA) / Structured Design (SD)

In the seventies and eighties of the 20th century Structured Analysis (SA) was described by Yourdon, Constantine, and DeMarco. These practices became very popular, and by the early eighties had a profound effect upon the definition of analysis. SA was a technique in which the requirements of the customer were broken down into a hierarchy of functions. This breakdown was known as functional decomposition . Datasets were specified in abstract (Bacchus-Naur) terms, and their manipulation were depicted through functionally decomposed data flow diagrams.

SA was coupled to another practice known as Structured Design (SD). Indeed, the two were often mentioned in the same breath as SA/SD. SA described the data sets and data transformations implied by the requirements. As such, SA described what the system would do, albeit in very technical terms. On the other hand SD described the partitioning of the software into modules, and the flow of data between those modules. Therefore an SD was, more or less, a description of how a system would be structured to meet the requirements. SA/SD contained a practice known as The Transform Analysis , which was used to convert the diagrams representing a Structured Analysis into the diagrams the represented a Structured Design. This practice, and indeed much of the documentation of the period, established the notion that the design was directly derivable from the analysis by applying some simple transformation rules. This meant that the analysis was really a preliminary description of the design, requiring only a mapping operation to complete. The view of SA/SD was a remarkable change from the systems analysis of the sixties. In the sixties no such mapping from analysis to design was implied. The analysis simply described data sets

and their transformations without implying anything about software structure. SA/SD also implied a temporal constraint between analysis and design that was not practiced by the Systems Analysis of the sixties. In SA/SD it was necessary to finish the analysis before the Transform Analysis could be applied to translate the analysis into a design. Thus, SA/SD strongly reinforced the waterfall model of development [3].

Figure 2.2: SA/SD (see [4])

8.2.3       Transceivers

There are three wireless RF modules: transmitter, receiver and transceiver. These RF modules are designed to serve as a tool for electronics design engineers, developers and students to perform wireless experiments.

The transmitter is used to transmit data and the receiver is used to receive data, so they are used in application of one-way communication. The transceiver is used to transmit and receive data, so it is used in application of two-way communication. All of the RF modules which are used in this project have 9,600 bps serial interfaces at maximum. The used modules can communicate over range up to 250 feet. Generally the range depends on the power and the frequency of the RF module.

Radio frequency (RF) refers to electromagnetic waves that have a wavelength suited for use in radio communication. Radio waves are classified by their frequencies, which are expressed in kilohertz, megahertz, or gigahertz [5].

The RF transceiver controls and modulates the radio frequencies that the antenna transmits and receives.

8.3       Requirements Specification

8.3.1       The Graphical User Interface (GUI)

The user interface is the link between the user and the alternative – LOTTE, a measurement vehicle for solar radiation and wind power. Its purpose is allowing the user to control the alternative  – LOTTE from the base station, so by using the User Interface, the user can set data to the alternative – LOTTE (new position, new velocity ...) and get data from the alternative – LOTTE (acceleration, angular velocity, azimuth, temperature, wind vector, Solar radiation ...).

Figure 3.1: User Interface  Software Requirements Specification

Ø  The user interface contains a frame (Receive_Data_Frame) inside which, we find several
text boxes or labels.

Figure 3.2: Receive Data Frame

Ø  These several text boxes or labels are used to display the data that the base station received from the alternative - LOTTE. These data are the data sensors (acceleration in X, Y and Z, angular velocity in X, Y and Z, azimuth, temperature, solar “Solar Radiation” and wind vector). As to the azimuth parameter, it can not be seen by the user. It is used by the user interface to display the direction of the alternative – LOTTE in a picture box.  These sensor data will be sent from the alternative - LOTTE to the base station. The user interface uses these data to calculate the velocity of the alternative - LOTTE in X, Y and Z and to calculate the position of the alternative - LOTTE in X, Y and Z.


The user interface contains command button shown below, this command button is used whenever the user wants to send data (commands) to the alternative – LOTTE. When the user presses this command button,  a Send_Data_Frame will be displayed, (Sending_Data_Frame). The commands that the user can send to the alternative – LOTTE are the new position in X, Y and Z, and the new velocity in X, Y and Z.

Figure 3.3: Sending Data Button

Ø  The user interface contains Sending_Data_Frame, in this command frame, we find several text boxes that are used by the user to put the data (commands) that he will send to the alternative – LOTTE. These data (commands) are the new position in X, Y and Z, and the new velocity in X, Y and Z.

Figure 3.4: Sending_Data_Frame


The user interface contains picture box that is used to display the position of the alternative – LOTTE on a map (two dimensions x, y). In this picture box the user will be able to see the position of the alternative – LOTTE during its flight.

Figure 3.5: PictureMap

Ø  The user interface contains another command button. The function of this command button is to test if the connection between the base station and the alternative – LOTTE is OK. The result is displayed in the Connection_Frame. In fact, the connection is always put to the test whenever the user receives data from the alternative – LOTTE (which means that the connection is OK). If the user wants to make sure about the connection at any time all he has to do is to press the Test – Connection Button.

Figure 3.6: Test-Connection Button

Ø  The user interface contains a Connection_Frame that is used to tell the user that the connection is OK while the alternative - LOTTE is in the air. In case there is a problem in the connection between the base station and the alternative - LOTTE, it is displayed in this frame, and the user would be able to see that there is a problem.

Figure 3.7: Connection Frame


The user interface contains a picture box that is used to display the direction of the alternative - LOTTE while it is in the air. The user interface will get the azimuth from the alternative – LOTTE and use this parameter to display the direction of the alternative – LOTTE.

Figure 3.8: PictureDirection

Ø  The user interface contains a weather frame that is used to tell the user the status of the weather while the alternative – LOTTE is in the air. In this frame, the user can observe the temperature, the wind vector, and the solar radiation (solar radiation in X, Y and Z). The user interface get these data from the sensors data.


Figure 3.9: Weather Frame


The user interface contains a third command button. The function of  this command button is to display the solar radiation in front of the user in three dimensions. When the user press this button, he will see the position of the alternative – LOTTE in three dimensions with the value of the solar radiation in each position.

Figure 3.10:  Solar Radiation Button

Ø  When the user presses the Solar Radiation button, the figure shown below shall be displayed :

Figure 3.11: Solar Radiation show

In this figure, the position of the alternative – LOTTE is displayed with the power of the solar radiation, the color at the position shows the intensity of the solar power at this point.

8.3.2       Specifications for the transceiver

The goal of this transceiver is send and receive data between the Base station and the alternative – LOTTE. There are two transceivers, one is connected to the base station and the other is connected to alternative – LOTTE.

8.3.3       Communication Protocol for User Data

In each frame, the transceiver processes the data internally and input/output user data. User data can be specific by user. In general, data is send and receive as “packet”.

The form of the telegram that the base station receives from the alternative – LOTTE is :

Figure 3.12: User Data Protocol _ Receive Message


¨      The Begin flag is the beginning of the telegram (message) and the length of this command is 1 byte (8 bits). It is a special byte that the user uses to tell the alternative – LOTTE and the base station that it is the beginning of the telegram (message).


¨      The information length of the telegram is on 2 bytes, and it contains an information about the length of the telegram (message) that the base station receives from the alternative – LOTTE, or sends to the alternative – LOTTE.


¨      The sensors data contains information about the acceleration in X, acceleration in Y, acceleration in Z, angular velocity in X, angular velocity in Y, angular velocity in Z, the azimuth, wind vector in X, wind vector in Y, wind vector in Z, solar in X, solar in Y, solar in Z  and the temperature. Each information is in 4 bytes and the type of  this data is float.


¨      The End flag is the end of the telegram and the length of this command is 1 byte. It is a special byte. So when the base station or the alternative – LOTTE receives this byte, it knows that this is the End of the telegram and it waits for another telegram from the alternative – LOTTE.

The form of the telegram (message) that the base station sends to the alternative – LOTTE is :

Figure 3.13: User Data Protocol  _  Send Message


The sent and the received telegram have the same protocol (Begin_Flag , Length of the Telegram, Data or Commands (information) and then the End_Flag). We can send the begin flag at first, then the length of message (commands), then the commands (which gives the new position and the new velocity), and finally the end flag to tell the alternative – LOTTE that the telegram is finished.

8.3.4       Handshaking

Handshaking refers to the internal communications protocol by which data is transferred from the hardware port to the receive buffer. When a character of data arrives at the serial port, the communications device has to move it into the receive buffer. A handshaking protocol ensures that data is not lost due to a buffer overrun, where data arrives at the port too quickly for the communications device to move the data into the receiver buffer.

8.4       Architecture Design

The purpose of the user interface is to control the alternative – LOTTE from the base station and the purpose of the transceiver is to send and receive data between the base station and the alternative – LOTTE. The connection between the user interface, the transceiver and the whole system is shown in the figure below :


Figure 4.1: System Connection


This figure shown above describes the connection between the PC in the base station which contains the user interface program and the transceiver, and the connection between the embedded system in the alternative – LOTTE and the other transceiver. This connection is done through the serial port.

Apart the connection between the embedded system in the alternative – LOTTE, the transceiver card and the sensors card is shown in the figure above. In fact the sensors card is connected to the microcontroller which is connected to the embedded system through the serial port. The purpose of the microcontroller is to transfer the sensors data from the sensors card to the embedded system. The embedded system gets these sensors data from the serial port which the microcontroller is connected to and sends these data to the serial port to which the transceiver card is connected.

The transceiver gets these sensors data from the embedded system through the RS232C connector, then the data are stored in internal buffer. After the transceiver checks that the carrier frequency to be set is not used on air, these data will be sent to the base station using one of the  channels frequencies between the 433.200 – 434.775 MHz. The same thing is done when the transceiver gets data from the base station and will sent to the alternative – LOTTE

The modulation used is the FSK modulation (Frequency Shift Keying), this type of modulation enables transmission at a maximum of 9,600bps. Also when multiple channel are to be used simultaneous or if high communication standards are required, the MSK modulation enables transmission at a maximum of 2,400bps.

Figure 4.2: The “alternative Lotte” Communication System


8.5       Development Environments

The development has been done on a PC with AMD – k5 tm processor, AT / AT compatible, 64 MB RAM and a PC with a PENTIUM – S processor 100 MHz,  96 MB RAM.

The following software tools have been used for the development:

·               MS Windows 98, MS Windows 2000, MS Office 97 and MS Office 2000.

·               Windows 2000 server for workflow Management, Linux.

·               MS Visual Basic 6.0 language and C language. (program C is done under VxWorks).

·               Visual Basic 6.0 compiler for Visual Basic program.

·               "Gcc" compiler for C program under UNIX.

·               Tornado 2.0 environments  for C program.

·               VxWorks 5.4 compiler for C program.

·               Optional : MS Visio 2000 for the graphical visualization of processes, Structured Analysis (SA) /  Structured Design (SD).

8.6       Design and Implementation

8.6.1       SA / SD and Implementation for the base station program  SA (Structured Analysis)

Figure 6.1: Context Diagram


Ø  The DISPLAY is the screen of a PC  in the base station that can be used to observe the received sensors data. These sensors data are received from the alternative – LOTTE using the serial port of the PC.


Ø  The KEYBOARD is used by the user to write the commands that he wants to send to the alternative – LOTTE. These commands are sent to the alternative -  LOTTE using the serial port. In fact, whenever the user wants to send commands to the alternative – LOTTE, the user interface will send them to the serial port.

Ø  The SERIAL PORT is the peripheral between the user interface and the alternative – LOTTE. So by using the user interface, we can say that the user will get data (from the alternative – LOTTE) and set data or commands (to the alternative – LOTTE).


Figure 6.2: data flow diagram (DFD) of the process “User interface”

In this second diagram, we can see all the functions that the user interface can perform .

Ø  Some remarks for structured analysis (SA) convention:

The symbol            means that we have a process and this symbol




means that we have a storage.

Ø  In the second increment a security layer is added to the communication protocol. The commands that the base station sends to alternative –LOTTE will be acknowledged. If the acknowledgement fails the commands are resent.







Ø  Send commands to the alternative – LOTTE

Ø  Receive data from the alternative – LOTTE





Ø  Save Commands that the user sent to the                alternative – LOTTE.

Ø  Waiting for an answer from the

alternative – LOTTE about what it has Received.

Ø  Compare this answer with the Telegram (message) that the user sent.





Ø  Send commands with saving it to compare with the answer from the alternative – LOTTE.

Ø  Receive data from the alternative – LOTTE.


                    All  SD (Structured Design)

Some remarks for structured Design (SD) convention:


The symbol                              means that we have a function, and in this symbol we can find the same name of the function used in program.



this relation                                                                  means that the function1 calls function 2.


The symbol             describes the return value of the function


The symbol             describes the input parameters of the function.

Figure 6.3: Structured Design (SD) diagram for the user interface

Description of the functions


This is an OCX (Microsoft Comm Control 6.0) which contains all functions that the programmer can use when he  wants to program the serial port. Using this OCX, we can manage the serial port from Visual Basic which means that we can open the port, put the settings of the port, read from serial port and write to serial port ... .


UserInterface Load

This function runs automatically when the user runs the Program. The purpose of this function is to give the MSCOMM the number of serial port that the user will open and the settings and the InputMode. It will also enable the TimerRun_R and testing the status of the serial port.



This function contains the interval which the user interface uses to read data from serial port if this serial port was not busy. The serial port being busy means that it is not used at the moment. For example, if we define the interval time like one second, so every one second the program will read data from serial port. Of course these data are the sensors data, and it contains information about the acceleration of the alternative – LOTTE and the angular velocity, the azimuth, the solar, the wind vector, and the temperature.



The purpose of this function is to read sensors data from serial port and to use these data to calculate the velocity of the alternative – LOTTE and its position. After that it sends these data to  the Receive_Data_Frame which is then displayed in front of the user. Of course the user can not change these data, he can only see it. (Of course this requires that the serial port is not busy doing any other function like sending commands to the alternative – LOTTE, or testing the connection between the base station and the alternative – LOTTE).



The purpose of this functions is that the user will be able to send commands from the base station to the alternative – LOTTE, using the serial port. The user can write commands after disabling the TimerRun_R. but if the TimerRun_R is enabled, this means that the serial port is used only to Read_Data.



The purpose of this function is to enable the Sending_Data_Frame that it used by the user to write the sending commands (new position in X, Y and Z, and new velocity in X, Y and Z) that he wants to send to the alternative – LOTTE.



This function will confirm that the user wants to send the commands that he writes in the Sending_Data_Frame to the alternative – LOTTE after testing the status of the serial port. This is because the serial port maybe busy doing another function at that  time like receiving data from the alternative – LOTTE ... . 



This function is used by the user if he clicks the Sending Data Button and then he changes his mind and does not want  to send commands to the alternative – LOTTE. So this function will disable the Sending_Data_Frame, and enable the TimerRun_R ( which means that the serial port is not busy sending commands right now, but rather the program is enable to read sensors data ).



The purpose of this function is to test the connection between the base station and the alternative – LOTTE. It refreshes the Connection_Frame and gets the status connection from the Read_Data Function. It also displayed the status of the connection on the Connection_Frame.



The purpose of this function is getting data from the Read_Data function (position in X, position in Y) and displaying the position of the alternative – LOTTE on the map.



The purpose of this function is getting data from the Read_Data function (Azimuth) and displaying the direction of the alternative – LOTTE in the PictureBox.



The purpose of this function is to get the Acceleration from the Read_Data function and calculate the velocity of the alternative – LOTTE in X, Y and Z and gives this information to the Receive_Data_Frame that it displays.



The purpose of this function is to get the velocity from the Calculate_Velocity and calculate the position of the alternative – LOTTE in X, Y and Z and gives this information to the Receive_Data_Frame that it displays.



The purpose of this function is to get the sensors data from the Read_Data function and to convert this data from the hexadecimal format to the decimal format.



The purpose of this function is to get commands from the Write_Commands function and to convert this commands from the decimal format to the hexadecimal format.



This function run when the user press on the PicturePosition if he wants to see a large view. It contains a large picture box that inside it the user can show how the alternative – LOTTE change its position.



This function run when the user press on the PictureDirection if he wants to see a large view. It contains a large picture box that inside it the user can show how the alternative – LOTTE change its direction.



This function run when the alternative – LOTTE finishes its travel. It takes the position in X, Y and Z and the Solar Radiation in X, Y and Z from the Read_Data function and uses these parameters to put the position of the alternative – LOTTE in the three dimensions with the value of the solar radiation in each position. The color of the position (point of position) changes with the value of the solar radiation.



This function run when the user press the solar radiation button. It takes the parameters (position in X, Y and Z and the solar radiation) and puts it in a three dimensional figure.  Implementation

The whole VB program code is in Annex E.

In this paragraph, the important things done in the software part will be described. At first, when the user interface program is used, the user has to care about these commands :

Ø  MSComm1.CommPort = 3     (line of code: 132)

this command is used to open the serial port number 3. Changing the number of the port is allowed. [6]

After that the initialization of  the baud rate of the serial interface, the parity status, the data length and the stop bit will be done as below :


Ø  MSComm1.Settings = "9600,E,8,2"      (line of code: 133)


Then the initialization of the handshaking protocol is done by this command :


Ø  MSComm1.Handshaking = comRTSXOnXOff       (line of code: 134)


When the handshaking is set to the value shown above, the RTSEnable property will be set to TRUE as shown below :


Ø  MSComm1.RTSEnable = True                      (line of code: 135)


The input mode used is input text mode, this mode is set by the command shown below :


Ø  MSComm1.InputMode = comInputModeText (line of code: 136)


Setting the InputLen property to a number causes the communications control to read this number of bytes from the receive buffer.


Ø  MSComm1.InputLen = 116                (line of code: 137)


So by using all the commands shown above, the initialization of the serial port is completed  and the serial port can be opened by this command :


Ø  MSComm1.PortOpen = True                        (line of code: 138)


An important parameter used is the interval of the timer. The value putted in this parameter is used by the program to read the data from the receive buffer of the serial port.


Ø  TimerRun_R.Interval = 500                   (line of code: 155)


The value used is 500 msec, so each 500 msec reading data from the receive buffer is done.

Three files are used by the user interface program. The "Receive_file.rcv" is used to save the telegram that the base station received from the alternative – LOTTE. In this file, only the correct telegram will be putted. The "Send_file.snd" is used to save the telegram that the base station sent to the alternative – LOTTE. The "Solar_file.rad" is used to save the position of the alternative – LOTTE in X, Y and Z and the solar radiation value. When the Solar Radiation button is pressed, this file will be opened to get the data from it and use these data to put the position of the alternative – LOTTE in a 3D figure with the value of the solar radiation. The command used to open a file from the visual basic is shown below :


Ø  Open "C:\User Interface\Data\Send_file.snd" For Binary Access Write As 

                         #2      (line of code: 104)

So before the user interface program putted in use, it is very important to put the correct path of the three files described above.

One program is used with the user interface. The purpose of this program is to showing the position of the alternative – LOTTE in a 3D figure with the value of the solar radiation during its flight. The command used to run this program from the user interface program is shown below :


Ø  Shell "C:\3D\Jet.exe", vbNormalFocus                  (line of code: 85)


So it is very important to put the correct path of this program.

This program used with the user interface is called "Jet". This is an visual basic program. In this program, the "Solar_file.rad" is opened to get the data from it and used it to put the position of the alternative – LOTTE and the value of the solar radiation in a 3D figure as we said above. So it is very important to be care about the path of the "Solar_file.rad" file before using this program.

In the "Jet" program, the value of the solar radiation is always putted to the test whenever a value is received from the alternative – LOTTE. The purpose of this test is to changed the color of the position of the alternative – LOTTE, because the color of the point will give the user an idea about the power of the solar radiation at this point.

For the graphical show, a file is used (CURSOR20.ICO) when the user selects a region in the figure map for doing a zoom. This file must be in the same directory with the user interface program, or the path of this file should be specified.


Ø PictureMap.MouseIcon = LoadPicture("cursor20.ico")          (line of code: 198)


Another program is developed using visual basic. The purpose of this program is just to build of a test environment with connected one of PC to the transceiver and connected the other PC to the other transceiver. By using this program, only sending and receiving data is allowed. This program uses a Send_Data function to send telegrams.

Note :  If all the files and the programs used with the user interface program is putted in the same directory with it, so the path file will not be important, only the name of the file or of the program should be written.

8.6.2       Communication part on the board system on the airship  The tranceiver

The transceiver to be used is MB-STD-RS232. It is a bi-directional semi-duplex radio modem having RS232 serial interface. It uses CIRCUIT DESIGN 's standard 434 MHz FM Narrow Band transceiver module STD-402 transceiver for RF part. This transceiver was selected because of its frequency of 434 MHz. For this frequency in Germany there is no extra permission necessary. Another reason is that this transceiver is a cheap one.

The STD-402 transceiver is an UHF Narrow Band Multi channel Transceiver.

The UHF FM-Narrow Band semi-duplex radio data module STD-402 equipped PLL controller in its robust metal housing. Unlike other transceivers, the STD-402 is ready to transmit RF data without complicated controller board. The compact size and low power consumption of the STD-402 make it ideal for battery operated applications where its interference rejection and practical distance range are much better than similar RF modules based on Wide Band SAW – resonator frequency devices.

Most of RF setting are done by internal microcomputer, which allows the user to manipulate the module without professional knowledge of RF circuit.

Special for MB-STD-RS232

Figure 6.4:  MB-STD-RS232 – CIRCUIT DESIGN


The RF part complies with the European radio, EMC and safety requirements and has been notified in major European countries under the R & TTE directive. The MB-STD-RS232 provides long range data link at low/medium data rate for various industrial telemetry and data transfer applications.

Also this board can be used as a test board of the STD-402 TR.



·                    CE compliance STD-402 434 MHz RF module on the board.

·                    RS232 interface with D-sub 9pins connector or Modular 6pin jack.

·                    Fixed frequency / Auto frequency setting selectable.

·                    Cross / Straight cable selection SW.



·                    Serial data transmission (RS232C communication)

·                    Telemeter (FA line, Sensor information)

·                    Wireless connection between PC and peripheral RS232 equipment


General Description

MB-STD-RS232 is designed to make it possible for the user to connect between RS232 equipments with the radio. STD-402 434 MHz narrow band radio module that complies with EN300220 is equipped on the board. 64 channels are pre-programmed in the module.

There are two frequency setting are available. In fixed (manual) setting, RF channel can be set on board switches. In auto setting, RF channel is set to vacant channel automatically.

Operation mode and communication set up (Ack, parity, data rate) can be selected by on board dip-switch. The operation mode 1 is designed for two-way communication and the operation mode 2 is designed for one-way communication (TX -> RX).


1:N communication is possible by using unique module ID number that designated to each RF module.



     RF parameter

                                   Communication mode                      Half-Duplex

                                   Frequency range                               433.200 to 434.775 MHz

                                   CH step                                            25 kHz          

                                   Number of CH                                64 CH

                                   CH setting                                        Fix / Auto (8Gr*8ch)

                                   Modulation data speed                 9600bps

                                   Modulation                                      2FSK

                                   Emission class                                 F1D

                                   Transmission power                                  10 mW


     Serial Interface

                                   Interface                                RS-232C

                                   Data format                          Asynchronous communication (UART)             Data speed of RS                                      1200/2400/4800/9600 bps

                                   Flow control                         RS / CS hardware control

                                   Buffer                                    Transmission 2kB, Reception 2KB

                                   Interface connector                           D-Sub 9P / Modular 6P



            Switches                                Power, Frequency, Operation

Mode, Cable (Cross/Straight)

                                   LED indication                                TX, RX, RSSI, LD, LE

                                   Dimension                                       85*53*15mm

                                   Supply Voltage                               4.0 to 9V DC.


Figure 6.5:  MB-STD-RS232 – CIRCUIT DESIGN


For more details about this board, refer to Annex A.



Special for STD-402 (Transceiver)


Figure 6.6:  STD-402 Transceiver – CIRCUIT DESIGN


The STD-402 transceiver is an UHF Narrow Band Multi channel Transceiver.

The UHF FM-Narrow Band semi-duplex radio data module STD-402 equipped PLL controller in its robust metal housing. Unlike other transceiver, the STD-402 is ready to transmit RF data without complicated controller board. The compact size and low power consumption of the STD-402 make it ideal for battery operated applications where its interference rejection and practical distance range are much better than similar RF modules based on Wide Band SAW – resonator frequency devices.

Most of RF setting are done by internal microcomputer, which allows the user to manipulate the module without professional knowledge of RF circuit.



·         European EN300 200 standard compliance.

·         High technology into compact module for easy operation.

·         Low voltage operation from 3.6 V DC.

·         Low current consumption, ideal for battery operated applications.

·         9600bps data rate.

·         Carrier sense output for Multi-Channel access operation.



·         Remote control system.

·         Security systems.

·         Bi-directional communication systems.

·         Telemetry systems

·         Handy terminal.


STD-402 characteristics

v  Common

Communication form                          Semi-duplex

Frequency range                                   433.200 MHz to 433.775 MHz.

Channel step                                         25 kHz.

Baud rate                                                           9600bps max.

Supply voltage                                     3.6 – 12 V DC (Direct Mode).

Dimensions                                           53 ´ 35 ´ 12 mm.

v  Transmitter

RF output power                            9 mW ± 1mW.

Data input level                              3.6 – 12V (Direct Mode).

Input signal                                     Digital

Spurious emission                                     < -60 dBm (< 1 GHz).

Supply current                                            36 mA.

v  Receiver

Receiver type                       Double superheterodyne PLL synthesizer.

Selectivity                             ± 4 kHz at –6dB point.

Data output                          Digital.


The STD-402 transceiver has 3 mode operation guide :

1)    Direct Mode Operation Guide (For more details about this mode, refer to Annex B)

2)    Auto Mode Operation Guide. (For more details about this mode, refer to   Annex C)

3)    Auto Mode Operation Guide for CPU interface. (For more details about this mode, refer to Annex D)

Or the MB-STD-RS232 equips STD-402 transceiver module and performs packet communication using CPU interface mode of the transceiver.  The communication software on the embedded board computer

The code for this program is written in C. The program runs under the Real Time Operation System (RTOS) VxWorks on the embedded system in the alternative – LOTTE. The purpose of this program is to get the sensors data from one serial port and put it on another serial port which is connected to the transceiver.

The whole C program code is in Annex H.

The important thing in this program is the initialization of the serial interface communication, the following lines contain a description about this initialization :


Ø  id_com_dev = open (c_device, O_RDWR ,0);     (line of code: 17)


This command is used to open the serial port. When the serial port is not opened, this function returns –1.


Ø  if (-1 == ioctl (id_com_dev,FIOBAUDRATE,speed))                     (line of code: 24)

Ø  SerialControl = (CLOCAL|CREAD);                                    (line of code: 28)

Ø  Parity = PARENB ;                                                                   (line of code: 29)

Ø  CharacterSize = CS8;                                                                (line of code: 30)

Ø  if (-1 == ioctl (id_com_dev,SIO_HW_OPTS_SET,SerialControl | Parity |          CharacterSize))                                                                        (line of code: 31)

Ø  ioctlvalue = ioctl (id_com_dev,FIOSETOPTIONS,OPT_TANDEM &~ 

     OPT_MON_TRAP);                                                                 (line of code: 36)

These commands initialize the parity, the stop bit, the data length and the handshaking mode.


8.7       Component Tests

8.7.1       Transceiver test

The MB-STD-RS232 board which equips the STD-402 transceiver module has stored unique module identification number in the radio module. When one unit is set up for master and other unit is for slave, slave modem unit operate with same ID as master unit.

The test of the transceiver is shown in following lines :


1. Connect the serial cable to the D-SUB 9pin connector.


2. Set "Cable SW" (Cross / Straight) according to the cable.


3. Connect the supply voltage of the transceiver to 6V DC.






4. Select unit to be master and set SW1 to "9" and SW2 to "1". Select unit to be slave and set

    SW1 to "9" and SW2 to "0".








5. Power ON the units.


6. When power of the master is turned on, TX, RX and LE LED turn ON and LD blinks.   

    Radio communication start and continue for about 10sec.


7. When power of slave unit is turned on, TX, RX LED turn ON and RSSI turn on when

    signal from master is received. LD blink when group setting is completed.


8. After slave unit receives unique module identification code stored in master units, radio

    communication can be performed with this code.


9. Power of the units.


10. Setting the mode and the property of the communication by the SW switch. 

                                 1 : ON    à  Transmitter       1 : OFF à Receiver

                                 2 : OFF  à   Mode 1 (Two way communication)

                                 3 : ON    à   Setting prohibited.

                                 4 : ON    à   Setting prohibited.

                                 5 : ON    à   ACK response (Yes).

                                 6 : ON    à   Parity Yes (Even).

                                 7 : ON    à   Communication speed.

                                 8 : ON    à   Communication speed.  (9600bps).

11. MB-STD-RS232 has 64 pre-programmed frequency channels. These frequencies are

      divided to 8 groups. Each group contains 10 frequencies. The group can be selected by

      SW2, and the value inside the group is selected by SW1. The frequency used to built the

      test is 433.975 MHz. To select this frequency, set the SW1 switch to 3 and the SW2

      switch to 1. The master and the slave unit should be selected to the same frequency.


12. Power on the units.

13. MB-STD-RS232 is in RX mode at wait time (stand by), which means RX is turned ON at wait time. When the unit receives radio data from the other unit, the RSSI  LED turn ON

      and the unit will start outputting the data to RS232 port.


14. When the unit get data from PC through RS232C connector, the data is stored in internal buffer and then will be sent after the MB-STD-RS232 check that the carrier

frequency to be set is not used in air. The TX LED turned ON when the unit will transmit the data. The unit returns to RX mode when all data is gone.

8.7.2       User interface laboratory test with two PCs

As described in the implementation in chapter 6, the important things before testing the user interface program is to take care about the path of the files that the user interface used, the program run with the user interface, the initialization of the serial port (number of port, baud rate, parity, data length, stop bit, handshaking mode, input mode ...), the interval of the timer used to read data from the receive buffer. If all these commands are done in the correct way, an EXE file can be made and used.

Connect one of the transceiver to a PC that contains the user interface program and the other transceiver to an other PC that contains the program used to send data (UserInterface_SendData). Then run the two programs and click the Sending_Data button and the data will be displayed in the user interface program each 500 msec as below :


Figure 7.1: position & direction of the alternative – LOTTE

Figure 7.2: parameters of the alternative – LOTTE


Figure 7.3: Status of the alternative – LOTTE

Figure 7.4: Weather parameters

As we see in the pictures above that the user interface test with the transceiver test work very well, and the data are received correctly and putted in their place.

8.7.3       Test of the user interface on the target system

To test the C program on the embedded system, run the TORNADO 2.0 then the following figure will be shown :

To open the connection between the TORNADO and the VxWorks machine, open the tools options, then select "Target server", then "PepVMP", then go to the list box to select the IP, after that the TORNADO inform you if the connection is done between it and the VxWorks machine.

So if the connection is ok, the user will be able to compile the C file, then open a shell to send commands to the VxWorks machine. Before running the C file on the VxWorks machine, you should download the C file on it, this thing can be done by select the project, right click on it and press Download "name of the project".

If all thing is done in the right way, the user will be able to type the name of the C program in the shell (In our project, the name of the C program is "maincom"), and the data is sent to the serial port of the VxWorks machine.

The whole code of the C test program used is shown in Annex G.

8.8       Annex A



Some trouble shooting



Cause of trouble

TX-LED blink

SW1, 2 setting error. Please check setting of SW1, 2.

RX_LED blink

Low voltage. Please check supply voltage

TX and RX LED blink by turns

Internal EEPROM is something wrong. Please contact us.

Both RX and RX LED turn ON

 And no transmission.

There would be interference at set frequency. Please change the frequency. Noise from PC might be the cause of the problem. Please try to leave the board from PCs and check it.


Frequency CH setting

There are two frequency settings are available.

·                    Fix setting (manual):

Frequency is set by switches (SW1 & SW2) on the board manually. RSSI-LED indication helps to set vacant channel.

·                    Auto setting:

MB-STD-RS232 search radio carrier to find vacant channel before starting radio communication and set to vacant channel automatically. For more details about the frequency table, refer to the data sheet (page 6,7)


Initial Setting  (Master / Slave)







STD-402 initial setting / set to Slave



STD-402 initial setting / set to Master



Setting mode (Lf, Ack, Character strings, etc..) and TEST


Operation Mode Setting SW




                       SW3 setting




      Operation Mode





Mode 2 (One-way communication)

Mode 1 (Two-way communication)



Setting Prohibited




Setting Prohibited







ACK response





Yes (Even)




Speed (bps)















Stop bit at UART Communication


Normally, Stop bit is selected one of 1 / 1.5 / 2 bit when COM port of PC equipment is set-up. When continuous data are outputted, data comes after stop bit. However there is a case that there is more time space than specified stop bit length because of asynchronous communication.

The MB-STD-RS232 receives the data from PC correctly if stop bit is 1 bit or more. Stop bit of data from the MB-STD-RS232 to PC is fixed to 2 bit therefore communication with PC can be made regardless of stop bit (1, 1.5, 2 bit).


Jumper Setting


There are 6 jumper settings on the board. Changing J4 and J5 can change LED-working condition to reduce the consumption current.

J1, J2, J3 : Module set up STD-402 434 MHz setting must be Short, Open, Open.

J4: LED operation of TX, RX, RSSI  LED       Use: Short      Non Use (off): Open

J5: LED operation of LD, LE                                      Use: Short      Non Use(off): Open

J6: CPU reset signal: this must be short


Communication Interface


The board equips D-SUB 9pin and Modular 6pin as communication interface [8].


Figure A.1:  Serial Connector



Modular 6P

        D-Sub 9p (*)







Input terminal / from PC






Hi when the equipment become data reception possible.

Lo when internal

Buffer is full






Data output terminal / from PC






Hi when SD terminal send data

Lo when SD terminal do not send data


DC (+)










Supply power (DC 4 to 9V) is possible

From Modular 6pin.



Communication Cable


Cross cable which mainly connect between PCs and straight cable which connect PCs and peripheral RS 232 equipment are available as RS 232 standard cable. Please set “Cable SW” (Cross / Straight) according to the cable. For more details ,refer to the Data Sheet (page 11,12).


Operation Mode


MB-STD-RS232 has two operation modes as below :


·         Operation Mode 1:      Two-way (Semi-duplex) communication

·         Operation Mode 2:       One-way communication


Ø  Operation Mode 1: Two-way (Semi-duplex) communication


This mode is useful for an application of two-way communication with the Ack/Nck

Response between PC and RS232 equipment, and an application that returns the data from RS232 equipment to PC according to the command from PC MB-STD-RS232 is in RX at wait time (stand by). When the unit receives radio data from the other unit, the unit will start outputting the data to RS232 port. When MB-STD-RS232 get the data from PC through RS232C connector, the data is stored in internal buffer and then will be sent after the MB-STD-RS232 check that the carrier frequency to be set is not used on air. The unit returns to RX when all data in buffer is gone.


1:N communication is possible by implementing the group setting. In this case, the application software have to be programmed to consider that identification number of RS232 equipment have to be included in transmission command, and only the equipment which has requested ID number returns the data when its command is received. In this operation mode, Only Fix CH setting can be used.

Figure A.2: Two-way, Semi-Duplex Communication


Ø  Operation Mode 2: One-way communication


This mode is useful for an application of one-way communication from PC to measurement equipment. TX (transmitter) / RX (receiver) setting can be done with dip switch on the MB-STD-RS232. TX unit transmit the signal at selected channel regardless that data is in buffer or not. RX unit outputs the data to RS232 port when radio signal is received. (RX unit does not transmit even data is imputed to RS232 port).


1:N communication is possible by implementing the group setting. 1 * TX unit to N * RX units communication is possible.

In this operation mode, Either Fix channel setting or Auto channel setting is used.

In Auto setting, TX unit perform automatic RF channel search and transmit the data in the vacant RF channel. RX unit perform channel scan to detect transmission signal and set to the RF channel.



Figure A.3: One-way Communication


Restriction on data communication


The MB-STD-RS232 equips STD-402 transceiver module and performs packet communication using CPU interface mode (data length 63bit) of the transceiver.

Serial data or command stream from PC or other equipment connected to the MB-STD-RS232 is pocketed and sent to a receiver. When these data are outputted from the unit, the time space appear as shown below. The time space (delay) is 300msec or more when operation mode 2 (One-way communication) is used.



Figure A.4: Data Communication


ACK Auto Response Function


Depending on RS232 equipment, but some equipment stop or become error and repeat transmitting same data if Ack/Nck command is not returned as response signal within several 10msec.

This is not problem in wired communication because PC can return Ack/Nck command immediately after receiving data from RS232 equipment. Wireless communication with the MB-STD-RS232 have a few second time-lag for the response. This function is given to avoid error caused by such situation. It is realized to return Ack (or specific response string) response return.


  1. MB-STD-RS232 operates as that the data from RS232 equipment is suppose to carry delimiter symbol (Etx, Lf etc…) at end.


  1. When Ack/Nck character is contained in output from RS232 equipment, MB-STD-RS232 judges that the Ack/Nck character is the response from PC and when it is not contained the output is recognized as data stream (i.e. measurement data) for request


      data command from PC. The MB-STD-RS232 sends Ack response only if this data 

      stream (without Ack/Nck) is recognized.         

            (If there is data in TX buffer, the Ack will be sent after that).


  1. Delimiter, Ack/Nck and character string to recognize these operation can be changed by user.




                     Delimiter                                            “Lf” (0AH)

                                   Response detect code                    1          “Ack” (06H)

                                                                                  2          “Nck”            (15H)

                        Auto response character string            “Ack CR Lf”  (06 0D 0AH)  Max. 16 characters



Figure A.5: ACK Auto Response


Group Setting


The MB-STD-RS232 has stored unique module identification number in the radio module. When one unit is set up for master and other unit(s) is for slave, slave modem unit operate with same ID as master unit.

If this setting (group setting) have not finished, radio communication between the MB-STD-RS232 is not possible even with same frequency.


Ø  Setting Procedure


  1. Select unit to be master and set SW1 to “9” and SW2 to “1”. Select unit(s) to be slave and set SW1 to “9” and SW2 to “0”. Power on the units.
  2. When power of the master unit is turned on, TX, RX and LE LED turn ON and LD LED blinks. Radio transmission start and continue for about 10sec.
  3. When power of slave unit(s) is turned on, TX, RX LED turn ON and RSSI turn ON when signal from master is received. LD blink when group setting is completed.


After slave unit receives unique module identification code stored in master units, radio communication can be performed with this code.


Note: This setting is to set identification code for radio communication. Original unique module identification code of slave unit itself remains unchanged. When the unit was used for slave is set to


master and perform communication, identification number is different from former communication. Therefore interface does not occur.



Figure A.6: Master & Slave Units


Ack Auto Response Setting


Delimiter, Ack/Nck code and auto response character string (max. 16 characters) for recognition of Ack auto response can be changed from RS232 port using software like Windows Hyper Terminal.


Ø  Procedure


1.      Connect MB-STD-RS232 and PC with RS232 cable. Set SW1 and SW2 on the MB-STD-RS232 to “9”, “9”, then power ON.

2.      Start up the Hyper Terminal and set communication condition as below.

                                   4800bps, Bit = 7, Parity = Odd, Stop Bit = 1, Flow control = Hard ware.

3.      At first, type “/A CrLf” and return. Check if the MB-STD-RS232 modern return the product name and program version.

4.     Set up with reference to the following table.




Transmission format

   Correct Response

       Data (example)



         “/A CrLf”

“/A MB-STD-RS232,          

  001.000 CrLf”

Product name, Program ver.









    “/I 06, 0D, 0A CrLf”


“Ok CrLf”




Set and check of Ack response character             sting (HEX)

Max. 12 character (prohibit to   include              ASCII code “00”)


          “/I CrLf”


“/I 06, 0D, 0A CrLf”


        “/K 06 CrLf”


“OK CrLf”

Set and check of Ack response detect                     code 1 (HEX).

Example : 06H = Ack

         “/K CrLf”


“/K 06 CrLf”


        “/L 15 CrLf”


“/L OK CrLf”

Set and check of Ack response detect                 code 2 (HEX).

Example : 15H = Nck

         “/L CrLf”


“/L 15 CrLf”


       “/M 0A CrLf”


“OK CrLf”

Set and check of delimiter (HEX)       



Example : 0AH = Lf


         “/M CrLf”


“/M 0A CrLf”





Circuit diagram for the MB-STD-RS232



8.9       Annex B

¨      STD-402  [Direct Mode Operation Guide]


General Description

The STD-402 is a short range device stipulated by CEPT/ERC recommendation 70-03 and is a radio module complying with ETSI standard EN300-220-1 with a transceiver built into its compact case.

The built-in PLL synthesizer circuit enables both transmission and receipt through 64 pre-set channel frequencies between the 433 to 434 MHz bands.

The transmit mode / receive mode settings and the frequency channel settings can be made easily with dip switches or jumpers without the use of an external microcomputer.

As the system operates on low voltage and low current consumption in consideration of mobile communications, battery operation is also possible.

The FSK modulation enables transmission at a maximum of 9,600bps. Also, when multiple channels are to be used simultaneous or if high communication standards are required, the


MSK modulation enables transmission at a maximum of 2,400bps. However, it is necessary to install an MSK modem IC externally for this purpose.


The radio module has been designed with high levels of reliability cultivated through long-term results, and this provides excellent levels of selectivity receiving sensitivity and radio interference capabilities.




·                    Comply with EN 300 220

·                    Compact size (53mm * 35mm * 12mm) with built-in transceiving functions (STD-402)

·                    Baud rate of maximum 9,600bps

·                    Simple channel setting with switches

·                    Continual “0” or “1” data transmission for a maximum of 20msec.

·                    High-level endurance capabilities against the effects of antenna reflection and surrounding equipment

·                    Low-voltage operations : 3.6 V to 12 V

·                    Low-current consumption : 36mA (transmit mode), 26mA (receive mode)




v  Telecommand and Telecontrol

v  Telemetry

v  Alarms

v  Data terminals






Pin description



Pin Name



      Equivalent circuit











Carrier sense output of the receiver.

The RSSI signal (receiving level)

Will become “H” when the signal     exceed the threshold.










The receiving level output of the    receiver. The strength of the RF          level is converted to the direct         current voltage.










The AF output of the receiving        section.









The data output for the receiving          section. The port uses FET buffer      output, the “H” level is Vcc.










TX(transmit mode) / RX (receive       mode) setting. The port is pulled                  up with resistor.

TX mode: L (GND)

RX mode: H (Open)






Data input for the transmission       section. The port uses transistor         input, the digital “H” level is Vcc            and the digital “L” is GND.









The power supply terminal.

Operates on 3.5V to 12V, but the               same Vcc level as the surrounding                circuits must be used.





The ground.

Extend the pattern over the widest        area possible on the printed circuit                board.







·    The LOAD signal output for               

External parallel -> serial register

·    The RESET signal is output with              

    The receive mode.

·    The port uses FET buffer output,                the “H” level is Vcc.






·    The LATCH ENABLE signal                                                                                  output for external serial ->

Parallel register.

·     Setting mode switch input.







 The READY signal output. RDY is                                   

 Active when at “L”. The following            

 Conditions apply when RDY is “H”.               

(1)   Initial status.

(2)   CAR is “H”

Call name being transmitted.















·    Set the various conditions when                  in the setting mode.

·    Sets the ID address with normal             operations. 63 address types                  between 1 and 63 are available.

·    Pulls up each port.



Electrical characteristics


·                    Common characteristics





Communication form






Oscillation system

PLL controlled VCO


Frequency range

433.200 – 434.775 MHz


Channel step

25 kHz


Number of RF channel

64 channels


Baud rate

4800,  9600bps


Modulation polarity



Demodulation polarity



Antenna impedance

50 Ohm


1st IF

21.7 MHz


2nd IF

450 kHz



200m or more

F1D 9600bps

Operation temperature

-10 to 55°C


Operation power voltage

3.6 – 5V


Supply current



TX mode


RX mode








·                    Transmission section characteristics





Transmitter type

PLL synthesizer


RF output power

9.0mW ± 1.0mW


Frequency stability


± 4ppm

-10 to + 55°C

Spurious emission

< -60dBm

< 1GHz

< -50dBm

> 1GHz


±1.9 to 2.1 kHz


S/N ratio

> 25dB


Adjacent channel power

> 40dB

Spectrum analyzer act. *1

Carrier sense level

-107 dBm


Transmitter start-up time

< 30msec

PLL data setting

Channel switching time

< 15msec


< 30msec


*1: 9,600bps, 511 bit (Pseudo Noise)


·                    Receiving section characteristics





Receiver mode

Double super heterodyne



< -117 dBm

25°C,  *2

Spurious response

> 45dB



> 45dB


Local frequency stability

± 4ppm

-10 to +55°C

Radiation from local oscillator


< -65 dBm

< 1GHz

< -60 dBm

> 1GHz

Output level

350m Vp-p

100Kohms terminate *4

Carrier sense level

-113 dBm


Carrier sense response time

< 30msec

PLL data setting

Channel switching time

< 15msec


< 25msec


Bit error rate

1 ´ 10^-2

Less than –110dBm

1 ´ 10^-4

Less than –107dBm

*2: AF = 1KHz, fmod = 2KHz, CCITT filter ON

*3: Jamming waves AF = 400Hz, fmod = 40%

*4: Dev:= 2Khz, AF = 1KHz

*5: 256bit / 4800bps




The STD-402 can be controlled manually with a simple set of external switches and jumpers, or with microcomputer controller.

Figure B.1:  Models & Modes


Modulation mode


·                    The maximum baud rate is 9,600bps with FSK. The data format may be decided by the user.

·                    The MSK modulation is recommended when stable operations are required during the use of multiple channels within the same area. However, the MSK mode requires an external MSK modem IC (MSM6882 manufactured by OKI or an equivalent model). Restrictions in the performance of this IC mean that the maximum baud rate is 2,400bps.


Figure B.2:  Modulation Mode


For more details about the channel table and the Manual Mode, refer to Data Sheet (page 2...18).


Transceiver mode with microcomputer


·      Connection method


Ø  More complex settings are made available when the STD-402

 modes and channels are controlled by microcomputer.

Ø  By developing microcomputer software that monitors the STD-402  READY ports, it is possible to avoid channels already occupied by

 other radios in the same way as MCA (Multi-Channel Access) and

 automatically set up empty channels.         



Figure B.3:  Connection Method


Timing for transmit mode setting


·                    The flow chart and timing chart for transmit mode setting when under microcomputer control are provided below.



Figure B.4:  Timing for transmit mode setting


Timing for receiving mode setting


·                    The flow chart and timing chart for receive mode setting when under microcomputer control are provided below.



Figure B.5:  Timing for receiving Mode


MSK Modulation mode


·      Modem IC

Ø  The MSM6882 MSK modem IC manufactured by OKI is  recommended for the MSK (Minimum Shift Keying) modulation mode.



Ø  Modulation MSK waves are emitted by loading transmission data into

 the encoder.


Ø  The decoder converts MSK waves into receiving data.


Ø  Examples for the application of the MSM6882 terminal function, the

 transmission mode and the receiving mode are provided in the Data   

 Sheet. For more details, refer to STD-402 Direct Mode Operation Guide (page 21, 22, 23)




·      Power supply

Ø  The operating voltage range for the STD-402 is between 3.6V and 12.0V.

 A voltage exceeding the maximum of 12.0V will result in damage to the


Ø  Ensure that an open drain or open collector port is connected when the

 TX/RX, CH0 to CH5 and external circuits are connected together.



Figure B.6:  Power Supply


·      Reverse connection protection circuit

v  When using low-voltage with battery operations



Figure B.7:  Protection Circuit


·                    As the maximum battery supply current will flow into the diode

    when the battery is connected in the reverse position, much

    consideration must be given to the PC (heat loss) in the diode.

·                    Although this method is the simplest, long-term heat emission

    may result in the outbreak of fire. Take extreme caution when

    handling this.

v  When using high-voltage mains power for stable operations


Figure B.8: High Power


·                    Although this method will not result in the buildup of heat in the

    diode, it will result in a lowering of the forward voltage in the

    diode and the efficiency rate of the mains power will be lower

    with batteries and other low voltages.

·                    The forward voltage will differ depending on the type of the

    diode, but the general rectification is approximately 0.6 to 0.7V.



v  Antenna and radial

·                    the STD-402 antenna is approximately 17cm with a one quarter wavelength in the 434MHz band. The unit¢s metal case not only acts as the ground but is also known as the radial to radiate the electronic radio waves from the antenna and radial. The phase is in inverted with the redial and antenna.

·                    Increase the module¢s ground pattern as much as possible. The electronic wave radiating power is strongest at the tip of the antenna, and when brought close to the unit¢s case, or radial, will work to cancel each other out, causing dramatic effect to the arrival distance.



Figure B.9: Antenna


v  Incorporating into equipment


·                    A direct line is ideal for the antenna, but it should be separated from the case as much as possible when space for incorporating it into the equipment is limited.


Measured data






8.9.1       Block diagram of the STD-402 transceiver in Direct Mode


8.10    Annex C


¨       STD-402TR [Auto Mode Operation Guide]


8.10.1    General

The STD-402 auto mode is a operation mode that is equipped with automatic link function and an encoding/decoding function. Automatic link searches vacant channels in order to use forty six channel frequencies without hindrance or interference. The encoding/decoding function establishes an interface between the data I/O circuit and radio assembly and executes the necessary communication protocols.

The transmitter¢s input circuit and the receiver¢s output circuit can easily be connected together with a general-purpose IC.

Note: The STD-402 auto mode supports only one-way communication (uni-directional) transmissions (transmitter -> receiver) but support for simplex communications (bi-directional) is planned for the future.

8.10.2    Features

·                    The automatic link function automatically connects to channels that do not cause interference.

·                    Simple I/O circuits with the built-in encoder/decoder.

·                    The I/O connections can be expanded to a maximum of 63 bytes

·                    The built-in micro-computer greatly reduces the cost of new development.

·                    Perfect for combining with other equipment.

8.10.3    Application Examples

Ø  One-way system

v  Tele-control

·                    For controlling cranes, concrete pump vehicles, golf carts, remote opening/closing for various purposes, traffic lights for road works, etc...

Support for the following applications is planned for the future.


Ø  Simplex systems

v  Data transmission

·                    Handy terminals, bar-code readers

v  Security

·                    Transmission of anti-theft alarms, immobilizes for cash delivery trucks, notification of customers entering retail shops, etc.....

v  Telemeter

·                    Water level monitoring for canals and dams, etc..., monitoring of various alarms, etc... .

8.10.4    Configuration


·                    The auto mode automates numerous functions with the use of the built-in micro-computer.


Figure C.1: Configuration


·                    The features of both modes are shown in the table below



Figure C.2: Mode

Explanation for internal processes (1) [Automatic channel search]

·                    the automatic channel search is a system that detects the carrier level of the channel in use to search for vacant channels in order to avoid interference with other radios. This is controlled automatically by the built-in micro-computer.

·                    The channel search is executed by the module from the pre-determined starting channel.

·                    For example, if the channel search was executed from [0ch], the procedure would be as follows :


1.      The STD-402 is set in the receiving mode.

2.      Set as channel 0 (433.200MHz)

3.      The carrier level is detect and compared with the standard level

4.      If the channel is occupied, the frequency is increased by two channels (50KHz).

5.      If the channel is vacant, the system is switched across to the transmission mode.

6.      The vacant channel is set.

7.      Transmission is started.




Figure C.3: Automatic Channel Search

Explanation for internal processes (2) [Automatic link]


·                    This is controlled automatically by the built-in micro-computer in the same way as the automatic channel search.

·                    All modules are started from [0ch] in the case of the automatic link.

·                    The channel search is executed by the module from the pre-determined starting channel.

·                    For example, if the channel search was executed from [0ch], the procedure would be as follows :

1.        The transmitter set for the vacant channel commences transmission.

2.        The receiver is set at channel 0 (433.200MHz).

3.        The carrier level is detected and compared with the reference level.

*   the reference level is different for the transmitter and receiver.

4.        If it is below the standard level, the frequency is increased by one channel (25KHz).

*  Increased by two channels for transmitter, but only one channel for the receiver.

5.        The ID data is received and compared with the ID register.

6.        Increased by one channel (25KHz) if the ID number matches.

7.        Switched across to the communication mode if the ID number matches.



Figure C.4: Automatic Link


Explanation for internal processes (3) [ID number registration]


·                    It is necessary to register an ID number for the transmitter and receiver in order to enable the STD-402 to establish an automatic link between two devices.

·                    If the transmission is performed on the same frequency from another radio or an STD-402 with a different ID number, the receiver will continue to search the channels until it finds an ID number that matches its own.


Ø  Registration of ID

·                    The serial number is unique number set in the factory at the time of shipment and can only be read.

·                    The ID register is a register for storing the ID number.



Figure C.5: ID Number Registration


·                    As shown above, the number registered in the ID register remains the same even when switching between the transmitter and receiver, so it is not necessary to register a new ID number.

Explanation for internal processes (4) [Encoder]


Ø  Connection method


·                    The illustration below shows the basic circuit when the STD-402 is used in the TX mode (transmitter).

·                    The 74HC165 is a general-purpose 8-bit parallel input -> serial output converter.

·                    The STD-402 detects disconnection, so ensure that a DO is connected to the SI.


Figure C.6: Encoder


Ø  Timing chart


·                    The timing for the STD-402 TX mode is shown below.

·                    The micro-computer built into the STD-402 is equipped with an encoding function and communication protocols to convert the automatic link ID numbers, the various control data and the transmitted data into FSK data.

·                    The entire data is called as a ¢frame¢, and the transmission data is inserted once into a single frame. The data is transmitted continually until the power supply is switched off.

·                    The length of the control data is fixed, but the transmission data can be changed between 1 byte to a maximum of 63 bytes in accordance with the application.




Figure C.7: Timing chart for STD-402 TX mode

(1)               The parallel data is latched onto the clock asynchronously when the LD signal is “L”

(2)               Serial data is shifted at the RDY (clock) rises when the LD signals is “H”.

Explanation for internal processes (5) [Decoder]


Ø  Connection method


·                    The illustration below shows the basic circuit when the STD-402 is used in the RX mode (receiver).

·                    The 74HC595 is a general-purpose serial input -> 8-bit parallel output converter.

·                    The STD-402 detects disconnection, so ensure that a QH is connected to the DI.

·                    The 74HC595 latch data is cleared when LD is ²L²



Figure C.8: Decoder


Ø  Timing chart

·                    The timing for the STD-402 RX mode is shown below.

·                    The micro-computer built into the STD-402 is equipped with a decoding function and communication protocols to convert the received FSK data into control data and the transmitted data (serial data).

·                    The transmission data is output once into a single frame. The data is received continually until the power supply is switched off.



Figure C.9: Timing chart for STD-402 RX mode


(1)               The serial data is shifted when the RDY (clock) rises.

(2)               The parallel data is latched onto the clock asynchronously when the LE signal rises.

Explanation for internal processes (6) [Data format]


Ø  Communication data format

·                    The STD-402 control data is of fixed length and comes in a unique format that includes the ID code for radio links and special codes.

·                    The user data (transmission data, receiving data) is between 1 byte and 63 bytes depending on the number of I/O connections, and the transmission time will be extended in accordance with the length of the transmission data.

·                    The communication data format is shown below.



Figure C.10: Data Format


Ø  Transmitting data between Transmitter and receiver

·                    The communication data is transmitted continually during transmission. However, the transmission data will not actually travel continuously at 4,800bps owing to the fact that the control data is transmitted by frame by the encoder.

·                    Using 1 byte of data as an example, the data volume (number of bytes) transmitted within a one-second period is as follows.

D = 1000msec ¸ {20msec + (1.67msec ´ 1)} » 46 bytes.



Figure C.11: Transmitting Data between TX and RX

For more details about the Encoder/Decoder and the setting  mode, refer to Data Sheet (page 13...19)


Communication mode

·                    the communication mode enters normal operation when the power supply is switched on after all transceiver settings have been made in the setting mode.

·                    First of all with the communications mode, a link is established with the transmitter and receiver with the same ID number in accordance with the procedure explained for the automatic link, and data transmission is then started.

·                    Once a link has been established, communication will be carried out on the same channel unless the power supply is switched off.


Local ID numbers

·                    It is possible to transmit the data from one transmitter to a maximum of 63 different receivers with the STD-402 auto mode.

·                    Local ID numbers must be set for each of the receivers for identification purposes. The ID numbers are set with the CH0 to CH5 ports.

·                    The (LD = L) reset signal is output and the data is cleared under normal conditions when the ID number of the transmitter and receiver do not match. [LD] is invalidated and the receiving data is output if the ID numbers do match. However, if the ID number for the data and clock matches, it is output regardless of the local ID.

·                    If the ID number for the transmitter is [0 (ALL)], the receiver will output the data regardless the ID number.


Figure C.12: Local ID Numbers


Figure C.13: Communication 1:N




Figure C.14: Communication 1:1


To see the ID address table, refer to Data Sheet (page 22).

8.10.5    diagram of the STD-402 transceiver in Auto Mode





















9         Annex D


¨      STD-402 [Auto Mode Operation Guide for CPU Interface]


Or the board used to equips the STD-402 is the MB-STD-RS232, so the  this mode (Auto Mode Operation Guide for CPU Interface) is used like mode of the STD-402 transceiver.


Auto mode : CPU interface conceptual illustration


Ø  Wired Communication

Figure D.1: Wired Communication


Above image shows basic construction of data communication with SIO (Synchronous Serial Input Output)


Ø  Radio Communication through STD-402 Auto mode



Figure D.2: Radio Communication


Above figure shows the communication that replaces the wire with the radio module (STD-402). Radio communication is not stable as wired communication.

In addition, the procedure in the beginning of radio communication link (connection between transmitter and receiver), TX/RX switching and the disconnection of radio communication are unique for radio communication therefore specific protocol is required for radio communication.

STD-402 auto mode provides such specific protocol as the function of radio link, frequency channel selection and encode/decode.






Transmission concept


Figure D.3: Transmission Concept


Data from SO (Serial Output) of CPU, which is shifted on the raising edge of clock signal is imputed to DI (Data Input) of STD-402. User data can be set with any data size in byte from 1-63 byte. STD-402 internal CPU adds identification code, error correction code and other internal process code and then transmit them as modulation data in frame.


Reception concept

Figure D.4: Reception Concept


When the receiver receives data of which ID code, error correction and code and other internal process code are matched, only user data is outputted from DO by byte in synchronism on the rising edge of clock. If no signal is received or any of ID code, error correction or other process code is not matched, CLK and data signal does not appear.







Connection between STD-402 and CPU


Figure D.5: Connection between STD-402 & CPU


STD-402 Terminal Description





Transmission data input terminal

Connect to SO (Serial Output) of CPU


Receive data terminal

Connect to SI (Serial Input) of CPU


Shift clock output for SO and SI serial data


Transmitter/Receiver function select terminal

L: TX,            H: RX


Status signal for transmission/receive and multiplex switching signal for CH0-5. The port shows L when TX and H when RX.

Multiplex switching signal comes at end of frame. It can be used for frame status signal.

CH0 – 5

Input ports for Mode & data rate, frequency channel selection mode (Auto/Fix) and data length (1 – 63 byte) for initial setting.

Input port for local ID (0 – 63) and frequency channel (0 – 64 channel) during normal operation.


Communication Protocol


9.2       STD-402 Data Format


Figure D.6: Communication Protocol


STD-402 communication data format is shown as above. STD-402 internal CPU will make above data automatically except User data. Data connection is possible by feeding user data (1 – 63 bytes) to 3 wire SIO ports of CPU in synchronism with CLK.

In each frame, STD-402  process the data internally and Input/Output user data. In general, data is sent and received as “packet”.


Initial Setting


Initial setting configures STD-402 internal setting.


1.         MODE

Ø  Direct mode

Ø  Auto mode: (Logic interface)

Ø  Auto mode: CPU interface


2.         FREQUENCY CH (channel)

Ø  Auto channel mode STD-402 automatically search vacant channel and make radio link.

Ø  Fixed channel mode – Set frequency channel to 0 – 63 channel.


3.         DATA LENGTH

Ø  User data length per frame (1 to 63 byte)


Setting to transmitter (master) and receiver (slave) is different. MODE is set to both transmitter (master) / receiver (slave). FREQUENCY CH and DATA LENGTH are firstly set to transmitter (master) then these data are transmitted to receiver (slave) and then the receiver (slave) memorizes the data.

Above three setting data (MODE, FREQUENCY CH and DATA LENGTH) are inputted to CH0 – 5. MODE and FREQUENCY CH data are inputted to the ports in multiplex process, and DATA LENGTH data are inputted from the port for Mode in sequence.

Initial setting process will start with LE port “L” at power ON and complete with LE port “H”. In normal operation, power supply of the module must turn ON with LE port “H”.

It is recommended to use regulator with controller terminal for STD-402 power supply control.

Completion of initial setting can be confirmed with LD port output.


For more details about setting parameter, refer to Data Sheet (page 9)













9.2.1       Transmitter : Initial setting flow chart


Figure D.7: TX Initial Setting Flow chart








Receiver : Initial setting flow chart



Figure D.8: RX Initial Setting Flow chart


Normal Operation


Local ID and Frequency CH can be set at CH0 – 5 in Normal operation.


  1. Local ID

Set Local ID (0 to 63)

  1. Frequency CH

Fixed channel mode (0 to 63 CH)

Ø  In normal operation, CLK will be outputted when STD-402 internal set-up is completed and data communication is ready after power ON, TX/RX switch and frequency CH change. CPU needs to check interruption.

Ø  Set up and communication link between TX and RX.                                    Approximately 10msec of frequency setting time is needed because STD-402 uses a synthesizer system. Also, demodulation circuit in the receiver work in AC

       operation, DC drift occurs specially when power is supplied. Thus, RF        

communication is not stabilized during approx. First 100msec. It is therefore recommended to send dummy data (example 00H) few times before sending actual data.

Ø  Carrier Sense

STD-402 performs carrier sense function to check the set channel is busy or vacant. When module is set fixed channel mode and the set channel is occupied, a clock is not outputted from STD-402. In this case, please wait for interruption or change the other frequency channel.


Transmitter: Timing at power ON


Ø  Following shows transmitter timing chart at the time of STD-402 power supply ON. Set to T/R port to “L” (transmit).

Ø  Transmission cycle of data is defined as frame. Following timing figure shows one byte transmission. It can be set any byte from 1 to 63 bytes. Time of 1 frame is (20 + the number of byte * 1.7) msec.

Ø  Data transmission is not possible during module setting time (240msec). It is recommended to send 1 to 5 frame dummy data (example 00H) at the beginning of transmission to help initial radio communication link.

Ø  T/R port, frequency CH and local ID data will be read at the end of frame.



Figure D.9: TX, Timing at power ON




Transmitter: Flow chart at power ON



Figure D.10: TX, Flow chart at power ON


Receiver: Timing at power ON

Following shows Receiver timing chart at the time of STD-402 power supply ON. Set T/R port to “H” (Receiver).

Ø  Receiving cycle of data is defined as frame. Following timing figure shows one byte transmission. It can be set any byte from 1 to 63 bytes. Time of 1 frame is (20 + the number of byte * 1.7) msec.

Ø  Data can not be received during module setting (approx. 165 msec).

Ø  T/R port, Frequency CH, and Local ID data will be read at the end of frame.

Ø  Following shows timing that receiver turns ON when radio signal from transmitter has been transmitted.

Figure D.11: RX, Timing at Power ON

9.2.2       Receiver: Flow chart at power ON


Figure D.12: RX, Flow chart at Power ON


Transmitter: Frequency channel change timing

Following shows timing chart at time when the transmitter frequency channel is changed from 7 to 39 channel.

Ø  Channel data will be read at the end of frame and the data will be set at next frame. If channel data is changed at 1 msec or later after final clock (CLK), the data will be read at next frame.

Ø  The figure shows the example that data size is one byte. Data will be read by 22 msec span.

Ø  Data transmission is not possible during channel switching and setting period (approx. 210 msec.). The channel switching time is same at any channel set.

Ø  Transmission will stop and CLK will not be outputted during channel switching and setting period.

Ø  Frequency channel change must be done at the same time for both TX and RX.

Figure D.13: TX, Frequency CH change timing


Transmitter: Frequency CH change flow chart



Figure D.14: TX, Frequency CH change Flow chart



Ø  Frequency CH data is read at the end of data frame. See timing chart for detail.

Ø  After frequency CH is switched, transmission become possible when CLK is outputted.


Receiver: Frequency channel change timing

Ø  Following shows timing chart at time when the receiver frequency channel is changed from 15 to 32 channel.

Ø  Channel data will be read at the end of frame and the data will be set at next frame. If channel data is changed at 1 msec or later after final clock (CLK), the data will be read at next frame.

Ø  The figure shows the example that data size is one byte. Data will be read by 22 msec span.

Ø  Data reception is not possible during channel switching period (approx. 210 msec.). The channel switching time is same at any channel set.

Ø  Reception will stop and CLK will not be outputted during channel switching.

Ø  Frequency channel change must be done at the same time for both TX and RX.


Figure D.15: RX, Frequency CH change timing


Receiver: Frequency CH change flow chart

Figure D.16: RX, Frequency CH change Flow chart

Ø  Frequency CH data is read at the end of data frame. See timing chart for detail.

Ø  After frequency CH is switched, reception become possible when CLK is outputted.


Timing at Transmitter -> Receiver switching

Ø  Following shows timing chart at time when the module switches from transmitter to receiver.

Ø  T/R port will be read at the end of frame and the data will be set at next frame. If T/R port is changed at 1 msec or later after final clock (CLK), the data will be read at next frame.

Ø  The figure shows the example with one byte data size and 4800bps data rate.

Ø  Data reception is not possible during the receiver setting period (approx. 365 msec.).

Ø  Reception become possible when CLK is outputted.

Figure D.17: Timing at TX –> RX switching


Timing at Receiver -> Transmitter switching

Ø  Following shows timing chart at time when the module switches from receiver to transmitter.

Ø  T/R port will be read at the end of frame and the data will be set at next frame. If T/R port is changed at 1 msec or later after final clock (CLK), the data will be read at next frame.

Ø  The figure shows the example with one byte data size and 4800bps data rate.

Ø  Data transmission is not possible during the receiver setting period (approx. 200 msec.).

Ø  Transmission become possible when CLK is outputted.

Ø  As described in timing at power ON, send dummy data “00H” for 1 – 5 frame at beginning of transmission to make radio link with receiver.

Figure D.18: Timing at RX -> TX switching


Transmitter <-> Receiver switching flow chart

Figure D.19: TX <-> RX switching Flow chart


Ø  TX -> RX or RX -> TX change data will be read at end of frame.

Ø  After switching TX/RX, transmission and reception is possible when CLK is outputted.



















9.3       Annex E: Visual Basic code for the user interface program


1                               ' Parameters using to do a Zoom on the PictureMap

2                               Dim r1 As Integer, X1 As Integer, X2 As Integer, Y1 As Integer, Y2 As Integer

3                               Dim ULeftX As Integer, ULeftY As Integer, Target As PictureBox


4                               Private Sub C_Close_Click()

5                               'Close the Serial Port

6                               MSComm1.PortOpen = False


7                               'Close the Receive_File

8                               Close #1


9                               'Close the Send_file

10                             Close #2


11                             'Close the Solar_file

12                             Close #3


13                             'Close the User Interface Program

14                             'Close the FormMap Program

15                             'Close the FormDirection Program

16                             Unload FormMap

17                             Unload FormDirection

18                             Unload Me

19                             End

20                             End Sub


21                             Private Sub C_Connection_Click()

22                             'Wait for Data (Sensors Data) to come to the Serial Port

23                             ' 116 is the length of the Receive_Message

24                             Do

25                               DoEvents

26                             Loop Until MSComm1.InBufferCount >= 116


28                             ' Call the function used to Read Data from Serial Port ( Read_Data)

29                             ' and in this function, we will test the Begin and the End Flag

30                             Read_Data

31                             End Sub


32                             Private Sub C_Send_Cancel_Click()

33                             'Enable the timer used for Receive Data form serial Port

34                             TimerRun_R.Enabled = True


35                             'Disable the SDF ( Sending Data Frame)

36                             SDF.Visible = False



37                             'clear the TextBoxes from the data

38                             T_newPos_inX.Text = ""

39                             T_newPos_inY.Text = ""

40                             T_newPos_inZ.Text = ""

41                             T_newVel_inX.Text = ""

42                             T_newVel_inY.Text = ""

43                             T_newVel_inZ.Text = ""

44                             End Sub


45                             Private Sub C_Send_Commands_Click()

46                             'Enable le SDF (Send_Data_Frame)

47                             SDF.Visible = True


48                             'Clear the Transmit Buffer

49                             MSComm1.OutBufferCount = 0


50                             'Clear the TextBoxes from Data

51                             T_newPos_inX.Text = ""

52                             T_newPos_inY.Text = ""

53                             T_newPos_inZ.Text = ""

54                             T_newVel_inX.Text = ""

55                             T_newVel_inY.Text = ""

56                             T_newVel_inZ.Text = ""


57                             'Set the Cursor in the first TextBox (new_Position inX)

58                             T_newPos_inX.SetFocus

59                             End       Sub


60                             Private Sub C_Send_OK_Click()

61                             'Testing the status of the new information (TextBoxes)

62   If (UserInterface.T_newPos_inX.Text = "" Or UserInterface.T_newPos_inY.Text = "" Or 63   UserInterface.T_newPos_inZ.Text = "" _

64   Or UserInterface.T_newVel_inX.Text = "" Or UserInterface.T_newVel_inY.Text = "" Or 65   UserInterface.T_newVel_inZ = "") Then

66   MsgBox (" SORRY, but you should put a number in these TEXTBOXES !!!!!")

67   T_newPos_inX.SetFocus

68                             Else

69        'Disable the Timer using for Read_Data

70        TimerRun_R.Enabled = False


71                             'call the function used for writing Commands in the Transmit Buffer

72                              Write_Commands


73                             'Disable the SDF (Send_Data_Frame)

74                             SDF.Visible = False


75                             'Enable the Timer used for Reading Data

76                             TimerRun_R.Enabled = True

77                             End If

78                             End Sub



79                             Private Sub C_Solar_Radiation_Click()

80                             'Close the Solar_file.rad

81                             Close #3


82                             'Execute the Program used to draw the Position of the

83                             'ALTERNATIVE-Lotte in the 3D (three Dimensions) with

84                             '    the value of the Solar Radiation

85                             Shell "C:\3D\Jet.exe", vbNormalFocus

86                             End Sub


87                             Private Sub Form_Load()

88                             'Initialisation the form of the User Interface

89                             UserInterface.Width = Screen.Width

90                             UserInterface.Height = Screen.Height


91                             'Initialisation of the position of the ALTERNATIVE-Lotte on the MAP

92                             CenterX0 = 3

93                             CenterY0 = PictureMap.Height - 1702


94                             'Initialisation of the Counter used for drawing

95                             '  the Wind Vector and the Solar

96                             CountW = 1


98                             'Initialisation of the Value used to display

99                             'the position and the direction in the large view

100                           CLK_M = False

101                           CLK_D = False


102   'Open the file (Send_file) that the user used it to put the Telegram (Message) that he will 103   send to the ALTERNATIVE-Lotte

104   Open "C:\User Interface\Data\Send_file.snd" For Binary Access Write As #2

105   SI = 0


106    ' Open the file (Receive_file) that the user used it to put the Telegram (Message) that he 107    will recevie from the ALTERNATIVE-Lotte

108    Open "C:\User Interface\Data\Receive_file.rcv" For Binary Access Write As #1

109    RI = 0


110    'Open the file (Solar_File) that the user used it to put the value of the Solar Radiation

111     Open "C:\User Interface\Data\Solar_file.rad" For Binary Access Write As #3

112     SRI = 0


113                           'Set the drive an path for the JPG or BMP image and the Mouse icon

114     ChDrive Left$(App.Path, 2)

115     ChDir App.Path


116     'The shape control for the ZoomBox or frame is loaded dynamically

117     'at runtime

118     Controls.Add "vb.shape", "shpZoomBox", PictureMap

119        Set Target = FormMap.PictureMap_Z

120        Target.Width = FormMap.PictureMap_Z.Width

121        Target.Height = FormMap.PictureMap_Z.Height


122                           'Disable the SDF (Send_Data_Frame)

123                           SDF.Visible = False


124                           'Disable the Solar Radiation Command

125                           C_Solar_Radiation.Enabled = False


126                           'Test the Status of the serial Port

127                           If (Status_Port(MSComm1, 3) = False) Then

128     MsgBox "SORRY!!!, This port is not Available (used by another application)"

129     End

130                           Else

131                           ' Initialisation of the serial port

132                           MSComm1.CommPort = 3

133                           MSComm1.Settings = "9600,E,8,2"

134                           MSComm1.Handshaking = comRTSXOnXOff

135                           MSComm1.RTSEnable = True

136                           MSComm1.InputMode = comInputModeText

137                           MSComm1.InputLen = 116

138                           MSComm1.PortOpen = True


139                           'Initialisation of the value of the Recevie_Message

140                           RMessage.DataIn_AX = "0"

141                           RMessage.DataIn_AY = "0"

142                           RMessage.DataIn_AZ = "0"

143                           RMessage.DataIn_AVX = "0"

144                           RMessage.DataIn_AVY = "0"

145                           RMessage.DataIn_AVZ = "0"

146                           RMessage.DataIn_Azt = "0"

147                           RMessage.DataIn_WX = "0"

148                           RMessage.DataIn_WY = "0"

149                           RMessage.DataIn_WZ = "0"

150                           RMessage.DataIn_SX = "0"

151                           RMessage.DataIn_SY = "0"

152                           RMessage.DataIn_SZ = "0"

153                           RMessage.DataIn_Temp = "0"


154                           'Set the Interval of the timer

155                           TimerRun_R.Interval = 500


156                           'Enable the Timer used for Reading Data

157                           TimerRun_R.Enabled = True

158                           End If

159                           End Sub


160                           Private Sub PictureDir_Click()

161                           'Enable the From_Direction

162                           FormDirection.Visible = True


163                           'Disable the SDF (Sending_Data_Frame)

164                           SDF.Visible = False


165                           FormDirection.SetFocus


166                           'Close the FormMap

167                           Unload FormMap


168                           CLK_D = True

169                           If (Azimuts < 0) Then

170     YD_Z = 1900 - (1650 * Cos((Azimuts * PI) / 180))

171     XD_Z = 2450 + (1650 * Sin((Azimuts * PI) / 180))

172     FormDirection.PictureDir_Z.Line (2450, 1900)-(XD_Z, YD_Z), RGB(255, 0, 0)

173                           Else

174     YD_Z = 1900 - (1650 * Cos((Azimuts * PI) / 180))

175     XD_Z = 2480 + (1650 * Sin((Azimuts * PI) / 180))

176     FormDirection.PictureDir_Z.Line (2480, 1900)-(XD_Z, YD_Z), RGB(255, 0, 0)

177                           End If

178                           End Sub


Private Sub PictureMap_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As

            Single, Y As Single)

180                           'Get the Position of the Mouse_Down

181                           X1 = X

182                           Y1 = Y


183                           'Get the position of the MouseDown.It is mean get

184                           'the X and Y when the User press the MouseDown

185                           Controls("shpZoomBox").Left = X1

186                           Controls("shpZoomBox").Top = Y1

187                           Controls("shpZoomBox").Width = 0

188                           Controls("shpZoomBox").Height = 0

189                           Controls("shpZoomBox").BorderStyle = 3

190                           Controls("shpZoomBox").Visible = True


191                           End Sub


Private Sub PictureMap_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As

           Single, Y As Single)

193                           'Call the function used to do a Zoom

194                           ZoomBoxArea X1, X, Y1, Y


195                           If Controls("shpZoomBox").Visible = True Then


196       'Change the Mouse Icon

197       PictureMap.MousePointer = vbCustom

198       PictureMap.MouseIcon = LoadPicture("cursor20.ico")


199       Controls("shpZoomBox").Width = minX(X1, X)

200       Controls("shpZoomBox").Height = minY(Y1, Y)


201                           End If

202                           End Sub


Private Sub PictureMap_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single,

            Y As Single)

204                           'Enable the FormMap

205                           FormMap.Visible = True

206                           FormMap.SetFocus


207                           'Close the FormDirection

208                           Unload FormDirection

209                           FormMap.C_ZoomMap.Visible = True

210                           CLK_M = True


211                           Controls("shpZoomBox").Visible = False

212                           PictureMap.MousePointer = vbArrow


213                           'Get the position of the Mouse_Up

214                           X2 = X

215                           Y2 = Y


216                           ZoomBoxArea X1, X2, Y1, Y2


217                           'The StretchBlt API function copies a bitmap from a source

218                           'rectangle into a destination rectangle.

219                           r1 = StretchBlt(Target.hdc, 0, 0, Target.Width, Target.Height, PictureMap.hdc, ULeftX, 220  ULeftY, minX(X1, X2), minY(Y1, Y2), SRCCOPY)


221                           ' show the updated image

222                           Target.Refresh ' show the updated image


223                           'Disable the SDF (Sending_Data_Frame)

224                           SDF.Visible = False

225                           End Sub


226                           Private Sub T_newvel_inX_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

227                           'Testing the status of the TextBoxes, so if it is not clear, jump to the other

228                            If (T_newVel_inX.Text <> "" And KeyAscii = 13) Then

229      T_newVel_inY.SetFocus

230      ElseIf (KeyAscii = 27) Then

231      T_newPos_inZ.SetFocus

232      T_newVel_inX.Text = ""

233      ElseIf (T_newVel_inX.Text = "") Then

234      T_newVel_inX.SetFocus

235                           End If

236                           End Sub


237                           Private Sub T_newvel_inY_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

238                           'Testing the status of the TextBoxes, so if it is not clear, jump to the other

239                           If (T_newVel_inY.Text <> "" And KeyAscii = 13) Then

240      T_newVel_inZ.SetFocus

241      ElseIf (KeyAscii = 27) Then

242      T_newVel_inX.SetFocus

243      T_newVel_inY.Text = ""

244      ElseIf (T_newVel_inY.Text = "") Then

245      T_newVel_inY.SetFocus

246                           End If

247                           End Sub


248                           Private Sub T_newvel_inZ_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

249                           'Testing the status of the TextBoxes, so if it is not clear, jump to the other

250                           If (T_newVel_inZ.Text <> "" And KeyAscii = 13) Then

251     C_Send_OK.SetFocus

252     ElseIf (KeyAscii = 27) Then

253     T_newVel_inY.SetFocus

254     T_newVel_inZ.Text = ""

255     ElseIf (T_newVel_inZ.Text = "") Then

256     T_newVel_inZ.SetFocus

257                           End If

258                           End Sub


259                           Private Sub T_newPos_inX_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

260                           'Testing the status of the TextBoxes, so if it is not clear, jump to the other

261                           If (T_newPos_inX.Text <> "" And KeyAscii = 13) Then

262      T_newPos_inY.SetFocus

263      ElseIf (T_newPos_inX = "") Then

264      T_newPos_inX.SetFocus

265                           End If

266                           End Sub


267                           Private Sub T_newPos_inY_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

268                           'Testing the status of the TextBoxes, so if it is not clear, jump to the other

269                           If (T_newPos_inY.Text <> "" And KeyAscii = 13) Then

270      T_newPos_inZ.SetFocus

271      ElseIf (KeyAscii = 27) Then

272      T_newPos_inX.SetFocus

273      T_newPos_inY.Text = ""

274      ElseIf (T_newPos_inY.Text = "") Then

275      T_newPos_inY.SetFocus

276                           End If

277                           End Sub


278                           Private Sub T_newPos_inZ_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

279                           'Testing the status of the TextBoxes, so if it is not clear, jump to the other

280                           If (T_newPos_inZ.Text <> "" And KeyAscii = 13) Then

281     T_newVel_inX.SetFocus

282     ElseIf (KeyAscii = 27) Then

283     T_newPos_inY.SetFocus

284     T_newPos_inZ.Text = ""

285     ElseIf (T_newPos_inZ.Text = "") Then

286     T_newPos_inZ.SetFocus

287                           End If

288                           End Sub


289                           Private Sub TimerRun_R_Timer()

290                           'Wait for Data (Sensors Data) to come to the Serial Port

291                           '116 is the length of the Receive_Message

292                           Do

293                             DoEvents

294                           'Enable The Solar Radiation Command

295                           'because when the program stop here

296                           'It is mean that the travel of the

297                           'ALTERNATIVE-Lotte is finished

298                           C_Solar_Radiation.Enabled = True

299                           Loop Until MSComm1.InBufferCount >= 116


300                           'Disable the Solar Radiation Command

301                           'because when the program continue

302                           'It is mean that the ALTERNATIVE-Lotte

303                           'continue its tavel

304                           C_Solar_Radiation.Enabled = False


305                           'Call the function used to Read Data

306                           Read_Data

307                           End Sub


308                           'these 3 functions minX, minY and ZoomBoxArea are used

309                           'to do a Zoom on the position of the ALTERNATIVE - Lotte

310                           Public Function minX(X1, X2)


311      If X1 < X2 Then

312      minX = X2 - X1

313      Controls("shpZoomBox").Left = X1

314      Else

315      minX = X1 - X2

316      Controls("shpZoomBox").Left = X1 - minX

317      End If     

318                           End Function


319                           Public Function minY(Y1, Y2)


320      If Y1 < Y2 Then

321      minY = Y2 - Y1

322      Controls("shpZoomBox").Top = Y1

323      Else

324      minY = Y1 - Y2

325      Controls("shpZoomBox").Top = Y1 - minY

326      End If

327                           End Function


328                           Public Sub ZoomBoxArea(X1, X2, Y1, Y2)


329     If X1 < X2 And Y1 > Y2 Then

330     ULeftX = X1

331     ULeftY = Y2

332     ElseIf X1 > X2 And Y1 > Y2 Then

333     ULeftX = X2

334     ULeftY = Y2

335     ElseIf X1 > X2 And Y1 < Y2 Then

336     ULeftX = X2

337     ULeftY = Y1

338     Else

339     ULeftX = X1

340     ULeftY = Y1

341     End If

342                           End Sub


Visual Basic code for the library (Library_RW) used in the user interface program


343                           Public Const PI = 3.141592

344                           'Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)


345                           'these two functions are used to do a Zoom for a picture

346                           Public Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal X As

347                           Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal

hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As 

349                           Long) As Long

350  Public Declare Function StretchBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, 351  ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As 352  Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal nSrcWidth As Long, ByVal 353  nSrcHeight As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long


354  Public Const SRCAND = &H8800C6          ' (DWORD) dest = source AND dest

355  Public Const SRCCOPY = &HCC0020         ' (DWORD) dest = source

355  Public Const SRCERASE = &H440328        ' (DWORD) dest = source AND (NOT dest)

356  Public Const SRCINVERT = &H660046       ' (DWORD) dest = source XOR dest

357  Public Const SRCPAINT = &HEE0086        ' (DWORD) dest = source OR dest



358                           'Structure of the Receive_Message

359                           Public Type Struct_RMessage

360      Begin_RFlag As String           ' The really type is Byte

361      Length_RMessage As String       ' The really type is Interger

362      DataIn_AX As String             ' The really type is Single

363      DataIn_AY As String             ' The really type is Single

364      DataIn_AZ As String             ' The really type is Single

365      DataIn_AVX As String            ' The really type is Single

366      DataIn_AVY As String            ' The really type is Single

367      DataIn_AVZ As String            ' The really type is Single

368      DataIn_Azt As String            ' The really type is Single

369      DataIn_WX As String             ' The really type is Single

370      DataIn_WY As String             ' The really type is Single

371      DataIn_WZ As String             ' The really type is Single

372      DataIn_SX As String             ' The really type is Single

373      DataIn_SY As String             ' The really type is Single

374      DataIn_SZ As String             ' The really type is Single

375      DataIn_Temp As String             ' The really type is Single

376      End_RFlag As String             ' The really type is Byte

377                           End Type


378                           Public RMessage As Struct_RMessage


379                           'String (Variable) used for Read Data from Serial Port

380                           Public Receive_Message As String


381                           'Structure of the Send_Message

382                           Public Type Struct_SMessage

383      Begin_SFlag As String           ' The really type is Byte

384      Length_SMessage As String       ' The really type is Interger

385      DataOut_PX As String            ' The really type is Single

386      DataOut_PY As String            ' The really type is Single

387      DataOut_PZ As String            ' The really type is Single

388      DataOut_VelX As String          ' The really type is Single

389      DataOut_VelY As String          ' The really type is Single

390      DataOut_VelZ As String          ' The really type is Single

391      End_SFlag As String             ' The really type is Byte

392                           End Type


393                           Public SMessage As Struct_SMessage


394                           'String (Variable) used for Send Data to Serial Port

395                           Public Send_Message As String


396                           'Parameters used to save the Old Data

397                           Public Acc_inX As Single

398                           Public Acc_inY As Single

399                           Public Acc_inZ As Single

400                           Public Ang_vel_inX As Single

401                           Public Ang_vel_inY As Single

402                           Public Ang_vel_inZ As Single

403                           Public Azimuts As Single

404                           Public Wind_inX As Single

405                           Public Wind_inY As Single

406                           Public Wind_inZ As Single

407                           Public Solar_inX As Single

408                           Public Solar_inY As Single

409                           Public Solar_inZ As Single

410                           Public Temp As Single


411                           'Parameters used to get the Velocity and the Position

412                           Public Vel_inX As Single

413                           Public Vel_inY As Single

414                           Public Vel_inZ As Single

415                           Public Pos_inX As Single

416                           Public Pos_inY As Single

417                           Public Pos_inZ As Single


418                           ' Parameters used for drawing the Position

419                           '     of the ALTERNATIVE-Lotte on the MAP

420                           Public CenterX As Single

421                           Public CenterY As Single

422                           Public CenterX0 As Single

423                           Public CenterY0 As Single

424                           Public CLK_M As Boolean


425                           ' Parameters used for drawing the Direction

426                           '     of the ALTERNATIVE-Lotte

427                           Public XD As Single

428                           Public YD As Single

429                           Public XD_Z As Single

430                           Public YD_Z As Single

431                           Public CLK_D As Boolean


432                           'Parameters used to put the Wind Vector

432                           Public RW As Single        'Wind Power

433                           Public CountW As Integer


434                           'Parameters used to put the Solar Radiation

435                           Public RS As Single        'Solar Radiation


436                           'Paramters used to put the Telegram in the file

437                           Public RI As Integer   

438                           Public SI As Integer

439                           Public SRI As Integer


440                           Public Function Read_Data() As Boolean

441                           ' Read the Contain of the Receive Buffer

442                           Receive_Message = UserInterface.MSComm1.Input


443                           If (Read_Data) Then

444      'Save the old position

445      Acc_inX = Val(RMessage.DataIn_AX)

446      Acc_inY = Val(RMessage.DataIn_AY)

447      Acc_inZ = Val(RMessage.DataIn_AZ)

448      Ang_vel_inX = Val(RMessage.DataIn_AVX)

449      Ang_vel_inY = Val(RMessage.DataIn_AVY)

450      Ang_vel_inZ = Val(RMessage.DataIn_AVZ)

451      Azimuts = Val(RMessage.DataIn_Azt)

452      Wind_inX = Val(RMessage.DataIn_WX)

453      Wind_inY = Val(RMessage.DataIn_WY)

454      Wind_inZ = Val(RMessage.DataIn_WZ)

455      Solar_inX = Val(RMessage.DataIn_SX)

456      Solar_inY = Val(RMessage.DataIn_SY)

457      Solar_inZ = Val(RMessage.DataIn_SZ)

458      Temp = Val(RMessage.DataIn_Temp)

459                           End If


460                           ' Call the function used to convert from Hex Format to Decimal Format

461                           UserInterface.SC1.Reset

462                           UserInterface.SC1.AddCode UserInterface.txtCodeHex2Dec.Text


463                           RMessage.Begin_RFlag = Val("&H" & Left(Receive_Message, 1))

464                           RMessage.Length_RMessage = Val("&H" & Mid(Receive_Message, 2, 2))

465                           RMessage.DataIn_AX = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", Mid(Receive_Message, 4, 8))

466                           RMessage.DataIn_AY = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", Mid(Receive_Message, 12, 8))

467                           RMessage.DataIn_AZ = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", Mid(Receive_Message, 20, 8))

468                           RMessage.DataIn_AVX = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", Mid(Receive_Message, 28, 8))

469                           RMessage.DataIn_AVY = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", Mid(Receive_Message, 36, 8))

470                           RMessage.DataIn_AVZ = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", Mid(Receive_Message, 44, 8))

471                           RMessage.DataIn_Azt = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", Mid(Receive_Message, 52, 8))

472                           RMessage.DataIn_WX = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", Mid(Receive_Message, 60, 8))

473                           RMessage.DataIn_WY = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", Mid(Receive_Message, 68, 8))

474                           RMessage.DataIn_WZ = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", Mid(Receive_Message, 76, 8))

475                           RMessage.DataIn_SX = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", Mid(Receive_Message, 84, 8))

476                           RMessage.DataIn_SY = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", Mid(Receive_Message, 92, 8))

477                           RMessage.DataIn_SZ = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", Mid(Receive_Message, 100, 8))

478                           RMessage.DataIn_Temp = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", Mid(Receive_Message, 108, 8))

479                           RMessage.End_RFlag = Val("&H" & Right(Receive_Message, 1))


480                           ' Testing the Begin_Flag and the End_Flag for each Receive_Message

481                           If (RMessage.Begin_RFlag <> 2 Or RMessage.End_RFlag <> 3) Then

482                           ' In this section the Begin_Flag or the End_Flag is NOT Correct

483                           Read_Data = False


484                           ' Display the Old Data

485                           UserInterface.L_Acc_inX.Caption = Acc_inX

486                           UserInterface.L_Acc_inY.Caption = Acc_inY

487                           UserInterface.L_Acc_inZ.Caption = Acc_inZ

489                           UserInterface.L_Ang_inX.Caption = Ang_vel_inX

490                           UserInterface.L_Ang_inY.Caption = Ang_vel_inY

491                           UserInterface.L_Ang_inZ.Caption = Ang_vel_inZ

492                           UserInterface.L_Wind_inX.Caption = Wind_inX

493                           UserInterface.L_Wind_inY.Caption = Wind_inY

494                           UserInterface.L_Wind_inZ.Caption = Wind_inZ

495                           UserInterface.L_Solar_inX.Caption = Solar_inX

496                           UserInterface.L_Solar_inY.Caption = Solar_inY

497                           UserInterface.L_Solar_inZ.Caption = Solar_inZ

498                           UserInterface.L_Temp.Caption = Temp

499                           UserInterface.L_Vel_inX.Caption = Vel_inX

500                           UserInterface.L_Vel_inY.Caption = Vel_inY

501                           UserInterface.L_Vel_inZ.Caption = Vel_inZ

501                           UserInterface.L_Pos_inX.Caption = Pos_inX

502                           UserInterface.L_Pos_inY.Caption = Pos_inY

503                           UserInterface.L_Pos_inZ.Caption = Pos_inZ


503                           'display the status of the connection to the user

504                           UserInterface.L_Connection.Caption = " TAKE CARE !!!! , there is NO connection 505                                   between the Base Station and the ALTERNATIVE-Lotte"

506                           UserInterface.Pic_statusOK.Visible = True

507                           UserInterface.Pic_statusNO.Visible = False

508                           Else

509                           ' In this Section the Begin_Flag and the End_Flag are Correct

510                           Read_Data = True


511                           UserInterface.Text1.Text = Val(UserInterface.Text1.Text) + 1

512                           ' Display the sensors data in the RDF (Receive_Data_Frame)

513                           UserInterface.L_Acc_inX.Caption = Left(RMessage.DataIn_AX, 8)

514                           UserInterface.L_Acc_inY.Caption = Left(RMessage.DataIn_AY, 8)

515                           UserInterface.L_Acc_inZ.Caption = Left(RMessage.DataIn_AZ, 8)

516                           UserInterface.L_Ang_inX.Caption = Left(RMessage.DataIn_AVX, 8)

517                           UserInterface.L_Ang_inY.Caption = Left(RMessage.DataIn_AVY, 8)

518                           UserInterface.L_Ang_inZ.Caption = Left(RMessage.DataIn_AVZ, 8)

519                           UserInterface.L_Wind_inX.Caption = Left(RMessage.DataIn_WX, 8)

520                           UserInterface.L_Wind_inY.Caption = Left(RMessage.DataIn_WY, 8)

521                           UserInterface.L_Wind_inZ.Caption = Left(RMessage.DataIn_WZ, 8)

522                           UserInterface.L_Solar_inX.Caption = Left(RMessage.DataIn_SX, 8)

523                           UserInterface.L_Solar_inY.Caption = Left(RMessage.DataIn_SY, 8)

524                           UserInterface.L_Solar_inZ.Caption = Left(RMessage.DataIn_SZ, 8)

525                           UserInterface.L_Temp.Caption = Left(RMessage.DataIn_Temp, 8)


526                           'Save the Data

527                           Acc_inX = Left(RMessage.DataIn_AX, 8)

528                           Acc_inY = Left(RMessage.DataIn_AY, 8)

529                           Acc_inZ = Left(RMessage.DataIn_AZ, 8)

530                           Ang_vel_inX = Left(RMessage.DataIn_AVX, 8)

531                           Ang_vel_inY = Left(RMessage.DataIn_AVY, 8)

532                           Ang_vel_inZ = Left(RMessage.DataIn_AVZ, 8)

533                           Azimuts = Left(RMessage.DataIn_Azt, 8)

534                           Wind_inX = Left(RMessage.DataIn_WX, 8)

535                           Wind_inY = Left(RMessage.DataIn_WY, 8)

536                           Wind_inZ = Left(RMessage.DataIn_WZ, 8)

537                           Solar_inX = Left(RMessage.DataIn_SX, 8)

538                           Solar_inY = Left(RMessage.DataIn_SY, 8)

539                           Solar_inZ = Left(RMessage.DataIn_SZ, 8)

540                           Temp = Left(RMessage.DataIn_Temp, 8)


541                           'Put the Sensors_Data in the Recevie_File

542                           'Put #1, (1 + 60 * RI), Begin_RFlag

543                           'Put #1, (2 + 60 * RI), Length_RMessage

544                           Put #1, (4 + 60 * RI), Acc_inX

545                           Put #1, (8 + 60 * RI), Acc_inY

546                           Put #1, (12 + 60 * RI), Acc_inZ

547                           Put #1, (16 + 60 * RI), Ang_vel_inX

548                           Put #1, (20 + 60 * RI), Ang_vel_inY

549                           Put #1, (24 + 60 * RI), Ang_vel_inZ

550                           Put #1, (28 + 60 * RI), Azimuts

551                           Put #1, (32 + 60 * RI), Wind_inX

552                           Put #1, (36 + 60 * RI), Wind_inY

553                           Put #1, (40 + 60 * RI), Wind_inZ

554                           Put #1, (44 + 60 * RI), Solar_inX

555                           Put #1, (48 + 60 * RI), Solar_inY

556                           Put #1, (52 + 60 * RI), Solar_inZ

557                           Put #1, (56 + 60 * RI), Temp

558                           'Put #1, (60 + 60 * RI), End_RFlag

559                           RI = RI + 1


560                           'Call the function used to Calculate the Velocity of the ALTERNATIVE-Lotte



561                           'Call the function used to Calculate the Position of the ALTERNATIVE-Lotte



562                           'Get the position of the Center of the Circle

563                           'used to put the position of the ALTERNATIVE-Lotte

564                           CenterX = CenterX0 + CSng(UserInterface.L_Pos_inX.Caption)

565                           CenterY = CenterY0 - CSng(UserInterface.L_Pos_inY.Caption)


566                           'Put the Position on the MAP

567                            UserInterface.PictureMap.PSet (CenterX, CenterY), RGB(255, 0, 0)


568                           'Clear he old direction of the ALTERNATIVE-Lotte

569                           UserInterface.PictureDir.Cls

570                           FormDirection.PictureDir_Z.Cls


571                           'Put the Direction in the PictureDir

572                           If (Azimuts < 0) Then

573     YD = 850 - (700 * Cos((Azimuts * PI) / 180))

574     XD = 920 + (700 * Sin((Azimuts * PI) / 180))

575     UserInterface.PictureDir.Line (920, 850)-(XD, YD), RGB(255, 0, 0)

576                           Else

577      YD = 850 - (700 * Cos((Azimuts * PI) / 180))

578      XD = 960 + (700 * Sin((Azimuts * PI) / 180))

579      UserInterface.PictureDir.Line (960, 850)-(XD, YD), RGB(255, 0, 0)

580                           End If


581                           'Testing if the user click in the pictureDirection  (ZOOM)

582                           If (CLK_D) Then

583      'Put the Direction on the PictureDirection in large View (ZOOM)

584      If (Azimuts < 0) Then

585      YD_Z = 1900 - (1650 * Cos((Azimuts * PI) / 180))

586      XD_Z = 2450 + (1650 * Sin((Azimuts * PI) / 180))

587      FormDirection.PictureDir_Z.Line (2450, 1900)-(XD_Z, YD_Z), RGB(255, 0, 0)

588      Else

589      YD_Z = 1900 - (1650 * Cos((Azimuts * PI) / 180))

590      XD_Z = 2480 + (1650 * Sin((Azimuts * PI) / 180))

591      FormDirection.PictureDir_Z.Line (2480, 1900)-(XD_Z, YD_Z), RGB(255, 0, 0)

592      End If

593                            End If


594                           'Put the Wind Vector (Wind Power) in the PictureWind

   RW = (Val(UserInterface.L_Wind_inX.Caption) ^ 2 + 

             Val(UserInterface.L_Wind_inY.Caption) ^ 2 +

             Val(UserInterface.L_Wind_inZ.Caption) ^ 2) ^ (1 / 2)

   UserInterface.PictureWind.PSet (CountW, UserInterface.PictureWind.Height - 1365  

              – (RW / 13)), RGB(255, 0, 0)


597        'Put the Solar Vector (Solar Radiation) in the PictureSolar

     RS = (Val(UserInterface.L_Solar_inX.Caption) ^ 2 +

               Val(UserInterface.L_Solar_inY.Caption) ^ 2 +

               Val(UserInterface.L_Solar_inZ.Caption) ^ 2) ^ (1 / 2)

     UserInterface.PictureSolar.PSet (CountW, UserInterface.PictureSolar.Height - 1365   

                  (RS / 13)), RGB(255, 0, 0)

599          CountW = CountW + 2


600                           'Put the Solar Radiation Data in the Solar_file

601                           Put #3, (1 + 17 * SRI), Pos_inX

602                           Put #3, (5 + 17 * SRI), Pos_inY

603                           Put #3, (9 + 17 * SRI), Pos_inZ

604                           Put #3, (13 + 17 * SRI), RS

605                           SRI = SRI + 1


606    'Display the Status of the Connection to the User

607    UserInterface.L_Connection.Caption = "There is a connection between the Base Station 608    and the ALTERNATIVE-Lotte"

609    UserInterface.Pic_statusNO.Visible = True

610    UserInterface.Pic_statusOK.Visible = False

611    End If


612                           'After reading the receive message, we clean the receive buffer

613                           UserInterface.MSComm1.InBufferCount = 0

614                           End Function


615                           Public Function Write_Commands() As Boolean


616                           ' Call the function used to convert from Decimal format to Hex format

617                           UserInterface.SC1.Reset

618                           UserInterface.SC1.AddCode UserInterface.txtCodeDec2Hex.Text


619                           'configure the Send Message

620                           SMessage.Begin_SFlag = Hex$(2)


621                           SMessage.Length_SMessage = Hex$(28)


622                           If (Val(UserInterface.T_newPos_inX.Text) = 

                                 CInt(Val(UserInterface.T_newPos_inX.Text))) Then

623      UserInterface.T_newPos_inX.Text = (UserInterface.T_newPos_inX.Text &    ".000001")

SMessage.DataOut_PX = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", UserInterface.T_newPos_inX.Text)

625    Else

626    SMessage.DataOut_PX = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute",  


627    End If


628                           If (Val(UserInterface.T_newPos_inY.Text) =

                                 CInt(Val(UserInterface.T_newPos_inY.Text))) Then

628      UserInterface.T_newPos_inY.Text = UserInterface.T_newPos_inY.Text & ".000001"

  SMessage.DataOut_PY = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute",


630                           Else

631     SMessage.DataOut_PY = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute",


632                           End If


633                           If (Val(UserInterface.T_newPos_inZ.Text) =

                                 CInt(Val(UserInterface.T_newPos_inZ.Text))) Then

634      UserInterface.T_newPos_inZ.Text = UserInterface.T_newPos_inZ & ".000001"

  SMessage.DataOut_PZ = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute",


637                           Else

 SMessage.DataOut_PZ = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute",


639                           End If


640                           If (Val(UserInterface.T_newVel_inX.Text) =

           CInt(Val(UserInterface.T_newVel_inX.Text))) Then

641     UserInterface.T_newVel_inX.Text = UserInterface.T_newVel_inX.Text & ".000001"

 SMessage.DataOut_VelX = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute",


643                           Else

644     SMessage.DataOut_VelX = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", 


645                           End If


645                           If (Val(UserInterface.T_newVel_inY.Text) =

                                 CInt(Val(UserInterface.T_newVel_inY.Text))) Then

646                           UserInterface.T_newVel_inY.Text = UserInterface.T_newVel_inY.Text & ".000001"

  SMessage.DataOut_VelY = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute", 


648                            Else

649      SMessage.DataOut_VelY = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute",


650                           End If


    If (Val(UserInterface.T_newVel_inZ.Text) =

            CInt(Val(UserInterface.T_newVel_inZ.Text))) Then

652      UserInterface.T_newVel_inZ.Text = UserInterface.T_newVel_inZ.Text & ".000001"

653      SMessage.DataOut_VelZ = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute",


654                           Else

  SMessage.DataOut_VelZ = UserInterface.SC1.Run("compute",


656                            End If


657                           SMessage.End_SFlag = Hex$(3)


658                               'Put the Data (Commands) in the Send_Message

659         Send_Message = SMessage.Begin_SFlag & SMessage.Length_SMessage & _

               SMessage.DataOut_PX & SMessage.DataOut_PY & _

               SMessage.DataOut_PZ & SMessage.DataOut_VelX & _

               SMessage.DataOut_VelY & SMessage.DataOut_VelZ & _



660                           'Put the Telegram (Send_Message) in the Send_File

661                           Put #2, (1 + 60 * SI), Send_Message

662                           SI = SI + 1


663                           'send the Message to the Transmit Buffer

664                           UserInterface.MSComm1.Output = Send_Message


665                           'Set the Status of the Write_Commands function

665                           Write_Commands = True

666                           End Function


667                           ' the Goal of this function is to calculate the Velocity

668                           ' of the ALTERNATIVE - Lotte in X, Y and Z

    ‘ The Velocity is the Integration of the Acceleration


670                           Public Function Calculate_Velocity() As Boolean

671      Vel_inX = (RMessage.DataIn_AX) * (UserInterface.TimerRun_R.Interval / 1000)

672                            Vel_inY = (RMessage.DataIn_AY) * (UserInterface.TimerRun_R.Interval / 1000)

673                            Vel_inZ = (RMessage.DataIn_AZ) * (UserInterface.TimerRun_R.Interval / 1000)

674                            UserInterface.L_Vel_inX.Caption = Vel_inX

675                            UserInterface.L_Vel_inY.Caption = Vel_inY

676                            UserInterface.L_Vel_inZ.Caption = Vel_inZ

677                            Calculate_Velocity = True

678                            End Function


679                           ' the Goal of this function is to calculate the Positon

680                           ' of the ALTERNATIVE - Lotte in X, Y and Z

681                           ' The Position is the Integration of the Velocity


682                           Public Function Calculate_Position() As Boolean

683                           Pos_inX = Vel_inX * (UserInterface.TimerRun_R.Interval / 1000)

684                           Pos_inY = Vel_inY * (UserInterface.TimerRun_R.Interval / 1000)

685                           Pos_inZ = Vel_inZ * (UserInterface.TimerRun_R.Interval / 1000)

686                           UserInterface.L_Pos_inX.Caption = Pos_inX

687                           UserInterface.L_Pos_inY.Caption = Pos_inY

688                           UserInterface.L_Pos_inZ.Caption = Pos_inZ

689                           Calculate_Position = True

690                           End Function


691                           Public Function Status_Port(cComm As MSComm, lPort As Long) As Boolean


692                           'This function Test the Status of the Serial Port

693                           'NOTE : Do not try to send/receive data while executing this function...!


694                           Dim oldState As Boolean

695                           Dim oldPort As Long


696                           '  Get current MSComm Info

697                           oldState = cComm.PortOpen

698                           oldPort = cComm.CommPort


699                           '  Change Info

700                           On Error Resume Next

701                           cComm.PortOpen = False

702                           cComm.CommPort = lPort


703                           '  See if Port is Available

704                           Err.Clear

705                           cComm.PortOpen = True

706                           If Err Then

707                           Status_Port = False

708                           Debug.Print Err.Description

709                           Else

710                           Status_Port = True

711                           End If

712     cComm.PortOpen = False



713                           '  Set Info Back To Old Data

714                           cComm.CommPort = oldPort

715                           cComm.PortOpen = oldState

716                           On Error GoTo 0


717                           End Function

9.4       Annex F: C program code



** Project                  : Diploma Thesis


**                                The goal of this program is to initialise the serial port

**                                and read from one serial port and write to another.......




/*-- Include files ----------------------------------------------------------*/


1    #include <stdio.h>                       /* Standard input/output definitions */

2    #include <string.h>                     /* String function definitions */

3    #include <unistd.h>                    /* UNIX standard function definitions */

4    #include <fcntl.h>                       /* File Control definition */

5    #include <errno.h>                      /* Error number definitions */

6    #include "vxWorks.h"

7    #include "ioLib.h"

8    #include <sioLib.h>



** COMM_init


** initialize COM-device


**---- Parameters -------------------------------------------------------------



**---- Returnvalue ------------------------------------------------------------


** int : 0 if success

** int : -1 if error




9   int COMM_init(char *c_device, int *fd)

10                             {

11                             int                     id_com_dev;  /* filename descriptor for the COM */

12                             int                     speed = 9600;  /* speed for COM */

13                             int                     SerialControl;

14                             int                     Parity;

15                             int                     CharacterSize;

16                             int                     ioctlvalue;                 


                                 ** Open the COM-Device


17                             id_com_dev = open (c_device, O_RDWR ,0); 

18                             if ( id_com_dev == ERROR ) 

19                             {                                    

20                                     perror ("Open_Port : Unable to open /dev/ ---");        

21                             return(-1);           


                                        * Could not open the port                


22                             }


23                             *fd = id_com_dev;



        **   setting the BAUD-rate to 9600 ............


24                             if (-1 == ioctl (id_com_dev,FIOBAUDRATE , speed))

25                             {

26                             return(-1);

27                             }



        **   Setting the Parity, the Stop bit ................



28                             SerialControl = (CLOCAL | CREAD);

29                             Parity = PARENB ;

30                             CharacterSize = CS8;


if (-1 == ioctl (id_com_dev,SIO_HW_OPTS_SET,SerialControl | Parity | 


32                             {

33                             return(-1);

34                             }



        **   Setting the new options of the serial port

                                 **   with setting the handshaking protocol



35                             ioctlvalue = ioctl (id_com_dev, FIOFLUSH, 0);

ioctlvalue = ioctl (id_com_dev,FIOSETOPTIONS,OPT_TANDEM &~ 


 38                            }  




** Main


** main program of RWCOM

**---- Returnvalue ------------------------------------------------------------

** 0


39                                int maincomRW(int argc, char *argv[])

40                             {

41                               char     pathserial0[] = "/tyCo/0";    /* Path of the port 2....*/

42                               char    pathserial1[] = "/tyCo/1";    /* Path of the port 3....*/

43                               int        ui_byte;                         /* Number of bytes readed */

44                               int       uo_byte;                         /* Number of bytes writed */

45                               char    *ur_buff;  /* Buffer used to get the bytes from the serial port */ 

46                             char    *uw_buff;  /* Buffer used to set the bytes to the serial port */

47                                           int       fd1;       /* file descriptor for the first port */

48                               int       fd2;       /* file descriptor for the second port */

49                             int      len_mess;  /* Length of message */


50                                 COMM_init(pathserial0, &fd1);   

51                                 COMM_init(pathserial1, &fd2);

52                                 len_mess = 116;

53                                 ui_byte = 0;


54                                 ur_buff = (char*)malloc(116);

55                                 uw_buff = (char*)malloc(116);


56                                while(1)

57                                  {

58                                     /* Wait until the all message arrive -------------------*/


59                                     while (ui_byte < len_mess)

60                                        {        


                                   **   read from the COM-Device


61                                           ui_byte = read (fd1, ur_buff,len_mess);

62                                        }


               ** Copy the read buffer to the write buffer



63                                             strcpy(uw_buff,ur_buff);              



                                    **   send to the COM-Device


64                                  uo_byte = write (fd2, uw_buff,len_mess);

65                                   }

66                                close (fd1);

67                                close (fd2);

68                                return (0);

69                             }


9.5       Annex G



** Project              : Diploma Thesis


**                            The goal of this program is to initialise the serial port

**                            and read from one serial port and write to another.......




/*-- Include files ----------------------------------------------------------*/


#include <stdio.h>                           /* Standard input/output definitions */

#include <string.h>                         /* String function definitions */

#include <unistd.h>                        /* UNIX standard function definitions */

#include <fcntl.h>                            /* File Control definition */

#include <errno.h>                          /* Error number definitions */

#include "vxWorks.h"

#include "ioLib.h"

#include <sioLib.h>


** COMM_init


** initialize COM-device


**---- Parameters -------------------------------------------------------------

**---- Returnvalue ------------------------------------------------------------


** int : 0 if success

** int : -1 if error



int COMM_init(char *c_device, int *fd)


     int                     id_com_dev;      /* filename descriptor for the COM */

     int                     speed = 9600;  /* speed for COM */

     int                     SerialControl;

     int                     Parity;

     int                     CharacterSize;

     int                     ioctlvalue;                          


     ** Open the COM-Device


       id_com_dev = open ("/tyCo/1", O_RDWR ,0); 

       if ( id_com_dev == ERROR ) 


           perror ("Open_Port : Unable to open /dev/ ---");         



            * Could not open the port      




        *fd = id_com_dev;



        **   setting the BAUD-rate to 9600 ............


     if (-1 == ioctl (id_com_dev,FIOBAUDRATE , speed))






        **   Setting the Parity, the Stop bit ................


     SerialControl = (CLOCAL | CREAD);

     Parity = PARENB ;

     CharacterSize = CS8;


if (-1 == ioctl (id_com_dev,SIO_HW_OPTS_SET,SerialControl | Parity | CharacterSize))






        **   Setting the new options of the serial port

     **   with setting the handshaking protocol



     ioctlvalue = ioctl (id_com_dev, FIOFLUSH, 0);

     ioctlvalue = ioctl (id_com_dev,FIOSETOPTIONS,OPT_TANDEM &~






** Main


** main program of RWCOM


**---- Returnvalue ------------------------------------------------------------

** 0


   int maincom(int argc, char *argv[])


     char  pathserial0[] = "/tyCo/1";    /* Path of the port 2....*/

     int      us_byte;                             /* Number of bytes writed */

     int      ui_byte;                                      /* Number of bytes read */

     char  *us_buff0;                                          /* Buffer used to set the bytes to the serial port */   

     char  *us_buff1;                                          /* Buffer used to set the bytes to the serial port */                 

     char  *us_buff2;                                          /* Buffer used to set the bytes to the serial port */                 

     char  *us_buff3;                                          /* Buffer used to set the bytes to the serial port */                 

     char  *us_buff4;                                          /* Buffer used to set the bytes to the serial port */                 

     char  *us_buff5;                                          /* Buffer used to set the bytes to the serial port */                 

     char  *us_buff6;                                          /* Buffer used to set the bytes to the serial port */                 

     char  *us_buff7;                                          /* Buffer used to set the bytes to the serial port */                 

     char  *us_buff8;                                          /* Buffer used to set the bytes to the serial port */                 

     char  *us_buff9;                                          /* Buffer used to set the bytes to the serial port */                 

     char  *ur_buff;                                 /* Buffer used to get the bytes from the serial port */         

     int      fd1;                                                      /* file descriptor for the serial port 2 */

     int      len_mess;                                           /* Length of the send message */

     int      i;


      COMM_init(pathserial0, &fd1);           

      len_mess = 116;

      us_byte = 0;

      ur_buff = (char*)malloc(52);


      us_buff0 = (char*)malloc(116);

      us_buff1 = (char*)malloc(116);

      us_buff2 = (char*)malloc(116);

      us_buff3 = (char*)malloc(116);

      us_buff4 = (char*)malloc(116);

      us_buff5 = (char*)malloc(116);

      us_buff6 = (char*)malloc(116);

      us_buff7 = (char*)malloc(116);

      us_buff8 = (char*)malloc(116);

      us_buff9 = (char*)malloc(116);



        **   send to the COM-Device                    














       /* Wait until the all message arrive -------------------*/


        if (ui_byte < len_mess)



                **   read from the COM-Device


                 ui_byte = read (fd1, ur_buff,len_mess);




                us_byte = write (fd1, us_buff0,len_mess); 


                us_byte = write (fd1, us_buff1,len_mess); 


                us_byte = write (fd1, us_buff2,len_mess); 


                us_byte = write (fd1, us_buff3,len_mess); 


                us_byte = write (fd1, us_buff4,len_mess); 


                us_byte = write (fd1, us_buff5,len_mess); 


                us_byte = write (fd1, us_buff6,len_mess); 


                us_byte = write (fd1, us_buff7,len_mess); 


                us_byte = write (fd1, us_buff8,len_mess); 


                us_byte = write (fd1, us_buff9,len_mess); 



    close (fd1);

    return (0);


10     Some repairs on the sensor card and first step integration

11     Integration


Based on Mohammed Yassir Mikou, "Integration und Test eines Board-Computers für ein alternatives Luftschiff", Master Thesis (Diplomarbeit)



Samir Mourad, Verein für alternative Energieforschung

Prof. Dr. –Ing. Habil Albrecht Zur, Fachhochschule Kiel - University of Applied Sciences, Fachbereich Informatik und Elektrotechnik


11.1    Abstract

This work deals with the development of software for controlling an airship, the weather data (solar radiation, temperature and wind) to determine. The aim of this thesis is to integrate control cards, ie To allow communication between the Sensors, Actuators and transceiver card. The integration should be carried out as part of a Linux platform. It has gained acceptance because of the embedded system and the specific processor type, the RedHat distribution.


List of Figures ........................................................................ 2                         

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................. 2                               

1.         Introduction to the airship project ..................................... 4      

1.1 .    The Lotte-project and the "Alternative LOTTE" ............................... 4      

1.2 .    Development method ............................................................................ 4                    

1.3 .    Activity and REALISIERUNGSANNaeHERUNG ...... 5                             

1.4      Overview ................................................................................................ 5     

2.         Basics of Work ........................................................... 6         

2.1      The V-model ............................................................................ 6  

2.2 .    Structured Analysis (SA) /structured design (SD) ............. 8                       

3.         Development environment ..... 10             

4.         Architectural design, and implementation ..................... 11     

4.1 .    The implementation of the BASISSTATIONSPROGRAMMS ...................... 14               

4.2 .    The implementation of the LUFTSCHIFFPROGRAMMS ............................ 15    

Section 4.2.1 ,                                                                                                                      the sensors ........................................................................................ 16                                                   

4.2.2 .      The actuators ........................................................................................... 17      

Point 4.2.3 ..   The Transceiver ................................................................................................. 18            

Point 4.2.4 ..   The Board Computer ........................................................................ 20    

5.         Operating System Installation .............................................. 22             


5.1 .    Problem ............................................................................... 22   

5.2 .    ..................................................... 22 implementation of the installation  

5.2.1 . .    configuration of the core .................................................................. 23            

5.2.2 . .    Modules creating and installing ......................................................... 38        

5.3 .    .................................................................. 39 development environment                     

5.4 .    ................................................................................................. 41 Real                      

5.4.1 . .    latency and fluctuation ........................................................................ 42        

Item 5.4.2 above .                                                                                                                 hard and soft real-time conditions .............................................. 43                                                                 

5.4.3 . .    embedded applications ...... 46                                                                          

5.4.4 . .    Installation of Linux-Echtzeit ................................................................ 47      

6.         Description of PORTZUGRIFFSARTEN .......................... 49      

6.1 .    Direct Access ............................................................................... 49    

6.1.1 ,      ............................................................................. rights awarded 49                  

6.1.2 . .    Einlesen/Ausgeben ............................................................................... 51       

6.2 .    ACCESS about GERaeTEDATEIEN ............................................................ 54            

6.2.1 ), .   Ports Opened and closed .................................................................. 54          

Item 6.2.2 , .    canonical and non-canonical Input/Output ......................... 56            

6.2.3 . .    synchronous and asynchronous transfer ............................................ 67    

6.3 .    THREADPROGRAMMIERBEISPIEL ............................................................ 72                      

7.         ............................................................................... 75 LITERATURREFERENZ         






List of figures: 



Figure 2- 1: V-model [ 1] .................................................................................................... 6     

Figure 2- 2: SA/SD [4] ... 9 



Figure 4- 1: The connections of the system ................................................................... 12  

Figure 4- 2: overall system of the "alternative Lotte" .................................................. 13     

Figure 4- 3: Diagram of the correlations ............................................................ 14    

Figure 4- 4: airship as embedded system ................................................................ 15 

Figure 4- 5: : The sensors through the serial interface with the Board 

Computer 16 connected .....         

Figure 4- 6: The actuation system through the serial interface to the Board Computer 


Figure 4- 7: The transceiver through the serial interface with the Board 

Computer 18 connected .....         

Figure 4- 8: Graphical User Interface .......................................................... 19          

Figure 4- 9: The Board Computer ................................................................... 20        


Figure 5- 1: make config(1 Option: Code maturity level) .... 24        

Figure 5- 2: make config(2 Option: Loadable module support) .............................. 25      

Figure 5- 3: make menuconfig(1, half of the Optionen) ............................................ 25     

Figure 5- 4: make menuconfig(2, half of the Optionen) ............................................ 26     

Figure 5- 5: make xconfig(everything on Einmal) ............................................................... 27        

Figure 5- 6: Option Processor type and features ............. 29 

Figure 5- 7: Call the assistance of the submenus Processor family .............................. 29         

Figure 5- 8: sub-menu (CPU frequency scaling) from option 3 .............................. 30     

Figure 5- 9: General setup(1, Haelfte) ........................................................................ 31       

Figure 5- 10: submenu PCI Hotplug support .......................................................... 31 

Figure 5- 11: submenu PCMCIA/CardBus support ................................................ 32        

Figure 5- 12: 42 The Ereignislatenz ...................................................................................     

Figure 5- 13: periodic fluctuation ........................................................................ 42   

Figure 5- 14: Schadensaenderung in dependence of the response time ............. 43    


Figure 6- 1: Terminal E/A-functions in the Overview .................................................. 66   

Figure 6- 2: asynchronous data transfer with 7 bits Datenlaenge ......................... 68 









Table 5- 1: Comparison of the performance of Linux with the commercial Echtzeitkernen.




Table 6- 1: macros to access I/O-Ports ............................................................ 52 

Table 6- 2: The five different Modi-Eigenschaften a terminal ................ 61  

Table 6- 3: Possible Steuerzeichenvarianten for the non-canonical input .... 63   

Table 6- 4: POSIX-functions to query and change the Terminalattribute..66            






This thesis was developed at the Association for alternative energy research in Karlsruhe in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences in Kiel. At this juncture I would like to thank for Prof. Dr. -Ing. habil Albrecht to, this thesis by the University of Applied Sciences and betreuet has had so much patience, and I would like to thank Mr Ing. Murad, Samir for the enabling of the thesis and the furnishing of the laboratory with its entire Hardwareinhalt thank you. 

My special thanks to the German state, has given me the opportunity to continue my education and to acquire new perspectives. 

Last I would like to thank my parents, stood side by side to me, despite the distance, and with my friends, the me morally and actually have supported.

11.2    Introduction

11.2.1    The Lotte-Projekt and the "alternative Lotte"

At the Institute of statics and dynamics of the air and Raumfahrtkonstruktion at the Universitaet Stuttgart was built a Solarluftschiff in February 1992 the project "Solarluftboot" initiated and the purpose of this project was, new materials, new methods and a new concept for the control to develop an airship, the is operated by a Solarenergiemaschine. 

The "Alternative Lotte", a joint project of the VaEf e.V. , the Universities of Karlsruhe and Stuttgart and Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, was planned as an experimental airship, it is to be controlled directly from the ground (first step of the implementation) or automatically to specified coordinates (the second step of the implementation) fly, the energy will be the first step guaranteed by conventional batteries, but it is planned, and later to switch to solar power, with the "alternative Lotte" specific data will be during the flight through collected different sensors (sensors), the on the airship can be installed in the first step is the speed of the wind, the temperature and the solar radiation measured. In addition to such a flight data, such as angular velocity and acceleration are navigational to azimuth angle measured. 



1.2 . Development Method 





The complete system of the airship was in a laboratory with a Board Computer, and a sensory system-, a actuators and a Transceiverkarte provided as embedded system. 

The Software is with the C-programming language developed under Linux, the complete development process follows in general the well-known V-model. 






1.3 . Activity and Realisierungsannaeherung 




The task is to provide a software interface for the communication to develop, the on the board computer running, which in turn with the three hood (sensors, actuators, and transceiver) is connected on the airship, the purpose of this program is, the communication between the sensors and the motors and the transceiver on the "alternative Lotte" sensor platform to produce, the sensors is used to the solar radiation, and the speed and the direction of the airship to measure and the data to send to the board computer, the actuation system is to control the direction and the acceleration (speed, position) of the airship (engines) used by the data from the Board Computer dependent on the data received from the sensors will receive the Transceiverkarte is used, to the data in the A direction by the Board computer to send to the local computer and, in the other direction to receive from the local computer. 

So the thesis can be divided into the following tasks: 




9  Preparation, configuration, and translation of the core. 

9  Installation of Linux and real time extension. 

9  Programming of the communication protocol between the cards and the Board Computer with the C-programming language. 





1.4 Overview 




After a brief introduction in a concise form is basic knowledge of the given development methods used. 

The V-model, and some general information about (SA/SD) are in Chapter 2 gives. Chapter 3, there are a impression of what tools have been used in 4 chapter is a detailed description of the full system, Chapter 5 discusses the operating system and the real, Chapter 6 provides the necessary information on the serial interface, as well as the approach to the programming and the tests that have been carried out to the functionality of the system to check. 





11.3    Development environment 





The development is on a computer with GX1-AMD K6 300MHz Processor, 32MB RAM, 16 MB Flash Disk is done by the hardware (hood) to each other with the Board Computer was connected via R232 order. 




The following are software tools for the development have been used: 

9  SUSE and RedHat Linux. 

9  KDevelop: C/C++ development environment under Linux. 

9  "GCC" and "GDB" Compiler and Debugger for C-programs under Linux. 

9  Microsoft Word to word processing and the representation of the design structure. 

9  Two computers each with a RS232 connection for testing purposes. 

9  Null Modem Cable for the connection of the RS232 serial interfaces. 

9  Hyperterminal under Windows and minicom on Linux. 






11.4    Architecture Design and Implementation 





The task is to provide a software interface to develop to the integration with integration is the communication between the control cards, i.e. the sensors, the actuators, and the transceiver, this Communication is to be in the form of a C-program take place on the board computer, the then the exchange of data between the control monitors and controls, these four components are located on the "Alternate Lotte" and will be the serial interface connected to each other. 

Each of these hood was for either as a thesis, 

Thesis or Ingenieurpraktikum designed, developed, and tested                        - up on 

The Board Computer, of the company Arcom was purchased                [ 5]. The Cards 

Each contain a microcontroller, the RS232 serial data for either to send provides or is ready to data from RS232 to receive. 




The sensor collects data and sends it to the Board Computer go, it will be the Sonnenstrahlstaerke, speed and direction of the airship measured (sunlight in dependency of the coordinates and the season), for example by sensors be used for each coordinate: X-direction, y-direction, and z-direction (the temperature, angular velocity and azimuth angle will also be identified). 

The actuation system is used to control the operation of the "alternative Lotte", i.e. the direction, speed, and angle indicate, dependent on the information from the board computer, either the then this data from the sensors or but from the transceiver receives. 

For its part the Transceiverkarte to the exchange of data between the "Alternate Lotte" guarantee and the ground station and wireless, by a modem for use with an antenna, this has already been successfully tested, since the Transceiverkarte via a graphical user interface, it is possible, commans manually from the ground and enter corrections. 





The full system connections between the hood with the airship and the ground station (Benutzerschnittstellencomputer) are shown in the following figure: 















































Figure 4- 1: The connections of the system. 





The figure describes both the connections between the board computer and the three hood (sensors, actuators, and transceiver) in the "alternative Lotte" as well as the connection to the computer in the ground station. 

Similarly, the figure shows that the overall system is divided into two parts: 

1.     The ground station: with a computer, of the airship from the ground and can control monitored. For this task is a graphical user interface uses. This GUI hardwaremaessig accesses to the 





Transceiverkarte back. The transceiver in turn is based on a modem, the other with a wireless modem on the airship (by antennas) data in both directions may or should replace. By this graphical user interface it will be possible, wind speed, solar radiation, temperature, Luftschiffgeschwindigkeit Luftschiffkoordinaten or to receive and at the same time in the other direction wind speed, acceleration, and azimuth angle to send. 




2.     The airship: Here is the actual task of the present work, the integration of the three hood in the embedded computer, this is a null-modem cable by each connected with the hood, the embedded computer contains four serial interfaces, and the hood itself, are at least equipped with a serial interface. In the next section will be discussed in more detail the individual cards or presented. 


Figure 4- 2: overall system of the "alternative Lotte". 





4.1 And The implementation of the Basisstationsprogramms 





Figure 4- 3: Diagram of the correlations. 


9  The display is the screen of a computer in the ground station, it is used to to observe the received data gathered by these data gathered by the sensors are in the "alternative Lotte" detected. 

9  The keyboard is used by the user, to write to the commands, the he to "alternative Lotte" wants to send commands to the "alternative Lotte" sent by the serial interface, whenever the user commands to "alternative Lotte" wants to send, will be the data to the Board Computer passed from the transceiver. 

9  The serial port, the peripherals between the user interface and the "Alternate Lotte". By we use the user interface, we can tell, that the user receives data (from the "Alternate Lotte") and data or commands (to "alternative Lotte") sends. 

9  The added security layer is the communication protocol, the commands that the ground station to "alternative Lotte" send, will be confirmed, if the confirmation predictions, the commands are returned. 





4.2 And The implementation of the Luftschiffprogramms 







Figure 4- 4: airship as embedded system. 






Section 4.2.1 The sensor system. 



This card is one of the most important components of the "alternative Lotte". The sensors monitor the overall system, the fact that sensors are attached to this card, which capture the acceleration, the speed, the coordinates (the position of the airship), the angular velocity, the azimuthal angle and the direction of the then to the Board Computer via the serial interface will be transferred, this in turn, sends the data and/or information wirelessly to the ground station go. In addition provides us with the sensors other data, such as the solar radiation (solar radiation, and wind) and the temperature. 






Figure 4- 5: : The sensors through the serial interface with the Board connected to your computer. 





4.2.2 . The actuators 



The sensors allows, flight information to collect, to bear the Veraenderlichkeit of the data to be able to be used must be the actuation system, i.e. the control card contains e.g. a stepper motor and a servo motor, in order, on the one hand, the speed of the airship and, on the other hand to control the direction, the motion and by the Board be Flugelbefehle received to your computer, these commands are either from the sensors or from the ground station and then the board computer made available to the actuators. 






Figure 4- 6: The actuation system through the serial interface with the Board connected to your computer. 






Point 4.2.3 .. the Transceiver 



This map consists of both hardware and software, the hardware is in the form of a modems, the wireless communication between the local computer to the ground station and the board computer, on the "alternative Lotte" guaranteed. This communication means data exchange between the ground station and the airship, by a graphical user interface (the software p. Fig. ?) is made available, in order, for example enter the speed, this is by the Board Computer and forwarded to the actuators according to the speed increased or lowered, depending on which value has been entered or what is better. 






Figure 4- 7: The transceiver by the serial interface with the Board connected to your computer. 





If the transceiver is receiving data gathered by the Embedded System, these data will be (in the Receive Data frame displayed) to the ground station with a frequency between 433.200 and 434.775 MHZ sent, and the same happens when the transceiver data from the ground station to the "alternative Lotte" and then send the actuators wants to (in the other direction you send commands by sending the data frame is written). 









































Figure 4- 8: Graphical User Interface. 





Point 4.2.4 .. The Board Computer 



The Board Computer is the embedded computer in the "alternative Lotte". This computer closes the three hood through the serial interfaces (RS232 together. 




Specification of the embedded computer     [ 5]: EBX AMD Geode® GX1 Embedded 


The SBC-GX1 is a low profile, without fan, the EBX Format board, is based on the 300MHz MMX-increased AMD Geode GX1 processor, it includes all Rechnerstandard-Schnittstellen and a full range of Multimediaeigenschaften: VGA-screen (National XpressGraphics), Ethernet 10/100BASETX (PCI 2.1 compatible), integrated 16Mbyte FLASH, double-USB, compatible interface of the sounds and four serial interfaces. 





































Figure 4- 9: The board computer.























Without fan, Pentium class, 300MHz AMD Geode™ GX1 

SDRAM 144-pin SODIMM socket low-profile, 256Mbytes Max.  

Flash: 16Mbytes Intel strata Flash  

SRAM: 128K battery backed (factory fit option) 16k L1 write-back cache 

TFT flat panel & CRT XVGA, 1 - 4MB SDRAM video memory 

Drive Support FDD, HDD, Silicon Disk in Flash, Compact Flash 

Networking Support 10/100BASETX Ethernet via RJ-45 

USB interfaces 

I/O Interfaces 





PC peripheral 

Additional I/O 





Watchdog timer 










2  X USB ports (USB 1.1 )

4  X; 16550-compatible fast serial ports (3 x RS-232, 1 x RS 232/422/ 485) 

Keyboard, Mouse, Printer Port 

8  General purpose digital I/O signal and two user defined Jumper 

Real Hardware Watchdog (2 or 8 seconds) with Reset output. 

Compact Flash socket, PC/104 bus, PCI slot 16-bit SoundBlaster/Per compatible interface Award BIOS (in accordance with Millennium) 

90.000 Hrs 

EBX format, size 5.75 " x 8.00 " (146 mm x 203 mm) 

Power Requirement +5V only for operation (@ 1.5A Type) 

Temperature Range 

From: -20 to 60 °C processor fed with a low profile (no fan) temperature drop. 






5.        Operating System Installation 


5.1 Problem . 




The Board Computer hood is to manage the communication between. 

He comes from the company Arcom [ 5]. on him is no operating system installed, since only 

A 16MB Flash Disk is present (embedded computer), it is useful, to use Linux as the embedded operating system, Linux offers the advantage that the core (the core of the operating system) can be created the desired configuration of. This saves space on one hand, on the other hand, the system or the hardware be optimally set up. 




5.2 Implementation of the installation. 




At the beginning of the configuration options were the most disabled, because only a small core as soon as possible or a general operating system was needed, the following options were disabled: Parallel support, Plug and Play configuration, Enterprise Volume Management System, multi-device support (RAID and LVM), cryptography support (CryptoAPI), networking options, Telephony Support, ATA/IDE/MFM/RLL support, SCSI support, Fusion MPT device support, IEEE 1394 (FireWire) support (experimental), I2O device support, network device support, amateur radio support, IrDA (infrared) support, ISDN subsystem, Input core support, multimedia devices, sound, USB support, Bluetooth support, kernel hacking, library routines, plug in CPU scheduler that support resource management modules and build options. 

In total, 33 options are disabled, they were divided in part, in several sub-menus, and also partly in only in a single sub-menu, and the majority of options contained two to three sub-menus, and the pictures show some screenshots, which an impression of the number of options is to communicate. 

In this way although the configured core is small, did however, he is only after some effort compiling. 

Due to the large number of submenus in peace had to be considered options, so that you can be more clearly understood.  





The configuration steps are available everywhere on the Internet, however, the configuration of the core is not comparable with the installation of Windows, and even people, the experience with the installation of Linux, had difficulties with security with the core configuration. 

The following examples are intended to illustrate Embedded operating systems, such as embedded operating systems such as PDAs, organizer, and mobile phones present, including WindowsCE or embedded Linux but also on this hardware is not, for example hard disk, but only a Flash Disk, on which the operating system is charged. 

The installation of the core is actually a sequence of six commands. It is the first command the One who, of the most processing time takes or configuration in. The other need then depending on computational power and memory up to a few days processing time. 

These commands are as follows: 

 Make menuconfig 

 Make DEP 

 Make bzImage 

 Make modules 

 Make modules_install 

 Configure the boot loader. 





5.2.1 . . configuration of the Core 




Only the administrator (root) or the user, which these rights were granted, the appropriate access rights to perform this configuration, this is done with the command sudo "command", previously the administrator must the user all rights in the file /etc/sudoers assign. 




If the Kern-Quelldateien are not yet installed, this should be done as the first, because otherwise the configuration does not can be started, the present source files were 208.19 MB in size, and also the Help files are included in the directory /usr/src/linux- /documentation. 





There is a big help file with 1.2 MB for the core configuration, and each small help files to almost every option. 




In order to now in the correct directory ( /usr/src/linux- in this case) one of the three possible enter commands, there are far more than 1,000 options to choose from, with these options you can influence, which functions directly be integrated into the core, which as a module and which are not available to:  




-  Make config: a couple with Y(yes) /N(No) or M (modules) to answer questions one at a time (P. image. ? and ? ), without the 

Possibility to have, reenable remote access or umzuaendern (textbased), 

EN few questions previously answered questions hangs up with together!

Figure 5- 1: make config(1 Option: Code maturity level). 





Figure 5- 2: make config(2 Option: Loadable module support). 



-  Make menuconfig: is also text-based in the process, there is also the opportunity, before and reverse to jump and to correct, i.e. , the initially to make amendments reenable remote access to edit or even new (see image, 5.3 and 5.4 ). 






Figure 5- 3: make menuconfig(1 half of the options). 






Figure 5- 4: make menuconfig(2 half of the options). 



-  Make xconfig: is not more text oriented, but simply can be operated with the mouse (see image, 5.5 ), (xconfig only if the programming language Tcl/Tk is installed), but they will need the X11-surface, i.e. the necessary libraries and the support for the Graphical User Interface, or KDE, and that is why this alternative is usually only at the beginning to test and/or used learning, one hand, because the core is compiled only for this reason, to a minimum to ensure demand for storage space, so this is not a recommended alternative, unless you want to compile the core to its Linux distribution (Suse, RedHat, …) to its special requirements of hardware and security to adapt and optimize. without sufficient basic knowledge can play a to the configuration of the core the existing installation or even make the whole system unusable. 



























Figure 5- 5: make xconfig(everything all at once). 


After menuconfig has started, there are options to the "Y" for Yes or "N" for "no" to answer Are, partly you can with "M" for module answers, and in some cases, values are specified. 




First, one should the current configuration under a different name save as a precaution, the last option: Save Configuration to alternative file), as it can happen that the changes in the preconfigured file be stored, which can lead to problems, if the file does not compile due to e.g. Unvollstaendigkeit cannot be, i.e. it comes to the problems of the Kernladens when the computer is restarted. 




What are modules and their benefits? 




A module may be, in so far as is necessary, be integrated into the core, these modules are available but only then, when the core is loaded, loaded to the core modules can be unloaded or which modules are trying to start to find your hardware (autoprobing). 




When the computer is a Basiskern loaded, the contains only those functions to Start are required, these belong firmly to the core, if in the current operation functions will be needed (e.g. , for the new hardware), is the required code as a module connected to the core, and if this 





Additional functions not a while more will be needed again the module can be removed from the core, this modularized approach has many advantages: 




 Kern-Module can be integrated as needed, and if a specific module only rarely is needed, can be saved on this memory, i.e. , the heart of the matter is not greater than is essential, and to the hardware of the optimally adapted user. 

 For a change of the hardware (such as a new network card) must be compiled no new core, but only the new module will be involved. 

 In the development of a Kern-Moduls constantly of the computer must not be restarted in order to made to test changes to the core. 

It is enough, to recompile the module, then there it can be tested while the system is running. 




Under the Options, you will find for example, physical resources, such as drives, serial/parallel ports, Audio, and Videogeraete, network interfaces, keyboard, mouse, etc… 




1.                                                                              Code maturity level options: here you have the possibility, even the Core                                 

Components that are not yet mature as apply, in the kernel config file 

To be taken into account, in the other case, these options will not be active, or are not displayed. This option was chosen, as a module cannot be you are not elect. 




2.                                                                          Loadable module support: you determine whether this modularized                                  

Concept supports, whether or not some of the options as loadable modules must be available or only with Yes/No the core are to be tied. 




3.                                                                              Processor type and features         (p. image. 5.6 ): Here you have the type of processor 

Specify what the speed and size of the Code will affect. 

Code in this case is on-, but not              - as usual - abwaertskompatibel (p. 

Image. 5.7 ), e.g. , a K6-processor can a K7-processor support 





But not vice-versa, here was an Athlon/Duron/K7-processor was elected. 

Math emulation and symetric-multiprocessing support were not elected,

Figure 5- 6: Option Processor type and features. 




Figure 5- 7: Call the assistance of the submenus Processor family. 




Figure 5- 8: sub-menu (CPU frequency scaling) of Option 3. 


4.                                                                                                  General setup: Networking support   (see image, 5.9 and 5.10 ): This option 

In any case it is needed, since some internal commands to build the network protocol, the correct networking options are only for item 13 (Networking options) discussed PCI support was chosen (p. image." field 5.11 ), on PCMCIA/CardBud support (see image, 5.12 ) has been omitted, SystemV IPC had to each case because of the needed inter-process communication are selected in the programming, Elf and a.out Kernel Core format are also set to "yes", Power Management Support for laptops with "yes" answers, but answered in ACPI support. 





Figure 5- 9: General setup(1 half). 
























Figure 5- 10: submenu PCI Hotplug support. 





















Figure 5- 11: submenu PCMCIA/CardBus support. 




5.        Binary emulation of other systems: This option is necessary, in order to e.g.     

SOM and/or Solaris-binaries to load and implement directly. SOM is a binary executable format, the HP/UX is accepted, this option has been omitted. 




6.        Memory Technology Devices (MTD): so are e.g. Flash, RAM meant.          

They are mostly for stable systems used in embedded systems, and that is why this option is very important in the present case and had to be answered with "yes" to any partition was selected, because only a Flash Disk is present, and even the Flash Disk of Arcom is the company to enable specified here-the driver for the SBC-GXn Board-Familie has also enabled. 




7.                                                             Parallel port support: here it is to the parallel port to the     

Normally, the printer is connected, in the present case, it is not planned to use a printer, therefore, it was "no" selected. 




8.                                                                              Plug and Play configuration: is a standard for plug-and-, the                                                             

In the Detection address decoder unit can be configured. 




9.                                            Block devices: a floppy drive in the present case is not      

Needed, a RAID-controller also not normal (not SCSI) hard drives and CD-ROM drives (among other things) are under Linux as a block devices detected. 







10.                                                                                                             Enterprise Volume Management System: this is a plugin-based                                                            

Framework for Datentraegermanagement and combines the support for the partitioning, software, RAID, LVM, and much more in a single interface, user tools are necessary to the administration of EVMS logical magnetic media, according to this option was enabled. 




11.                                                                                                               Multi-device support (RAID and LVM): RAID and logical volume                                                           

Management will be in our Board Computer not needed, so if the "No" option was elected. 




12.                                                                                           Cryptography support (CryptoAPI): the authentication and guaranteed                                          

The encryption and probably the encrypted authentication and transfer over the network (no help), according to, a "no" selected. 




13.                                                      Networking options: Network packet filtering is responsible for the firewalls.                           

In this project you are not needed, so "no" selected, select the TCP/IP networking was answered with "yes". 




14.                                                     Telephony Support: was not elected, for the case that phone         

Should be, must be a connected-associate. 

15.                                                                         ATA/IDE/MFM/RLL support: here offers the possibility to appliances to                                 

Support to the IDE-bus be connected such as IDE-disk drives and ATAPI CD-ROMs. 




16.  SCSI support: Support for the SCSI hard drive is not necessary. 

In contrast, the option SCSI CD-ROM with answers "yes". SCSI low-level drivers should not be supported, as other SCSI-hardware not is present. 




17.  Fusion MPT device support: the option Message Passing Technology Offers 

As a machine name matches the possibility to activate a Systemhost 





Either as a high-performance SCSI Host initiator or as a LAN (but not with parallel SCSI-media). The Fusionsarchitektur is in the location, these protocols bi-directionally in Hochgeschwindigkeitslaser (up to 2GHz * 2ports = 4GHz) and parallel SCSI (up to Ultra-320) Physical Media process. These drivers need a Systemhost installed in the MTP-compatible PCI-adapter, these adapters contain special I/O processors, and thus was the option to "no" answers. 




18.  IEEE 1394 (FireWire) support (experimental): Fire Wire-Geraete are not 

Present, therefore the fire Wire-Anschluss are not supported. 

This option would be for example inactive, if the first option(Code maturity level) answered with a "no" would have been, because the FireWire under Linux to the core 2.4 has not yet been declared for maturity. 




19.                                                      I2O device support: Is a intelligent input/output architecture that it                                             

Allowed, hardware drivers in two shares to parts: the OS module (OSM) and a hardwarespezifisches module (HDM), but it needs a I/O and in the Computer Schnittstellenadapterkarte. This card contains a special I/O processor, the high speed creates, because the CPU is no longer with the I/O needs employ, because the I/O Schnittstellenadapterkarte is not present, "no" selected. 




20.                                                                Network device support: If you are in any way with another     

Computer wants to communicate, then this is the first option (network device support) with "yes" to. In the track, the kind of communication and the hardware be specified, all of the following submenus were answered with a "no": ARCnet devices, Ethernet (1000 Mbps), FDDI driver support, HIPPI driver support (experimental), wireless LAN (non-hamradio), TockenRing devices, Fiber Chanel driver support, Red Hat Creek Hardware VPN (experimental), WAN interfaces. In contrast, PPP (point-to-point protocol) support, SLIP (serial line) support set to "Yes" under the Option Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit) were the information on this network card in the affirmative. 







21.                                                               Amateur Radio Support: This can cause the computer communications via             

Amateur radio operations. One of these protocols can be either for point-to-point or as a institution for TCP/IP will be used, the option has not been in the affirmative, since first, no appropriate hardware for this is present, and secondly not on the radio with other computers to communicate. 




22.                                                             IrDA (infrared) support: Here you can find drivers for the infrared port.                                         

This is not needed, according to the option has been denied. 




23.  ISDN subsystem: here are drivers for the Linux supported hardware 

And options for various ISDN-apparatus compiled, therefore these options were answered with a "no". 




24.                                                        Input core support: Human Interface Device (HID) refers to a         

Certain Geraeteklasse the USB-standards for computer, with the description are described such devices, the directly "interact with people". meant are apparatus, with which the user directly communicate with the computer, such as mice and keyboards, but also gamepads, tablets and joysticks, HID-Geraetetreiber are usually included in the major operating systems, is a HID device (during operation) is connected, it is usually directly as a type Eingabegeraete (Human Interface Devices) recognized and then displayed in the Device Manager, support for such Eingabegeraete is not needed and therefore "no" selected. 




25.  Character devices: In order to anything at all to be displayed on the Monitor 

Have the first two options (virtual terminal & Support for console on virtual terminal) be answered with "yes". The same applies for the keyboard standard/generic (8250/16550 and compatible UARTs) serial support should be on every case, "affirmative" because, in the context of the present work is the communication via serial interfaces should be guaranteed, a mouse is not used, therefore the option is "Mice" with "no" have been answered. 





26.                                                     Multimedia devices: here you have the possibility, Audio/Video, and FM-                                            

To support maps, different video cards and drivers are usually bound in the core, this support and also those for radio are not needed. 




27.                                    File system: The first option (quota support) is used to the space   

Restrict individual users, according to you can be denied, 

Since there is only one user, it follows a number of options, the file systems of different platforms and operating systems support, how ADFS, Amiga FFS, Apple HFS/HFS+, NTFS (read only), OS/2 HPFS file system support and DOS FAT fs support, these options were disabled, only the Linux file system was in the affirmative, so reiserfs and ext3 support file system support JBD).. Second extended fs support is the Linux file system, the Minix fs support has replaced. 

The option 'ISO 9660 CD-ROM file system support is "yes" to, so that CD-ROM drives can be used, and the Microsoft Joliet CD-ROM extensions is not needed, the extension also not transparent decompression, this point needs a comment: 

The option is a Linux-specific extension, to data in a compressed form on CD-ROMs and then to save transparent and these CDs to get uncompressed displayed! 

Under the option Native Language Support has been everything, up to code page 437 (United States, Canada), page 850 (Europe) and NLS UTF8 was denied, so that meant Zeichensaetze are to access foreign filesystems to be supported, the default option NLS option has been with "iso8859-

1.             Indicated, this Standard, the from of the HTML-world is known. 

Network File System: The first option (Coda file system support (advanced network fs)) allows, foreign computer via network file systems to use, which provides in comparison to NFS a number of advantages: Support for captive operations (e.g. , for Laptops), security models also by authentication and encryption, both options have been activated as modules, root file system on NFS was also activated and also CIFS support (advanced network file system for Samba, window and other CIFS compliant), SMB file system support (to mount Windows shares 





Etc.) and NCP file system support (to mount NetWare Volumes) are not in the present case of use. 

The last sub-menu: Partition Types was not elected, but that means if you would like to use hard drives, the under a different operating system to waehlenden(e) have been partitioned. 




28.                                             Console drivers: here must be the VGA text console option set to "Yes"                                      

In order to Text on VGA-maps to be MDA text console (dual headed) (EXPERIMENLAL) should also be answered in the affirmative, if e.g. you wants to work with two monitors, in the context of this work however, this should not be the case. 




29.  Sound: Here you will find both various sound cards as well as drivers for 

Sound support offered, but these are not needed. 




30.                                      USB support: first here to USB-names briefly defined            

Will be USB stands for Universal Serial Bus, up to 127 USB devices can 

To a USB-port will be connected in a tree structure, the first USB-port is the root (root) of the tree, the periphery includes the branches and the interior nodes are special USB-devices, the so-called hubs, the definition is the Help file has been removed, and the present embedded computer&nbsp;1.1 contains two USB ports, but they are not used, according to the option will be denied. 




31.  Bluetooth support: is the current alternative to infrared or 

-Transmission. Here are up to 10 meters of distance in the free possible and 5 meters distance with objects in the transmission line, since such a communication is not relevant in this case, the option has been disabled. 




32.                                            Kernel hacking: this detailed error messages for the          

Persons, the Geraetetreiber letter, supports. 

Kernel profiling support: Provides under /proc/profile information is available, with which can be determined, how much time the core needs for certain functions. 





Profiles shift count: Determines the Adressabstand, with which the individual from the core running commands in the /proc/profile will be listed. 




To quote from the README-file from Linux: 

The activation of the "kernel hacking" option would normally result in a bigger or slower core (or even both), this may the core even definitely unstable because some routines then be compiled a little differently, in order to target poor routines to crash and uncover this error in the core (is complaining about kmalloc( )).  

The core should be used completely normal, therefore you should here with "no" answers. 




The options       library routines, plug in CPU scheduler that support resource                                                            

Management Modules, Build options                           in the core of this work were not present 

And according to in the Help files are not represented, and consequently they were all too clear. 




5.2.2 . . Modules creating and installing 



This is the configuration has been completed, you now have the addictions with the command "make dep" were to be established, in the track the modules created (make modules) and installed (make install_modules) will be. These commands can be run in a row separated by semicolon. 

Since everything is easily walked, it was the core (make bzImage) compiled the generated bzImage and core means is located in the subdirectory arch/i386/boot/, he was then to the boot directory with the name vmlinuz moved (you can also use the root directory), from where he can by adding in the GRUB-configuration file (GRUB is available for Grand Unified Boot loader, and the other alternative is to LILO) be booted, GRUB must be called again, so that the changes be accepted, this step could be under "yast" can conveniently be processed by the entry for Linux has been copied and pasted, and then the new entry to this core has been adjusted, so the path of the root partition, and the name of the new core. 





At the beginning it was planned, the embedded computer IDE hard drive to add to this should be the first time the whole be configured and installed, because this under Suse could not be reached, was switched to RedHat. Here, the Flash Disk, and the special processor supports. There is a other elegant and professional alternative. This is the core of a host computer, in the next chapter should be elaborated this alternative. 




5.3 Development Environment. 





Host computer                                                      test system 





The test system consists of a desktop PC as a Embedded-Rechnerersatz , on the other software or even a different operating system may be installed, of course, you want a Linux distribution on the host computer (in this case it was RedHat) be installed with all development tools, then where the core prepared, tested, and for the test system is to be prepared. 

By this is the variant of the core on the DATABACKUP not physically be present of the trial system, but transferred through the network connection, using NFS, for help, and the test system is only in the test phase as a replacement for the embedded computer, because he have a keyboard, graphics card and monitor. 

In addition to environment is a blank floppy disk needs, on which the boot loader is installed, the the core in the memory to load. 




1.             Step: as a syslinux bootloader has been elected, three reasons for this:  

1 - Syslinux should be on every Linux already exist.  

2 - Syslinux cannot be on DOS-formatted floppy disks with the FAT file system 


3   - The boot loader provides a configuration file is available from the 

Great benefit is. 





The core itself must be copied to the disk, and this is done on the host computer, and then the test system to boot from the diskette. 

Blank floppy disk can with "mformat a:" be formatted, if this is not the case, and then the following command to "syslinux /dev/fd0" as root, which on the floppy disk to install syslinux, as /dev/fd0 is the name for the floppy drive under Linux is, if syslinux is not installed, simply "yast" and install syslinux with source code. 

Now if we could have been the test system from the disk boot (BIOS to adjust that the computer boot from the floppy drive), then you get an error message "Could not find kernel image", this indicates that SYSLINUX easily on the floppy disk has been installed, as SYSLINUX a file called Linux (Kernel image) expected to boot, if you otherwise called the core, there is the possibility, the prompt while holding down the Shift key or Alt key during the boot a different name or to pass parameters, and a different alternative, which also has been used here, is the syslinux.cfg configuration file, then where are the boot parameters have been specified. 

The following boot parameters have been specified: 

The root filesystem is not written to the disk, but as mentioned before, via Network File System (NFS) loaded from the host computer. SYSLINUX was instructs, the root file system, NFS-server to get the IP-address of the test system is determined via DHCP: append root= /dev/nfs ip=dhcpcd. 




2.                     Step: now it has the core itself be transferred to the disk, as the kernel is compiled, we have seen in the last section, and the file bzImage was the result of the core configuration, testing of the addictions, the production and installation of modules and as last of the compilation of the kernel, this I have on the disk with the name linux stored to then of the floppy disk to start, this boot process then leads to a different error message again: "kernel panic: vfs: unable to mount root", what is the purpose of that syslinux.cfg configuration file was stored on the disk.  

So that the boot is made possible from the host computer, the host must be both as a NFS-server, to the root filesystem to make available as well as DHCP





Server be configured to the test system a dynamic IP-address to be handed over.  

If these steps are completed, the test system should be properly booted from the floppy disk, the core of the disk loaded, rootfs of NFS-server mounted, and the IP-address of the DHCP-server can be delivered, it was no longer necessary, carry out the above-mentioned points. 

The last step in the installation of the operating system is the real, this is elaborated in the following section. 





5.4 Real . 




Modern applications usually have the requirement that all events in the automation system time must be synchronized to each other, which is why Echtzeiterweiterungen especially find increasing popularity of Linux in the industry, as well as in the universities. 




With Echtzeitfaehigkeit requirements are meant to Zeitablaeufen on a computer have to do real-time applications, regardless of the cause may not be delayed or prevented. In the context of this work must be on the events of the Transceiverkarte (Send/board) for example are triggered, in a precisely defined time a reaction on the part of the actuators, i.e. , the entire airship, are made. 




The Echtzeitfaehigkeit is deactivated by default on the computers and the major operating systems does not exist, but with RTAI and RTLinux exists the possibility, to expand Linux so that a small real-time core runs is available, the guaranteed guaranteed response times and one of the advantages of these Linux Echtzeiterweiterungen is that Linux in the normal case (if the real-time core runs just has nothing to do) with the normal pipped works. 





5.4.1 . . latency and fluctuation 



The result of these changes is the Unterbrechungslatenz and fluctuation (see Figure 5-12 and&nbsp; 5-13) between periodic interruptions in the microseconds and the area to reduce and so faster responses to external events, and a higher Timing-Aufloesung to allow. 

The pipped of Linux shows latency (latency) and turnover (jitter) of one millisecond, the Echtzeitversionen of Linux have latency and turnover some microseconds to the processors, with several hundred MHz running.  





Figure 5- 12: The Ereignislatenz. 





Figure 5- 13: periodic fluctuation. 





The latency is the delay of an interruption to the beginning of the processing of this interruption, the difference between a specified and tatsaechlichem value is known as latency. (In practice, a desired time not always be exactly the same, also, as the system time for internal processes needs). The fluctuation is the change of the timing of the periodic cases or is the static distribution of latency. 




Item 5.4.2 above hard and soft real-time conditions. 



Are divided into the time-critical tasks in the following points (see Figure 5-14): soft real-time conditions: Response times must be low 

His, however, a short-term exceeded certain limits no greater consequences. That means that the time is to be maintained in the funds. 

Hard real-time conditions: certain response times by the system must be guaranteed under all circumstances, if they are exceeded, damage to the system on. 



Figure 5- 14: Schadensaenderung in dependence of the response time. 






Linux is usually just like any other operating system, only for soft 

Suitable Echtzeitaufgaben (see Table 5-1). 







Latency/ turnover

Standard BS.


No real time

10 μs – 100 ms

Standard Linux

Soft real time

1 μs


IEEE 1003.1d


Hard real time

10 – 100 μs

Linux Microkernel


Hard real time

1 – 10 μs


Hard real time

1 – 10 μs


Table 5- 1: Comparison of the performance of Linux with the commercial Echtzeitkernen application latency/fluctuation 

Standard BS. no real-time 10 µs - 100 ms standard Linux soft real-time 1 µs 

IEEE as 1003.1d hard real-time 10 - 100 µs 

Linux microkernel hard real-time 1 - 10 µs 

RTOS-cores hard real-time 1 - 10 µs and that is the response time for various reasons not deterministic: 

 The core functions of the operating system are not interruptible, with the result that other requirements until the conclusion of the operation have to wait. 

 The Zeitaufloesung on the x86 shall be 10ms, and is thus low e.g. for the Scheduler, the very important, even necessary for Echtzeitaufgaben is. 

 The access to hard drives and on communication equipment has in principle no defined response time, can even the function to be called as long as block until all data are available [ ? ]. 




It       is possible, standard Linux for soft Echtzeitsteueranwendungen to 

Use, in which the sampling time of approximately 10 ms commensurate long and the application is missing time schedules do allow it, this is an example using the video processing, where an occasional flare-up is often not perceived. 

When data loss can be approved, then standard Linux (especially the latest cores) for soft real-time applications are used, the the Unterhaelfte (preemption logic) have. 




In the pipped Unterbrechungsverarbeitung wok containing some is divided in two, as the Oberhaelften and be marked Unterhaelftenaufgaben. The Unterhaelfte meets the tasks, the disruption to edit, and data from the physical medium accommodate in a cache, the Oberhaelfte reads from the clipboard and sends the data to a accessible buffer of the core, in the pipped (ICU) without, are all 





Unsuitable interruptions, if the Unterhaelfte tasks. This means that it can be an unpredictable delay (latency), before a second interruption can be made. 




If that is not the case, then the hard Echtzeitimplementierungen needs. 



The Echtzeitvarianten of Linux that are usable for such applications, since 1997, and while it is true that there are mainly two implementations for the realization harder Echtzeitfaehigkeit under Linux: 

 RT-Linux was in New Mexico by a working group to Professor Victor Yodaiken and Michael Barabanov developed. This variant is to a new layer of code in a highly efficient between the hardware and the pipped form the additional layer of code, called microkernel, controls the whole (total) Echtzeitfunktionalitaet, including interrupts, and 

Sets high aufloesendes timing.          This microkernel cannot be the Pipped 

Run in the background. 

 RTAI was in Milano (Politecnico di Milano) of a working group developed by Professor Paulo Mautegazza. This is the second variant should Echtzeiterweiterungen to POSIX.1 within the structure of the Linux, Standardkerns imports. You adds Timer, scheduling (Scheduling) and 

Unterbrechungskontrolle   (Preemption) directly in a single core 





These implementations will be as a supplement (patch) made available to the pipped. The microkernel starts the spends receiving (hardware interrupts) and also determines the Echtzeitaufgaben hoechstmoeglichen priority with the firmly. 




Handles the real-time core runs as a direct layer of the hardware the Interruptverwaltung of the complete system from this real-time core runs the guaranteed response time for real-time programs, normally Linux worked double shifts (kernel space & User Space), but it is with the real time extension to a third layer (Realtime Space) advanced: this new layer then monitors the kernel space and thus has the possibility to interrupt the core code. 





After the Echtzeitaufgaben have been processed, the realtime Space all registers again, so that nothing of the Normalkern noticed, that it was interrupted. 

If the realtime space no Echtzeitaufgaben needs to do, needs no 

Computing time and thus makes for the normal Linux kernel unnoticed, comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the two variants: 

RTLinux: the development team of Victor Yodaiken will decide whether the patches of the users in the concept fit, otherwise they will be rejected patches, and while this is a consistent model achieved, but find no possibility innovative ideas in the software to be included. 




RTAI: it is quite contrary to this other consistent model in which many users developments in the form of core modules have added to the Software. On the other hand this approach makes the whole system more flexible and innovative. 

Although subject to both variants of the GNU-license, but at least RTAI is easy to get nowadays. 





5.4.3 . . embedded applications 




Real-time systems can also be embedded systems, embedded applications run usually in small hardware and/or cards, often without keyboards, Maeusen or monitors, usually with no rotating media such as hard disks or CD-ROMs, the hard working conditions could not resist and programrs can assemble Linux, so that it runs without these peripheral devices and there are several popular embedded Linux distributions, there are the pre-configured and useful tools for customer-related specialty products to include [ 11]. 




The commonly used platform for standard Linux is an Intel-based computer or a laptop computer, with the applications might not need real-time performance and the latency and the fluctuation of standard Linux no restrictions for these applications are, but there are embedded 





Hardware components, the deterministic real-time performance and require for these cases must be one of the embedded application in the Linux-Echtzeitimplementierungen be used, so embedded Linux run on the hardware components from the desktop computers up to Videoarmbanduhren rich, but an embedded Linux is not necessarily Germany will present. 




Since the normal Linuxkernel, real-time core runs not to be noticed, it must have the opportunity, real-time and normal processes to communicate with each other can be, and this is done with the following techniques: FIFOs, Shared Memory, mailboxes, and message queues. 





5.4.4 . . Installation of Linux-Echtzeit 




The steps, the of the series to be run in order to install a Germany will present, are to summarize as follows: 




1.      Selbstkonfigurierung of the patch: 

Before you so that defended, the RTLinux to install them you have to get the corresponding Linux and RT Linux versions to download, in the present work has been working with the 2.4 kernel version, what this and the RT Linux version 3.1 have been downloaded (see download). As the C-compiler version also had to be observed, as otherwise problems can arise, and the GCC is a minimum requirement, then the following steps must be taken: 

 The downloaded files in a temporary folder must be cached, and under " /var/tmp". 

 Prepare a working folder and empty when it is present: md /usr/src/rtlinux (rm -rf /usr/src/rtlinux), then unzip the downloaded files with the command: tar -xzvf /var/tmp/linux-2.4.4 .tar.gz /var/tmp/rtlinux-3.1 .tar.gz. 

 The core, and the RT Linux-Ergaenzung in the subfolder linux mending: patch -p1 < rtlinux/kernel_patch-2.4.4 . . 





 Then configure the core as follows, compile, and install, as in the last chapter:" make menuconfig; make dep; make bzImage; make modules; make modules_install;' 

 The created file copy: cp arhc/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/rtlinux, and after the boot loader has been adapted, restart the computer. 

 Now the computer with the new core restarted and simplification will be created a symbolic link: The folder  

Ln -sf /usr/src/rtlinux/Linux /usr/src/linux, in the then of the RTLinux with the command "make menuconfig; make dep; make; make and make install' devices configured and must be compiled. 

 Now, in order to be able to run real-time programs, must be the RT Linux modules by the rtlinux start command will be loaded. 




2.      An existing supplement (patch) use. 

 In this case, it was with the downloaded file rtlinux-2.4- prepached.tgz worked, so configured, dekomprimiertt, etc. otherwise not much was changed. 

In both cases, had to be observed that the "hard" real-time in the Grundlagenkonfiguration set and the contrast that the APM support is disabled. 




6.        Description of Portzugriffsarten 





There is a difference, as we will see in the following - between two I/O Portzugriffsarten: On the one side of the direct access, which is also under the name input/output falls deeper level (low level input and output), and the access of Geraetedateien on the other side. 




In fact, hardware-near programming in modern, complex operating systems on modern computers unfavourable, requests to addresses outside of the assigned memory or I/O-ports are the "normal user" denied by the operating system, which previously was not the case, you could much easier access to the hardware and the maximum performance of the programs and/or reach a component. 




Let us first look at the direct access type. In the following, this direct access on the example of the serial interface explained. 





6.1 . Direct Access 




Selfmade programs cannot readily directly on hardware access components, this is prevented by the operating system for security reasons, direct (write-) requests to the hardware of the computer to be able to system crashes and lead to data loss under the circumstances. 

However, in order to allow a direct access, must be given access rights, which create the prerequisite for that then the actual requests government expenditures can be. 





6.1.1 . Rights awarded 



In Linux, there are in addition to the access rights read (R), write (W) and execute (x) and the right "set user ID" (S), if this bit for an executable file is set, then receives the exporting process for the duration of the execution, the user-ID of this file, i.e. if a program the user 





"Root" belongs, then the exporting process root-privileges, for example, with the command line "chown root:root named myprog" the "owner" and the user group of the file and changed with "chmod a+s named myprog" set the bit of the user, and if now the program "named myprog" from the normal user (of course the user should be allowed to run the program) is started, then it is running with root privileges, and can again corresponding damage, and this is why such a program should these privileges with the help of the function call "setuid (getuid( )); ( #include <sys/types.h> and #include <unistd.h> )" return it as soon as you are no longer needed. 


An additional safeguard against "unintended" requests to the hardware components of the computer is that the user root yourself first, the access to the hardware is denied (segmentation fault). The two functions IOPL() and ioperm() are meant for this, the I/O-Portzugriffe explicitly release. These functions (or one of the two) must be at the beginning (before that I/O-port access) of the program will be called the Zugriffsbibliotheken on the I/O-ports are from the header file /usr/include/asm/io.h provided. IOPL is available for I/O privileged level and ioperm for I/O permissions. Both of these functions return the following values: the value of 0 on success, -1 on failure, in the latter case, the Fehlerkonstante on errno is set. 




Don't forget locks a setuid() is not the a normal user to do just that, by the ioperm() has been granted, but a fork() (the child receives no access, but the parent keeps him) could be used for this purpose. 




The syntax of the first function is int ioperm(unsigned long from, unsigned long num, int turn_on). It is from the first port number to be accessed, and num the number of subsequent ports. For example, would call ioperm(0x3E8, 16, 

1.             Access to the Ports 0x3E8 to 0x3F8 grant (with 3F8 and 3E8 for the first and second serial interface). The last argument is a boolean value that is either the Program Access to the Ports (true (1)) or prohibits (false (0)). We must call ioperm() repeatedly to not-following ports to allow multiple access. 





You can withdraw the administrator again, after call ioperm() was called, in order to gain access to the ports to be used to allow, at the end of the program you will not be asked to the Portzugangsrechte with ioperm( ... , 0) to remove explicitly; this is done automatically, when the process is terminated. 




The function call ioperm() can only access to the Ports 0x000 to 0x3ff give. For additional ports must be IOPL( ), the access to all ports immediately guaranteed according to use, a limitation of the address range is unfortunately not possible, but you can the level of the expert panel on the I/O-ports from 0 (no permission) to 3 (full access) rank. 





6.1.2 . . programming/Issue 




Once the conditions are met, you can spend with the actual start and/or read, but are the hardware components of the computer not just like the RAM on "normal" memory accesses will be accessible, but only with the aid of special (assembler) commands accessible for C-programs are a series of macros available to these commands to C-map features, and these features are Inline-Makros : i.e. #include <asm/io.h> is entirely sufficient, in order to involve you, and needs no additional libraries, Table 2.1 gives an overview of the features. 




In order to have a byte (8 bits) to an I/O-port to spend, you need the function outb(Port, value) in the correct order of the parameters (e.g. , under DOS are in the reverse order you enter) to call up to read from a port in reverse, there is the function unsigned char inb(unsigned short int from) to use, you are the bytes that you receive has, and the most units are designed to do just that byteweisen. All Portkommunikations way, instructions need to run at least about a microsecond. The with the suffix "_P" reasoned macros work almost identical to the other macros, but you grant an additional short delay (about a microsecond) after the do just that, you can delay of about 4 microseconds with #define REALLY_SLOW_IO before the #include <asm/io.h> 





Force. The macros (unless you use #define SL0W_I0_BY_JUMPING, probably the less exactly is) normally use a port output is switched to 0x80 for your delay, so you must first access to the Port 0x80 with ioperm() Give. outputs to port 0x80 should not affect part of the system. 




inb (Adresse)

inw (Adresse)

inl (Adresse)

insb (Adrese)

insw (Adresse)

insl (Adresse)

The contents of the I / O area on the

Address address is read.

Here, depending on the extension of the

Macros, or one byte (b), Word (w)

Long-word returned (1),

optionally with sign

outb (Wert, Adresse)

outl (Wert, Adresse)

outsb (Wert, Adresse)

outsw (Wert, Adresse)

outw (Wert, Adresse)

outsl (Wert, Adresse)

The value of value is in the I / upper calibration

address to the address

written. Here, value per

after ending the macro as a byte

(b) Word (u) or Long-Word (1)

interpreted with either too


inb_p( Wert, Adresse)

inw_p( Wert, Adresse)

inl_p( Wert, Adresse)

outb_p( Wert, Adresse)

outw_p( Wert, Adresse)

Outl_p( Wert, Adresse)

In contrast to the macros without

,, _p is "for these functions, the

Execution delayed so

"Slower" hardware bill

to wear




Table 6- 1: macros to access I/O-ports. 





Due to a limitation in the GNU C-compiler (present in all versions, including the egcs), must be each (possible) source program with the -o option will be compiled for the optimization (gcc -O1 or higher), as an alternative, you can #define external static will be inserted before #include <asm/io.h> is included (ultimately, the instruction #undef externally equal then not to be forgotten). 





For debugging gcc with the command - G - 0 be called (in any case in modern versions of gcc), although the optimization the Debugger sometimes strange behavior cannot be, you can work around this by the program, the The I/O-used do just that, in a separate source file is saved, and only for the optimization is compiled with. 




To begin the programming, the data via the serial interface is not correct, partially not at all, will be sent and received, and then the cable should be tested, by using Standardkommunikations programs has been attempted, data exchange with the null modem cable, and the Standardkommunikationsprogramme are to a "Hyperterminal" on Windows and to the other "minicom" under Linux, and if you two computers with Windows Operating System or Linux via the serial interface connects and Hyperterminal or MINICOM starts, then one has to be restored, i.e. baud rate, Datenlaenge, Paritaetsart, stop bit and Data Flow Control with values to, after the right COM-port was selected, and the baud rate receives values between 110 and 921,600 bits per second, the flow control can be either hardwaremaessig, address decoder unit or but not be present, in the cable was no longer in order and should be replaced, and it was that RS-232 no USB-port is, what means that the cable during operation should not be switched, so only when the computer is turned off, do we have the right to use the cable from the serial port Remove, and with the new cable could easily the Standardkommunikationsprogramme send and receive data, even "Hyperterminal" could be with "minicom" replace data, you must be careful only to initialize, e.g. , Linux does not support 1.5 bits, stop bits, and if the baud rate is set to 115200, the data will then be of Hyperterminal to minicom sent correctly, but in the other direction runs the not. In 6 bits of data are transferred correctly only numbers, the characters (letters) unfortunately, not the data are transferred by one character, which to a non-canonical and non-blocking communication indicating.  





6.2 Access via Geraetedateien 




The other method I/O-ports to make accessible, is the "Device" /dev/port open to - similar to what normal files either to read, write, or simultaneously to both the stdio functions f * ( ), which usually for Blockgeraete (block device) are intended, can be used here, too, but are due to an internal buffering to avoid the Geraetedateifunktionen such as open() are available, as the ports under Zeichengeraete (charactere device) can be divided. 




It must also of course read/write permissions on /dev/port be present, and even if that condition is met, by the access to /dev/port is released, that means that this method does not yet beginning ioperm() and (even) are not "root" -access needs, but this type of port sharing in relation to system security is not recommended, because it a system breach 

It is possible, it can even access to the root "surreptitiously" by putting it 

/dev/port used to hard drives, network cards, etc, directly accessible power. 




This method is far more extensive and finds frequent use in the development of (any hardware access) of hardware-based access, it also offers much more possibilities in the handling of threads, and real-time, and it is not possible select (p. 2 select) or poll(you 2 poll) to use /dev/port to read, because the hardware                     no possibilities to remember of the statuses of the CPU has, if a value changes in an input port. 





6.2.1 ), open and close 




In order to provide data on a serial interface to be able send or receive, they must be opened first. This is the function int open(const char * pathname, int openflag / * ,mode_t mode * /) is available, this function you determine, whether from this (or to this) interface only is read or written or both at the same time, and this is done with the flags: O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY or O_RDWR. 





In this case, you must be read once (the single-board computer, the Sonnenstrahlstaerke, the speed, the direction, the temperature, the angular velocity and the Azimutgeschwindigkeit received from the sensors, reading), once simultaneously read and write (the Transceiver passes the values to the single-board computer and reads the desired values from the sensors from). Finally will be read by the single-board computer communicated values of actuators, i.e. it is only written. 




The following code example shows this step with the open( ) -Function: 


#Include <sys/types.h> // Definition of primitive system data types #include <sys/stat.h> // File Status 

#Include <fcntl.h> // elementary E- /A-operations 

#Include <errno.h> // with Konstantennummer Fehlerkonstantendefinition 

#Include <string.h> // macros and functions for Zeichenkettenbearbeitung int fd; 




FD = open( " /dev/ttyS0 ", O_WRONLY); 




If (fd < 0) 

Printf( "Error ضffnen of one COM1, %d, %s", errno, perror(errno)); else 

Printf( "COM1 has been successfully opened. \n" ); 




This function returns the file descriptor fd back in case of success, in the other case the function returns the value -1 is returned. 




It is important to note that this code the serial port COM1 to write opens. is written but it was only with the function "write". This function is explained in more detail below. 




More important for this task, but optional constants are the following: O_NOCTTY: The open terminal should not be the control terminal of the process. 





O_NONBLOCK: The open serial port, on subsequent I/O operations is not blocked. 

O_ASYNC: Asynchronous input/output, it generates a signal (SIGIO) O_SYNC: After each letter with the function write() is to be waiting for the write operation is completely finished. This means that each call to the function write() First of all, all data completely to the physical medium writes, before any of the other steps are possible. 




Once the communication is completed, you have the serial interface to be used for other applications or users share, this is done by the serial interface with the Int function close(int fd) closes. This function returns -1 if the port does not close cannot be, otherwise it returns 0 on success back, by a small example: 




#Include <unistd.h> / * Reduced UNIX Standard Library & symbolic constants * / 

#Include <errno.h> // with Konstantennummer Fehlerkonstantendefinition 

#Include <string.h> // macros and functions for Zeichenkettenbearbeitung if ((close(fd)) < 0) 

Printf( "Could not close the port. \n %d, %s", errno, perror(errno)); 




In the context of this work was the first serial interface closed as a precaution, to then to open again, because otherwise the incoming data is not properly and completely would be received, at the end of the program, the serial interface are not closed, because the program endless to send and receive data. 





Item 6.2.2 , . canonical and non-canonical Input/Output 




The function ssize_t write(int fd, const void * buffer, size_t nbytes of the) is actually the number of bytes written on success back. This number is way is not necessarily equal to the variable "nbytes of the", you can be less, indicate what is to not error, but only that the time has arrived no other data are. In error The function returns -1 back. In POSIX.1 corresponds to ssize_t signed integer and unsigned integer corresponds to size_t, what our write-function in int write(int fd, char * buffer, int nbytes of the converts. 




Code sample: 




#Include <stdio.h> // Standard Input/Output functions 

#Include <unistd.h> / * Reduced UNIX Standard Library & symbolic constants * / 




Int fd, iBuf; 

Char buffer[ ] = "Now the output test"; 




If ((iBuf = (write(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) )) < 0) 

Printf ( "Could not write on fd! " ); 

Else if (iBuf == sizeof(buffer)) 

Printf ( "All characters were successfully written! " ); 


Printf( " %d characters could only write! ", iBuf); 




A distinction can be two possibilities of communication: the one of the canonical mode, and for other of the non-canonical mode. 




Of the canonical mode means that the whole line at once sent (letter) or received (read) will be, in the work with normal files one speaks of buffered input/output, and the terminals, which are used in the canonical mode are deactivated by default preconfigured. When writing to the port for the time being this will only be the characters stored in the buffer, until either the full or to the end of the line is, which means only then will the contents of the buffer was actually transferred to the physical medium, if a linefeed LF(ASCII), new line or carriage NL retrun CR occurs. When closing the ports is the rest of the Puffer-Inhalts only written automatically, then the memory for the buffer released. In this mode you have to have the flag in the local constant ICANON set c_lflag. It is called the canonical mode also blocking, because of a read.





/Write-Operation of the application returns the control only, if a line of text has been entered. 




In the context of this work was written this code sample, in order to use the canonical mode: 






#Include <stdio.h> // Standard Input/Output functions 

#Include <stdlib.h> / * Reduced standard C library & useful general functions * / 

#Include <unistd.h> / * Reduced UNIX Standard Library & symbolic constants * / 

#Include <string.h> // macros and functions for  


#Include <fcntl.h> // elementary E- /A-operations 

#Include <termios.h> // POSIX terminal functions and constants #include <sys/types.h> // System Data Types Definitions of the primitive #include <sys/stat.h> // File Status 

#Include <errno.h> // Fehlerkonstantendefinition with Konstantennummer #define FALSE 0 

#Define TRUE 1 




Int STOP = FALSE; void init_port(int FD) 

Struct termios tio; 





Tcgetattr(fd, &tio); 

Tio.c_cflag = 0; tio.c_iflag = 0; tio.c_oflag = 0; tio.c_lflag = 0; 




Tio.c_cflag |= B38400; 

Tio.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; 

Tio.c_cflag |= CS8; 

Tio.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD); 




Tio.c_iflag = IGNPAR | ICRNL; 

Tio.c_oflag = 0; 

Tio.c_lflag = ICANON; 




Tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH); 

Tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &tio); 




Int main() 

Int fd, Iout; 

Char buffer[] = "time a little bit send! ? ! "; 




FD = open( " /dev/ttyS0 ", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); 

If (fd < 0) 

perror( " /dev/ttyS0 " ); 










While (STOP= =false) 

Iout = write(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); 

If (Iout < 0) 

Printf( "on COM0 can not write: %d, %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); 





Buffer[Iout] = 0; 

Printf( " %d and has been written exactly %s\n", Iout, buffer); if (buffer[ 0] == 'q') stop = TRUE; 




Close(fd); return 0; 








A terminal has 5 different Modi-Eigenschaften : Input Mode (iflag), output mode (oflag), control mode (he says), Local Mode (lflag) and control characters (cc), each these modes manages a large number of symbolic constants, such as the following table shows. 






input flag


Generate SIGINT at break


Ignoring break / parity errors


Parity check allow


Ignorieren von Carriage Return


Converting CR to NL on input


Switching on the parity check when entering


Flow control, enable software-


Mark parity errors


issuance flag


Provide an implementation-defined output type.

If this option is disabled, then all other

Ignores options in c_oflag.


NL to CR-NL Paare abbilden.


control flag


Terminal baud rate set.


Ignore the modem status symbol

or terminal only operate locally.


Character can be received.


Enable hardware flow control


Number of bits per character: CS5-8 for 5 to 8 bits per byte


Use two stop bits. By default, one stop bit.


Parity generation for output and

Enable parity checking for input.


Odd parity enable, otherwise just default.


Local flags


Each character you spend on the terminal.


The canonical (row-oriented) mode switch.


Generate a corresponding signal, whenTerminal control characters are entered (arrived).





Table 6- 2: The five different Modi-Eigenschaften a Terminal Component Description 

C_iflag      Eingabeflag 

BRKINT generate interruptible with SIGINT to break 

IGNBRK / IGNPAR ignore break/ Paritaetsfehlern 

Allow INPCK Paritaetsprufung 

IGNCR ignore of Carriage Return 

Convert ICRNL of CR in the NL when entering INLCR Paritaetsprufung switch on when you enter the IXON / IXOFF address decoder unit data flow allow highlight of Paritaetsfehlern PARMARK 

C_oflag     Ausgabeflag 

Allow a OPOST implementierungsdefinierten output type, if this option is locked, then all other 

Options in c_oflag ignored. 

ONLCR NL in CR-NL couples map. 

C_cflag      Kontrollflag 

B0-B115200 set baud rate of the terminal. 

Ignore the CLOCAL Modemstatuszeichen or the terminal only operate locally. 

CREAD characters can be received. 

Flow control hardwaremaessig CRTSCTS enable CSIZE bits per character: CS5-8 for 5 to 8 bits per byte cstop use two stop bits, deactivated by default a stop bit. PARENB Paritaetserzeugung Paritaetsprufung for the issue and allow for the input. 

Odd parity enable PARODD, otherwise it is just the default. 

c_lflag       Local flags 

Also ECHO each character typed on the terminal output. 

ICANON the canonical (CLI) mode, ISIG generate appropriate signal, if Terminalsteuerzeichen has occurred (arrived) are. 





c_cc[NCCS]  Control characters 

Vmin to read the minimum byte count before a read operation returns. 

VTIME the minimum time that is to be serviced, up to a read operation returns. 




The function tcgetattr(int fd, struct termios * tio) allows for it, the tio to determine stored Terminalattribute. The function tcsetattr(int fd, int flag, const struct termios * tio) in contrast, the previously set flags, where fd for a file descriptor is to be, for example, if the symbolic constant TSCANOW is used, this means that the changes are to be activated immediately. In contrast, TCSAFLUSH the result is that the only changes are to activate, after all pending expenditure were transferred. 

The tcflush function(fd, flag) empties the A- /Output Buffer of the with fd open Geraetedatei. This function are, in turn different symbolic constants are available: TCIFLUSH, TCOFLUSH and TCIOFLUSH. You have the function that either one, off or but a and output buffers are emptied, and the still in the respective buffers the data will be deleted without processing. 



The function ssize_t read(int fd, void * buffer, size_t nbytes of the) to read similar the function write( ), if you the header file <unistd.h> slipstreams, then it is defined as follows in POSIX.1 int read(int fd, char * buffer, int nbytes of the) and returns the number of bytes read back on success, the value 0 if EOF, otherwise a value of -1 is returned. 

When reading from a port (Zeichengeraet) with the functions read() or pread() is the number of characters to read actually often less than the nbytes of the specified number. This is just that at the moment no further characters are available [ 2]. 



The non-canonical mode, however, the input character immediately executed, i.e. without buffering immediately forwarded. This is either a certain number of bytes or after a certain period of time, the bytes is issued, the arrived. For this purpose the Array c_cc[] (see Table 6-3) available to the termios structure. 




MIN > 0

MIN == 0

TIME > 0

The read operation returns at least

MIN bytes when TIME is not yet

expired. It provides 1 or MIN

Bytes if TIME has expired.

The timer is the only

first byte read is started.

So here is an infinite

Blocking can be achieved.

The read operation returns 1 and

the number of required bytes

if TIME has not expired

is. Otherwise it returns 0.

The timer will start

the read operation started

TIME == 0

The read operation returns MIN bytes

if they exist.

Blocking also possible if

No MIN bytes are delivered.

The read operation returns 0 or

the number of required bytes.

She returns in any case without

Wait any immediate return.



Table 6- 3: Possible Steuerzeichenvarianten for the non-canonical Input Min > 0 min =0 

Time > 0, the read operation provides at least MIN Bytes, if time is not yet 

Has Expired, and provides 1 or MIN 

Bytes, when time has expired. 




The timer is only started when first read bytes, therefore here can be achieved an infinite block. 

The Read operation returns 1 bytes or the number required,  

If time has not yet expired 

Is, otherwise provides you 0 back. 




The timer is started at the beginning of the read operation 

Time =0 the read operation provides MIN bytes if they are present. 

Blocking also possible, if no MIN bytes will be delivered. 

The Read operation returns 0 or the number of bytes, you will return to every case without any wait back immediately. 



Non-canonical mode also means that an application can perform other tasks, as long as it is on I/O waits. For this reason, this type also non-blocking called. 




The following example illustrates a part of the in the context of this work developed codes in the non-canonical mode: 




#Include <stdio.h> // Standard Input/Output functions 

#Include <stdlib.h> / * Reduced standard C library & useful general functions * / 

#Include <unistd.h> / * Reduced UNIX Standard Library & symbolic constants * / 

#Include <string.h> // macros and functions for Zeichenkettenbearbeitung #include <fcntl.h> // elementary E- /A-operations 

#Include <termios.h> // POSIX terminal functions, and constant #include <sys/types.h> // Definition of primitive system data types #include <sys/stat.h> // File Status 

#Include <errno.h> // with Konstantennummer Fehlerkonstantendefinition 





Struct coordinates { 

Short speed; 

Short direction;  

Short temperature; 





Void init_port(int FD) 

Struct termios tio; tcgetattr(fd, &tio); 

Bzero( &tio, sizeof(tio)); 




Cfsetospeed ( &tio, B38400); 




Tio.c_cflag |= PARENB; 

Tio.c_cflag &= ~PARODD; 

Tio.c_cflag &= ~cstop; 

Tio.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; 

Tio.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; 

Tio.c_cflag |= CS8; 

Tio.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD); 




Tio.c_iflag = IGNPAR; 

Tio.c_oflag = 0; tio.c_lflag = 0; 

Tio.c_cc[VMIN] = 5; 

Tio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; 




Tcflush(fd, TCOFLUSH); 

Tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &tio); 








Int main() 

Int fd, Iin; 

Struct coordinates * coordinates; 

Char buffer[ 255] ; 




FD = open( " /dev/ttyS0 ", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); 

If (fd < 0)  

fprintf(stderr, "Can COM0 will not be opened. \n" ); 







Iin = write(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); 

If (IIN < 0) 

Printf( "on COM0 can not write: %d, %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); exit(-1); 




Buffer[iIn] = 0; 

Printf( " %d, and have been read exactly %s\n", iIn, buffer); 




Close(fd); return 0; 






The function bzero() sets the first n (sizeof()) bytes from the beginning of the terminal tio to zero. 




POSIX.1 offers the following summarized functions to ask and/or change the terminal properties: tcgetattr, tcsetattr, cfgeti(o)speed, cfset(i)ospeed and tcflush. 




Table 6- 4: POSIX-functions to query and change the Terminalattribute. 





Ask for the Terminalattribute 

Set the Terminalattribute 






Ask for the input speed 

Ask for the output speed 

Set the input speed 

Set the output speed 


Empty the tcflush A and/or output buffer 






Check the terminal attributes

Set the terminal attributes





Call the input speed

Check the output speed

Set the input speed

Set the output rate


Empty the input and / or output buffer







Figure 6- 1: Terminal E/A-functions in the overview. 





The function cfgeti(o)speed obtained from the A- /output speed, but it must be called only after the termios structure with the function tcgetattr() has been determined. 

The function cfsetospeed sets the baud rate in this case the value B38400. Here also applies that the with cfseti(o)speed-functions set changes not be adjusted until the function tcsetattr() is called. 





6.2.3 . . synchronous and asynchronous transfer 




The canonical or non-canonical mode can both synchronously and asynchronously be programd. 

So that the computer understands the incoming serial data, he needs a reference to the place where a character ends and the following begins, in the Asynchronous Mode Seriendatenleitung remains in the high-status (1) is transferred to a character, each character is a start bit progress and will immediately of each bit in the character followed - optional of a Paritaetsbit and at least one or two stop bits. 

The start bit is always a low-signal (0) and tells the computer that new series data are present, data can be sent or received at any time. 

The duration of an individual bits by a clock is determined in the transmitter, by with the next clock pulse will be the next bit is output in the incoming bit pattern recipients is to the sender with a scanned asynchronous clock. If the recipients to the next character is waiting, it recognizes this scanning the digits like 1-0-edge of the start bits and knows that now is a new character, between the sender and recipients must be the number of bits per character and with the regular transfer rate and the width of a bits in the manufacture of the connection be firmly agreed. 

The recipients know then, what is to be expected, and so can always be approximately in the Bitmitte palpation and the values of the individual bits of a character determine the optional Paritaetsbit is a simple sum of the bits, the view, whether the data is a even or odd number of 1-bits contain. With Straight parity is the Paritaetsbit 0, when there is an even number of ones in the characters, with odd parity is the Paritaetsbit 0, when there is an odd number of ones in 





The data is there. In addition, there are still three more Paritaetsvarianten: Raumparitaet (space parity), where the Paritaetsbit is always 0, and the second type is Markierungsparitaet (mark parity) called, with her is the Paritaetsbit is always 1. The last version (no parity) sets no Paritaetsbit. 




Figure 6- 2: asynchronous data transfer with 7 bits Datenlaenge. 



It can be 1 or 2 stop bits between the characters to be and you always have a value of 1 (high-signal). This uebertragungsart is to remember that three bits each eight data bits are added, and that therefore, of course, the uebertragungseffizienz is reduced, and the time to transfer the "bagged" eight bits is to 3/8 longer than the time that one for "naked" would have needed eight bits, which is the time for the transfer of data will be lost, with longer telegrams is therefore offers a synchronous transfer to, when asynchronous transfer (returns) is the reading (immediately) returned immediately and sends a signal to the calling program, the following an application of the non-synchronous communication: 


#Include <termios.h> 

#Include <stdlib.h> 

/ * Reduced standard C library & useful general functions * / 

#Include <stdio.h> // Standard Input/Output functions 

#Include <unistd.h> //            reduced UNIX Standard Library & symbolic constants  

#Include <fcntl.h> // elementary E- /A-operations 

#Include <sys/signal.h> // macros and functions to intercept Signals 

#Include <errno.h> // with Konstantennummer Fehlerkonstantendefinition 

#Include <string.h> // macros and functions for Zeichenkettenbearbeitung #define FALSE 0 

#Define TRUE 1 









Int received=TRUE; 




Void signal_handler (int s) 

Printf( "SIGIO receive. \n" ); 

Received = FALSE; 




Int main(int argc, char * argv[ ]) 

Int fd, iIn, i, key; 

Char CIN, message[ 90]; 

Struct termios oldtio, newtio; 

Struct sigaction SIGIO; 

Char buffer[ 255]; 




If (argc != 2) 

Printf( "Please Port Number Ewhen ! \n" ); 

Exit (-1) ; 


FD = open(argv[ 1], O_RDWR | | O_NOCTTY O_NONBLOCK); if (fd < 0) 

Printf( "Error ضffnen: %d %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); exit(-1); 




SIGIO.sa_handler = signal_handler; 

Sigemptyset( &SIGIO.sa_mask); 

SIGIO.sa_flags = 0; 

SIGIO.sa_restorer = NULL; 


sigaction(SIGIO, &SIGIO, NULL); 




FCNTL(fd, F_SETOWN, getpid( )); 





Tcgetattr(fd, &oldtio); 

Newtio.c_cflag = B38400 | | CRTSCTS CLOCAL CS8 | | CREAD; newtio.c_iflag = IGNPAR; 

Newtio.c_oflag = 0; newtio.c_lflag = 0; 

Newtio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; 

Newtio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH); 

Tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &newtio); tcsetattr(1, TCSANOW, &newtio); 




While (stop == false) 

If ((key = getc(STDIN_FILENO)) == true) 

Switch (key) 

Case 0x1b: / * Esc * / 




Write(fd, &key, 1); 


If (received == false) 




Iin = read(fd, buffer, 255); 

If (IIN <= 0) 

Printf( "Error ضffnen: %d %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); exit (-1); 


For (i= 0; i<Iin; i++)  //for all chars in string 

CIN = buffer[i]; 

If ((CIN< 32) || (CIN>125)) 

sprintf(message, " %x", CIN); 

fputs(message, STDOUT_FILENO); 

Else fputc ((int) CIN, STDOUT_FILENO); 




Received = TRUE; 

Tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &oldtio); 


Return 0; 





The transfer is deactivated by default synchronous (also known as blocking), i.e. with the reading will be maintained as long as data to be available to spend and/or read, unlike the asynchronous data will appear the synchronous data as a constant stream. to the data on the data line to read, the computer must have a common Bittaktgeber or made to provide, so that the sender and the recipients will be synchronized as synchronous protocols no character by character Synchronisierungsbit use, usually for at least a 25% improvement compared to the asynchronous communication and are for connections with more than two serial interfaces better suited.  


In spite of the gains of the synchronous communication method support most RS-232 this procedure is not due to the high expense of hardware and software. 

Characteristic for the synchronous data transmission is that the recipients the same clock speed as the sender uses in every telegram and his measure a synchronization with the of the transmitter performs to to be able to scan correctly. 





6.3 . Threadprogrammierbeispiel 




The threads-programming happens to a with the POSIX-threads, and the second possibility is the programming with the help of the common API of RTLinux, and each of these variants has advantages and disadvantages, the RTLinux API is productive as POSIX, but has the disadvantage that it is not in other operating systems cannot be. 




It is still to mention that the system can crash, for example, if the collaborative process saturates the entire processor resources, i.e. no more time to run Linux (user space) has, in general, it is the real-time programming (kernel space) with a very large care to perform, as they do not offer security to Systemintegritaet. 

If you would like to create threads, then it is a the function

Int pthread_create(pthread_t is * threadID, pthread_attr_t * attr, void * ( * threadFct) (void * ),  





Void * arg), this function returns 0 on success or is there a back in the other case Exxx-Wert back. When creating the threads is him a unique thread ID that is assigned to the pthread_t is one with the function pthread_self(void) can be obtained from the threads are in the Standard POSIX.1b specified and under the Herder, file pthread.h (prepared). 




#Include <pthread.h> 

Struct thread_data { short speed; 

Short direction; 

Short temperature; 


Void * read(void * data); 

Void * Letter(void * data); 

Int main(void) 

pthread_t is assigned id1, ID2; 

Struct thread_data data1, data2; 

Data1.speed = " 123.4 "; 

Data1.direction = "35.64 "; 

Data1.temperature = 40; 

Pthread_create( &assigned id1, NULL, &writing, &data1); 

Pthread_create( &numcount id 2, NULL, &read; &data2); 

Pthread_join(assigned id1, NULL); 

Pthread_join(numcount id 2, NULL); 

Return 0; 

Void * Letter(void * data) 

Int fd, Iin; 

Char buffer[ 255]; 

FD = open( " /dev/ttyS0 ", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); 

If (fd < 0) error message; 

Iin = write(fd, buffer, 255); if (IIN < 0) error message; 

Buffer[iIn] = 0; 

fprintf(stderr, "were written %d characters \n", IIN); 

Return 0; 





In the present work, the thread parameter from the serial interface will be handed over, this is the fourth parameter arg function in the pthread_create() is available. 




The pthread_join(pthread_t is Id, void ** retval) suspended the implementation of the paged thread until the thread with the identifier id is finished. 

RT-Linux essentially consists of the following modules [ ? ]: 





 Rtl_sched.o: implies the System matching Echtzeitscheduler (single or dual processor system). 

 Rtl_fifo.o: API to manage the real-time FIFOs. 

 Rtl_posixio.o: Application API to Geraeteverwaltung. 

 Rtl_time.o: API for real time (accuracy in Nanoseconden). provides, the timer is available. 

 RTL.o: Echtzeit-Mikrokern , the the basic framework and provides the Interrupthandler. 






 A real time application is in the form of a Kern-Moduls programd, what also is known as a collaborative process. 

 A collaborative process is mostly built up from various Echtzeitteilen, the quasi-run in parallel, the scheduler is the task, depending on the various computing time to assign priority. 

 This Echtzeitteile are in accordance with C-functions, the threads are called and a Echtzeitcode include, the timely, with guaranteed response time, must be performed. 


How to get out of the C-programming knows, the processor looks (Praeprozessor) first, a main function; when the Echtzeitmodulen are there two functions, which are expected, and although init_module( ), the loading of the module is called and is used to set up the function of the Echtzeitprozesses and cleanup_module( ), which guaranteed the opposite, that is in the unloading the module is called and the clean-up is used. 




11.5      Literature 





[ 1] 




[ 2] 




[ 3] 




[ 4] 




[ 5] 




[ 6]: 




[ 9]: Port-Programming .html or 

Http:// Port-Programming 




[ 10]: 




[ 11]: 




[ 12]: 




[ 15]: 

, Http://  





[ 16]: ; 





[ 8]: Richard, Stevens (1992): Advanced Programming in the UNIX environment, USA: Addison-Wesley. 




[ 7]: Graefe zu, Martin (2005): C and Linux) Munich: Hansen Verlag.






[ 14]: Embedded Linux: Manual for developers v. Robert Schwebel, 1 Edition : with ap-Verlag, Bonn 2001. 




[ 13]: Herold, Helmut (2004) :Linux Unix system programming, Munich: Addison-Wesley. 7

12      Integration code in C

[1]Author> Samir Mourad

[2] Technical data sheets of Analog Device of

[3] Technical data sheets of Analog Device of

[4]   Application note from Honeywell Inc. of

[5] The script is available for free on the Internet under